Month: May 2017

Gunshot injury to the hand, 9mm.

Stolen from Women Carry
“This is why it’s important to handle our firearms with our full attention on the process AND follow all 4 of the safety rules.
This gentleman got distracted while unloading his gun, didn’t double check the chamber, pointed it at his hand and pulled the trigger. It went through multiple walls before stopping.
9mm Sig P229 Ball Reloads.

Click here to redirect to the picture. GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING.

But you know that 9 mm won’t hurt a thing. Right?

Brady Campaign condemns “threats” from the Governor of Texas.

AUSTIN (AP/KXAN) — Gov. Greg Abbott visited a gun range Friday to sign a law reducing Texas’ fees for licenses to carry handguns to the lowest in the nation. According to the Texas Tribune, the governor then joked, “I’m gonna carry this around in case I see any reporters,” while holding his bullet-ridden target sheet. The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence posted to their Facebook page, “The governor of Texas made a dangerous and out of line joke. We’ve seen time and time again these type of words insight [sic] violence. Words matter. #ENOUGH.” The governor’s office has not responded to a request for comment.

Source: Brady Campaign condemns Gov. Abbott’s joke about guns and reporters |

Tell you what, the Brady Campaign should come up with some shirts printed with Gun Free Zone signs and “DO NOT SHOT!” to give journalists for free.

It has been all about the media lately, hasn’t it.

And contrary to what they are trying to say, we are very respectful to the First Amendment and very respectful toward Journalists. And I can promise will show the proper  respect and admiration whenever the first Journalist ever appears somewhere. We shall not extend the same respect to the Public Relations Associates that work in Newspapers, TV Stations newscasts and other “informational” outlets.


“THIS IS WAR!!!!…Oh sh**! They are actually shooting!”

Either mischief or purposely targeting the Lexington Herald-Leader:

And suddenly CSGV joins the ZOMG! chorus and cannot fathom how people can do stuff like that. Bubba, lemme tell ya: You are your buddies in the media have been attacking us for decades now and somehow stuff was kept civil because of us.

But Elections 2016 happened and you,  the Media, Antifa and even members of the high political class declared war and “resistance”, decided to actually embrace and support violence, and yet somehow you expected the other side would not react? What are you thinking? Or better yet, Are you thinking at all?

I do not condone the shooting because of private property. Newspapers do not make money today means that is probably a rental space and the original owner has to pay for the repairs. But the sentiment ? Damn Skippy I do get it.

I have quoted Hosea 8:7 before:

For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.

Guess what? It is Hurricane Season.



Car Ad Warfare

Let’s say Europeans have a freer hand then us when it comes to bashing on the opponent.

Mercedes Ad…

And Jaguar’s response…

That’s funny, I don’t care who you are.