Month: August 2016

Offensive Narrative

When people refer to “The Narrative” in American politics, they are referring to a baseline set of assumptions to be made about a specific situation or group of people.  The Narrative is crafted by politicians, pundits, the media, and others to shape the way the American people discuss certain issues.  The goal of any group is to control The Narrative and therefore get the assumptions on their side.  The Narrative need not be true, in fact The Narrative is designed to obfuscate the truth, when the truth gets in the way of your political goals.

A good example of this is the abortion debate.  The Narrative (or at least part of it) is that Republicans/Conservatives don’t like abortion because they are mean and they hate women.  Whether or not Conservatives hate women or value the life of an unborn child is neither here nor there, The Narrative makes anti-abortion equivalent to the hatred of women.  The “War on Women” mantra that the Democrats have pushed has been effective in helping craft that Narrative.

Over the years, the Democrats have crafted several Narratives about different groups that, when evaluated, are highly offensive.

One Narrative is that every time a Republican tries to get Welfare reform, the motivation is racism.  The Narrative says that the only reason Republicans want to cut welfare is they hate black people.  Nothing about reigning in spending, the destructive power of government dependency, subsidizing socially disruptive behavior like single parenthood/fatherless homes, or any of the other negatives associated with a cradle to grave welfare state are ever discussed.  It is Republicans hate Black people.  If you think about that for a moment, The Narrative equates Black people with welfare.  Black America cannot survive without Welfare.  Any discussion of a Black middle class that is not dependent on welfare is ignored.  Blacks and welfare go hand in hand.  This Narrative should be highly offensive to Black America, but the Democrats continue to push it.

Another Narrative associates all persons of Hispanic descent with Illegal Immigrants.  Any discussion of immigration reform and border control is deemed racist.  The Democrats have worked to win the Hispanic/Latin vote by kowtowing to Illegal Immigrants.  Any discussion about crime rates in sanctuary cities, drug trafficking, sex and human trafficking, wage depression for low skilled American workers, is immediately dismissed as anti-Hispanic racism.  What is worse is that this Narrative assumes all persons of Hispanic/Latin descent are Illegals or have ties to Illegals.  Never mind the people of Cuban heritage who came here as refugees from a Communist revolution and genocide.  Never mind the  people of Puerto Rican heritage who are actually US citizens.  Never mind the people who have legally immigrated here from the various nations of Central and South America, each with a unique culture and identity.  According to the Democrats, they are all just a bunch of Illegal fruit pickers who should support the guy with the D after his name to stop the guy with the R after his name form keeping all their Mexican fruit picking cousins from hopping the fence.  Of course, this Narrative is also highly offensive, equating all people of Hispanic/Latin heritage with illegal immigrants.

One of the funniest and most offensive thing I’ve ever seen was my buddy, who is a US born citizen of Venezuelan descent (whose parents came here to get there MS degrees in engineering and applied for and were granted US citizenship after my buddy was born here) rip a Democrat pollster a new asshole or two, after the pollster saw a swarthy guy speaking Spanish and assumed he was 1) Mexican, and 2) wanted to help other children of Illegals have the same shot as he did.

But the newest Narrative being crafted by the Democrats is by far the most offensive one yet.  One I hope that goes to far and burns the party.

Rudy Giuliani has noted that the Democrats have become the anti-law enforcement party.  Hillary Clinton snubbed America’s largest police union turning down their endorsement.  The DNC has made Black Lives Matter part of their platform and allowed their leaders to speak at their convention.

Democrats across the country have allowed the protests associated with #BLM to happen.   From the Mayor of Baltimore giving the protesters “room to destroy” to the media and Democrat politicians downplaying the violence and destruction as “peaceful protests.”

The Democrats are siding with Black criminals against cops.

Of course the Democrats are doing this trying to secure the Black vote for Democrats after eight years of the Obama Administration absolutely destroying the Black community economically.  Here is the thing, for this Narrative to take hold the number one assumption that it makes is that Black people are criminals.  That has to be the assumption.

