Month: October 2014

Summary of a Twitter Exchange

Gun Control Activist: “Universal Background Checks now!”
Me: “Excuse me. Can you tell me the percentage of drop in violent crime with UBC?”
Gun Control Activist: [crickets]
Me:  “Hello? Anybody home?”
Gun Control Activist: “I can’t predict the future.”
Me: Gimme an approximation w/ a 20% margin of error.
Gun Control Activist: YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE!


Where I disagree with Grant Cunningham.

I’m no longer willing to deal with the downsides of the shotgun, especially when there are other ways to achieve the same ends. My AR-15, for instance, is shorter, lighter, has a significantly rearward weight bias in comparison to just about any shotgun, recoils less, is easier to get back on target for followup shots, and frankly is a lot more fun to practice with. It’s also extremely effective, particularly at the distances one is likely to find in a home.

(A lever-action rifle isn’t quite as easy to use as an AR-15, but it still beats the shotgun as far as I’m concerned!)

For me, the advantages of the shotgun are few and are outweighed by the disadvantages I’ve noted. The trouble is that too many people buy into an idea (“the shotgun is the ultimate home defense gun!”) without honestly assessing their own needs and capabilities.

via I don’t care what Joe Biden says, the shotgun isn’t all it’s cracked up to be! | Rifles, Home security.

At least partially. Yes, a good rifle will do what a shotgun can and with less apparent disadvantages but… only if you can afford it.

Here is where I have a problem with the rifle concept: A decent M4-type weapon is gonna cost you and that is before accessorizing with a red dot and even a light. And then you need the ammo and the extra mags and the sling…and by then you are broke doing the tactical Barbie thing and shelling up to $2,000.

Now, our objective is defense and even if we do so with less than the “perfect” tools, it beats waving the feather duster against a bad guy. Take for example the  Hawk Model 982,  a Chinese clone of the Remington 870 that has had decent reviews and can be bought for under $200 and in many cases in the $150 to $160 range. Or you can go the used shotgun way with prices slightly above the Hawk and still leaves you with enough money to buy shells and get some basic training.

Is it the universal long gun for home defense? Of course not. My petite wife may take one or two shots with it and call it a day so her training level will be zero. But if the person can deal with the recoil, why not?

So basically that is my humble opinion. The shotgun is still a viable long gun for home defense depending on the circumstances.



Moms Demand: Graphic reason why their message is not going through.

Leave to the well-paid advertising geniuses that works for Moms Demand to screw up a basic childhood entertainment: The Tin Can Phone.

Moms Demand Tin Can Phone

I wonder how is it that a Stay-At-Home mother like Shannon Watts did not catch the glaring mistake of not having the frigging string taut between the calling parties.

Then again it is a perfect representation of why their message is not going far.

They screw up something so basic, yet we must blindly trust them when they speak of gun safety. Yeah right.

Domestic Violence Month: This is how you curb abusing mates.

Case 1:

During their investigation, detectives learned that Stroud was the boyfriend of the 43 year female. Earlier in the evening, Stroud showed up at the residence intoxicated and assaulted the 48 year old female and the 43 year old female. During the assault, the 48 year old female was able to obtain a semi- automatic handgun which she brandished at Stroud, and told him to quit assaulting the females. Stroud not only refused, but aggressively came at the 48 year old female who was holding the handgun, who then shot Stroud.

via Yesterday’s Shelter Cove Homicide: Sheriff’s Office Waiting to See Whether Charges Will Be Filed | Lost Coast Outpost | Humboldt County.

Case 2:

PRINCETON, N.C. (WTVD) — The Johnston County District Attorney’s Office has ruled the death of a man in Princeton Sunday morning self defense.

Police initially charged 27-year-old Crystal Turner with second-degree murder for allegedly stabbing 25-year-old Julius Crenshaw in the neck in the 500 block of South Pearl Street around 1:30 a.m. during a domestic dispute.

But Assistant District Attorney Paul Jackson said Crenshaw hit Turner in the face multiple times before throwing a grill of hot coals at her – burning her skin. He then charged at her and that’s when she stabbed him.

Jackson said Crenshaw was convicted of assaulting Turner and breaking into her home in May.

via Death of boyfriend in Princeton ruled self defense |

The probability of recidivism for both attackers stands now at zero.

Shooting at Canada’s Parliament.

Initial info has it as a possible Mumbai-style attack on various locations. One soldier on post at the Unknown Soldier monument injured.Shooter inside Parliament down due to fast & violent response by Sargent-of-Arms.

Details may change as more info comes in.

The three locations where shooting has been reported. Only Parliament is hard confirmed. The other two not fully confirmed yet at time of post.


UPDATE 12:54 pm Ottawa Police confirms looking for multiple suspects.

Brothers Reunited.

They both likely left Springfield Armory together back in June of 1943, eventually going their seperate ways during or after World War Two. 1665008 was eventually loaned to Denmark and returned, heavily rebuilt with Danish parts, in the early 2000s, then sold to me by the Civilian Marksmanship Program(CMP). 1665009? Who knows?

via Lagniappe’s Lair: Twins!.

Amazing, what do you figure are the chances?