Month: November 2014

Florida poised to let hunters use silencers. Gun Control Activist freaks out.

[As]he tiptoed through the woods in pursuit of a rabbit, Elmer J. Fudd was cautious to be “vewy, vewy quiet.”

The Looney Tunes sportsman might like what Florida hunting officials might do this week.

When the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission meets Thursday in Key Largo, the state’s rule-makers for hunters and anglers are expected to lift a 57-year-old ban on silencers, noise-suppressing devices that can be attached to the barrel of a rifle or pistol to muffle the “bang.”

Opponents think silencing guns near homes is a bad idea and will endanger lives.

via Florida poised to let hunters use silencers – Orlando Sentinel.

Hunting with silencers has been re-introduced in several states now and the gloom-and-doom predictions of the gun control activists have not come to pass.

And even though the article does a slight-of-writing trick and associates silencers with the mobster wars of Prohibition, the fact is that they were put on the National Firearms Act as an anti-poaching regulation so people who were starving during the Great Depression could not go hunt at the King’ lands and hunt the King’ deer.  That it may have actually happened back then, i still haven’t been able to find specific cases, but I am not saying that it did not happen.

“This is not a hunting issue, and this is not a gun-rights issue. This is a safety issue,” said Patricia Brigham, who heads the gun-safety committee for the League of Women Voters in Florida. “If neighbors don’t hear gunshots in the area, how are they going to know to stay out of the way?”

If Ms. Brigham would have cared to make a wee bit research, she would have find out that silencers do not eliminate the sound of shooting 100%. It may lower the sound of escaping gases to a tolerable level but still we are talking Black Cat firecracker bang (The new ones that are so frigging weak) and since rifle hunting rounds are supersonic, that crack is not dissipated at all.

But then again Ms Brigham is not just an innocent member of the League of Women Voters of Florida but a full fan of Gun Control. The Facebook page of LWVF Gun Safety Commitee is full of links to the Brady Campaign and Everytown/Moms Demand (I thought the Leagues of Women Voters were supposed to be non-partisans and non-lobbyist). Ms Brigham’s Facebook page is pretty clean but she could not help herself and celebrate the passing of I-594 in Washington State and has a cute little graphic in it.  And in her Linkedin profile she has Moms Demand and Everytown as “follows.”

Back to using silencers for hunting. I figure that the ban will be lifted because for all the moaning and hand-wringing, the opposition cannot produce one iota of evidence probing that it will be a dangerous thing. I have to think that this is gonna be one of those unintended consequences of Gun Control backfiring on its followers:

“We cannot have people shooting! It is loud and bothers me. I don’t wanna hear it”
“OK, we are then gonna approve the use of silencers so the noise does not bother you.”
“You can’t let people use silencers! It is not safe because I cannot hear the shooting!”


Miami-Dade students pledge for safety amid Gun Safety Awareness (I think we’ve seen this one before)

Miami-Dade Schools Police Chief Ian Moffett kicked off the week’s observance with third graders at Earlington Heights Elementary School, urging the youngsters to never touch a gun, and to immediately alert an adult when they see one. “See something, say something, do something,” Moffett said to the crowd.

The third graders later shared what they learned. “If you see a gun, don’t touch it,” said student Jimmie Neal. “Just tell an adult or a guardian.”

“Don’t pick it up and go tell an adult,” said student Adrianna Davis.

via Miami-Dade students pledge for safety amid Gun Safety Awareness – WSVN-TV – 7NEWS Miami Ft. Lauderdale News, Weather, Deco.

Could it be Eddie Eagle Program in the Classrooms?  Or maybe they are just plagiarizing….

You know, I don’t care. It is good teaching. Safety is what we are after, not accolades.


Because they are women and have better taste.

I had a pingback from a post last Saturday and it led me to Bitterroot Women’s Shooting School Don’t ask me why, but I loved the name of the place and their logo.

Bitterroot Womens Shooting School


In a world full of macho logos and Tommy Tactical pics, it is nice to see something nice as this.  Also a reminder that not all shooters go for that MOLLE & Sweat digital cammo stuff but have more normal lives.

I cannot attest to their competence as school since I have no experience with them, but I saw their blog quoting Kathy “Cornered Cat” Jackson so I have the suspicion they can’t be all bad.


@Jennifer4130: Good Troll while it lasted. UPDATE

The last several days have been abuzz in the TwitterWorld with the Jennifer Mom. Initially she fooled many (me included) as your traditional dumb-ass, All-feeling, no-brain liberal repeating the standard anti-gun verbose.
But troll always end up jumping the shark and eventually she posted several graphics with some seriously dumb messages in them and culminated today with the “Glock” her husband bought without her permission:


Now, we know that there are people out there that can’t tell the difference between a Glock and a sewing machine, but what tipped the scales is that this pic is from Wikipedia and took all of 5 seconds to find it. In both pictures the gun have the same serial number and the Wiki page indicates that the photo was uploaded in September of 2007.

So, good job @Jennifer4130 and everybody else, stop feeding the Troll.

UPDATE: Sean Sorrentino also found that the photo in Jennifer’s avatar is harvested from other sources: The Laughing Stork.

Jennifer avatar