Month: November 2014

Micheal Brown got shot by Officer Wilson because you own a Glock.

The death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, reveals many things about America. One of them that has not yet received adequate attention is that there is a strong case for a form of gun control that is much stricter than anything that’s remotely plausible in the context of American politics.

via We shouldn’t talk about Ferguson without talking about guns – Vox.

And apparently me owning a revolver directly leads to doctors not giving black people enough pain killers.

At least we are not responsible for Climate Change….yet.

The Facebook Bot Attack appears to be under control.

The attacks that the blog endured for the last couple of days appear to be finally over. Once that I managed to convince WebHost Tech Support that it was impossible for a WordPress widget to go to Facebook, open a fake account and trigger the attack, I was finally told how to protect the site via a third-party application called CloudFlare.  I have no idea how it works, but traffic is back to normal instead of the five-fold number of hits I was getting in concentrated form.

Some may have noticed that a post disappeared, to wit the one about mobs attacking your car. For whatever reason the URL for this post was being used in the attack and while the new service kicked in, I removed it to use the automatic Hammer Of The Gods ban that comes with WordPress Security for too many 404 requests. I’ll put it back up later today.

My only other peeve is why Facebook has decided to ignore this issue and not change a couple of lines of code to avoid the abuse of their resources. Maybe they are too busy trying to bring Guatemalan farmers to run their servers or some shit like that.

Standing for what’s right, racial politics be damned.

On Tuesday night, as police and soldiers took up positions in the parking lots of virtually every strip mall and big box store around it, the forecourt of the brightly lit gas station was busy with customers.

One, a six feet, eight-inch tall man named Derrick Jordan – “Stretch,” as friends call him – whisked an AR-15 assault rifle out from a pickup truck parked near the entrance.

Jordan, 37, was one of four black Ferguson residents who spent Tuesday night planted in front of the store, pistols tucked into their waistbands, waiting to ward off looters or catch shoplifters.

via In Ferguson, black residents stand guard at white-owned store | Reuters.

What happened in Ferguson is a crying shame. And I am one of those who believe the damage was not caused by residents but by imported ass-clowns and the criminal element ready to cash on some sure-to-come unrest.

Until we (and I mean everybody,including the Media ass-hats) celebrate people like Derrick Jordan and his friend’s wish to defend their neighborhood, we will fall prey again to the political race-baiters who have no problem getting people killed or their future destroyed.

Having the stores boarded up was a good first idea:

But they failed the message, four simple words proven to be effective with the proper backing:

Things are different in Miami.

About 100 people rallied in front of Miami-Dade’s criminal courthouse Tuesday night in a boisterous but peaceful Ferguson rally marred only by the arrest of two young men for trespassing…
…Near the main entrance on the south side of the building, two young men dressed in black charged onto the steps at officers, who swiftly took them down and handcuffed them. The two men — Phillip Brian Agnew, 29, of Hialeah and Shaw Jeremy Roberts, 25, of Pompano Beach —were charged with failure to obey a lawful order.

via In Miami, a small but passionate protest over Ferguson shooting | The Miami Herald.

I had been reading about Ferguson protest all day and how in different cities the protesters were blocking highways and roads to spread” their message. But Miami is different and unless you moved yesterday, you know that there is a good chance to end up part of the asphalt if you step on a highway.  Sometimes, it seems that there is a pedestrian hit-and-run every week in South Florida.

So, the protesters did all right. You need to be alive to exercise your rights.

And they breathe and vote.

Like increasing numbers of people, Mary believes she suffers from electromagnetic hypersensitivity intolerance syndrome (EHS) — in other words, she thinks the electronic devices most of us rely on in our everyday lives are making her ill.

Up to 5 per cent of the population — more than 3 million people — believe they are affected by some degree of electro-sensitivity, an allergy to the radiowaves and microwaves emitted by devices.

These range from mobile phones to television screens and even light bulbs. The waves are a form of non-ionising radiation, designed to be too low in frequency to affect people.

However, EHS sufferers believe this low-level radiation is capable of causing harm, and report symptoms ranging from headaches, lethargy and nausea to breathing difficulties and even paralysis. They also fear the radiation may cause cancer, autoimmune diseases and neurological disorders in the long-term.

via Could Wi-Fi be harming YOUR health? | Daily Mail Online.

But apparently, regular daylight which has frequencies in those evil spectrum do not harm her…or GPS or amateur radio or Sirius radio or microwave ovens or a whole bunch of things that play on those frequencies.

If she was really serious about avoiding the evil waves, maybe she should wear chain mail from top to bottom as it would be a portable version of a Faraday Cage.