Month: May 2015

No Lawyers – Only Guns and Money: Bad Apple Lawyers – The Theorist

Mass tort actions, especially those brought by plaintiffs’ attorneys (aka ambulance chasers), depend upon a large number of individuals harmed. When dealing with asbestos or tobacco, it was easier to find potential clients. However, when dealing with gun shot victims, there are many fewer and it was harder to line up potential clients. Thus the alliance with municipalities was critical for both the private plaintiffs attorneys who handled cases for New Orleans and other locales and for those who used Kairys’ public nuisance theory. By taking the focus off the individual and putting it on a mass group, the “blame the smoker” approach of defense attorneys is harder to employ. Erichson noted this in his essay for Suing the Gun Industry.As a matter of causation, plaintiffs in individual gun cases have difficulty proving that different industry conduct would have prevented a particular victim’s shooting. Municipal gun lawsuits, by treating the harm on an aggregate level in terms of cost to the municipality, remove attention from any individual shooting and thus diminish the power of the defense arguments that focus on blameworthy victims, owners, or shooters. Thus, the public entity plaintiff in tobacco litigation is less vulnerable to to the defendants’ “blame the smoker” argument for contributory negligence, comparative fault, or assumption of risk, while the public entity plaintiff in gun litigation is less vulnerable to the defendants’ “blame the shooter” argument for superseding cause or for challenging actual causation.

Source: No Lawyers – Only Guns and Money: Bad Apple Lawyers – The Theorist

I just know this is going to be an awesome series of posts. I know it is not as sexy as seeing CSGV members go unhinged or some gun review, but this stuff is where what needs to be learned, specially Gun Culture 2.0 as it was one of the darkest moments in Gun Rights history.

Seriously people, read every single post.

Trying to make a case against guns on campus, professor makes the argument why they are needed.

Moms Demand Guns On Campus

All this was over receiving a B on a completely low-stakes assignment.What followed was even more startling. The following week, the student brought along a muscle-bound man to class. He watched me through the doorway window for the entire three hours of the class, with his arms folded across his chest.And if this wasn’t enough, the young woman’s classmates avoided me on campus because, they said, they were afraid of getting caught in the crossfire should she decide to shoot me.

Source: Will guns on campus lead to grade inflation? – Houston Chronicle

So according to the author of this piece (Jessica Smartt Gullion) Precious Snowflake goes batshit for a B grade and uses threatening strategies against the teacher…well right there is a damned good reason to carry a gun just to make sure that if the threats go into the realm of application of force, you have something other than tenure to use.

But it gets better:

I WAS lucky that the student didn’t have a gun in my classroom. Other professors have not been so lucky.

Last year, a student at Purdue shot his instructor in front of a classroom of students. In anotherincident in 2009, a student at Northern Virginia Community College tried to shoot his math professor on campus. And in 2000, a graduate student at the University of Arkansas shot his English professor.

In each of these states, carrying handguns on campus was illegal at the time of the shooting, although a bill was introduced in Arkansas earlier this year to allow students to carry guns.

But…but.. you are arguing that keeping the campus Gun Free will make everybody safe! So what is it?

God Help Me. They let anybody teach kids nowadays. Cognitive Dissonance has replaced Common Sense and basic processing software for humans.

It is the weekend and I have nothing but this…

ballistic shield 1


And Now:
ballistic shield 2It kinda tells you how little the mission has changed over the years, but the needs have remained. We went from Sir Galahad’s slow suit to a one handed (one-armed?) shield that has better protection against incoming bullets.

OK, go have fun…. It is Hot Dogs and Movie night over this side of the blog. I am undecided between The Wild Bunch or The Magnificent Seven.

Baltimore Riots: Burn the Pizza Guy.

Watch at your own leisure, but let me give you a preview: It is not a case where the shop owner was inside and they set the place on fire, nope: They poured lighter fluid on him and tried to set him on fire.

The first thing that came to mind was the disgusting practice of “necklacing” (follow the link at your own risk, graphic content) and the thought of people in the US actually trying to burn a fellow citizen alive is just too disgusting to even begin to process.

I got involved in a Facebook discussion about guns (so what is new?) and somebody asked why would anybody need a high-capacity magazine and/or a semi automatic rifle (constitutional reasons apart) . My answer was one worded: Baltimore.

This was the response from one of the individuals engaged in the discussion:

Baltimore Pizza shop 1

This was before I had seen the video. When I did, I returned to the thread and posted it:

Baltimore Pizza shop 2

I am always amazed at the Liberal “caring” mindset: You lose property to vandals, property that you poured who knows how many hours of unpaid labor, missed family time, missed nights and weekends with friends (specially on sports’ finals) because you had to slave over an oven…all that does not count, only the material stuff that can be covered by insurance. And God Forbid that you avoid the fiery ministrations of a crowd by defending yourself since there  might be a risk that somebody else but the firebug might get hit. That those somebodies are called ACCOMPLICES does not seem to process in their tiny little brains.

I do hope the pizza shop owner gets his gun. But that being Maryland, I figure he is facing an uphill trek specially since the same mentality that argued with me last night is the one running the show over there.