One would think that law abiding Black people would want law and order.  They wouldn’t want their business looted and burned.  They want safe places to raise their children.  They don’t want to be robbed or shot in their neighborhoods.  The Ferguson Effect is the increase in crime associated with a decrease in police patrols due to political fallout.  It is taking its toll on American cities.  Even some on the Left acknowledge that policing is necessary to keep crime at bay.

But the Democrats are going after cops.  They are supporting cop haters and cop killers.

Why would law abiding Black people to vote against their own safety and self interest?  They shouldn’t.  Unless… the Narrative can take root that “Black people = crime”  and the police are the natural enemy of Black people.

This is taking negative assumptions about the Black community to 11.  Right now, the Democrats seem to be effective in crafting this Narrative.  My only hope is that the law abiding Black community can realize how bad it is for them when their communities are no longer policed and the criminals truly take over.  Maybe then the will realize just how bad the Democrats are for them.  But until then, this awful, evil, horrible Narrative will continue to grow, and God help the good people caught in its wake.

Sunday Funnies

This story gave me the giggles (because I am a bad person).

In north Atlanta, a large bird of prey – an owl or hawk of some type – is attacking people in a park.  On its own, that’s not all that funny.

However, this doofus has been attacked THREE TIMES.  When he is interviewed by the news about the fact that he has been attacked multiple times by this bird while running, he is wearing a Mom’s Demand Action shirt.

MDA guy

Just look at him with his stupid face and MDA shirt.

Now I’m not saying this is a case for a defensive gun use, but this guy obviously forgot the first rule of nature, when outside, you are on the food chain.

Right now, it’s a bird that made him a bitch.  But he’s just in a park. Put him out in the real wild and it will be a bear or a pack of wolves that will turn him into shit.

That is for only four-legged predators.  Depending on what source you look at, and from what year, but between 2012 and 2016, Atlanta, GA has been somewhere in the top 10 most dangerous cities in America.  If this guy is going to get his ass kicked by a bird, what is going to happen to him when he runs into one of Atlanta’s less friendly citizens?

I that MDA shirt might as well say “rob me because I’m not carrying.”  His only defense will be his smug air of self-satisfaction, and I doubt that is bulletproof.

Maybe I’m being unfair to this guy.  It’s just that this guy just seems to hit every stereotype of the urban anti-gun crowd.

Here we go again… Live round fired during police drill at Rockwood middle school.

ROANE COUNTY, TENN. – A Rockwood Police Officer accidentally fired a live round of ammunition during a “blank-fire” drill at Rockwood Middle School Thursday morning. “We had an accidental discharge that should not have happened,” Rockwood Police Chief Danny Wright told 10News. “Nobody was ever in danger.”Rockwood PD and Roane County Schools were working together on the drill this week to demonstrate to school staff and teachers what an active shooter situation sounds like.During the drill, teachers, staff and school personnel are locked in a classroom with the police chief while an officer fires blank rounds in the hallway.However, the officer’s weapon contained a live round.

Source: Live round mistakenly fired during police drill at middle school |

Another Dog and Pony show and another negligent discharge.  Instructor Fife strikes again.

Barney Fife one bullet


Punta Gorda PD F.O.F. update. It gets even worse.

According to the records, Coel was hired by the Miramar (Florida) Police Department in February 2012.The Miramar PD sent him to Florida Law Enforcement Basic Recruit Training Program — a five month entry-level course that teaches basic police skills.After he graduated and returned to his department, Coel was assigned to a Field Training Officer, or FTO.FTOs are seasoned officers whose job is to twofold. Not only are they supposed to teach the rookies how to police, they’re also given the responsibility to cull the bad ones from the herd.Coel was fired by Miramar in April 2013. The reason: “Failure to Satisfactorily Complete Agency Field Training.”

…He holds no instructor certifications, and is therefore not qualified to teach anything to anyone.

Source: Punta Gorda officer who killed librarian was barely trained, not a firearms instructor – The Gun Writer

Kevin C. of Misfires and Light Strikes gave me his opinion and I think it is very plausible:

Based on what I know about this stuff, PR work like this is never given to door kickers: It’s pretty much administrative punishment handed out to people who aren’t “real” cop.

If this is turns out to be true (and I think it might very well be) a general sacking of White Shirts is in order. From the Chief to the Public Relations and Information to the sergeant who assigned this officer to this duty. All of them showed a disregard for the welfare of the people they have sworn to protect on an event that should have been 100% under they control but was not because of reckless disregard for the proper safety protocols.

I expect Michael Bane to do either a blog post or a podcasts comment about this event. If you are in Facebook, find him and read his “rant” of August 10 where he explains the safety conditions that real Fire On Fire trainers set up before anybody pulls the trigger.


I know I am generalizing, but it is  very sparse the number of cops that cops are good instructors and know their stuff. It is your due diligence to make sure who are they. And no, your mother’s second cousin four times removed who works for the Gardens Of Dead Palmettos By The Beach Police Department and has a Glock 17 with rust in the trigger guard and the mag well is not one of the top Florida instructors.


Liberal Retardation

This is not a gun post, but I think it is relevant in today’s political climate.

I caught this story over at Twitchy.

Gigi Gorgeous is a transgender (male to female) fashion blogger, model, and YouTube star.  Recently she traveled to Dubai as a tourist and was detained at the airport for being transgendered and goes on to lament just how unfair that is.



Ms. Gorgeous is a victim.  Not so much of Dubai – she should have seen what happened to her coming – but of hard core, Left wing, Liberal idiocy.

I bet you she knows all about how hateful, bigoted, transphobic, religious extremist Republicans won’t allow her to use the ladies room in South Carolina.  But how in the hell does a professional transgender spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy tickets to Dubai, get a passport and a tourist visa, and not know that transpeople and homosexuals are detained and denied entry to Dubai, and can be imprisoned and even put to death if they are caught engaging in homosexual acts in the country.  The US State Department puts out travel warnings about this.

Not to long ago Dubai was in the news for imprisoning a Norwegian woman who was raped in the country.  Same thing happened to an Australian woman.  And a Dutch woman in the neighboring country of Qatar.

These nations may look like modern countries because of the oil wealth and built by slaves, but they are still culturally the same, backwards, Dark Ages, desert, Third World shit-holes they were a millennia ago.

Trust a Liberal not to know that.

I won’t travel there.  You can’t get in is you have an Israeli stamp in your passport, and they are even detaining people with “very Jewish” last names.  Saudi Arabia won’t even allow in Jews to work.  The only way I end up in a plane flying into a Arab country’s airspace is if I am aboard it delivering ordinance.  Then again, I’m not an idiot.

This type of stupidity is how someone like Obama can say “It’s easier to get a gun than a book” and have people believe him.  Because, these people live in a world where an ISIS shooting up a gay night club is evidence of Republican hate and global warming is the cause of rape by migrants in Europe.  This stupidity is dangerous.  Ms. Gorgeous should be glad she escaped with her life.

Gays Against Guns targets investment group, have sudden onset of amnesia on Hillary.

(Bloomberg) — Gays Against Guns, a group formed days after the June massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando, will target BlackRock Inc. to kick off a campaign pressuring companies to cut ties with the firearms industry. The group chose BlackRock because some funds run by the world’s biggest asset manager hold shares in Sturm Ruger & Co. and Smith & Wesson Holding Corp., makers of guns used in previous mass shootings, said Tim Murphy, spokesman for the New York-based organization.”

“We’re not afraid to shame and demonize,” Murphy said. “We have a history of loud, activism. We are going to target consumer partners who support both the LGBT community and the NRA and say it has to be us or them.”

Source: BlackRock Targeted by Gay Activists for Investing in Firearms

And anytime now we will see George Takei on TV “shaming and demonizing” Hillary and the DNC for having Gay-Basher Seddique Mateen, father of Omar, the Pulse Club shooter as supporter.


omar mateen father 1

Nope, I don’t expect that to happen any time soon.