Month: September 2017

The Battle for National Reciprocity is ON.

You have to admit that the strategy is smart. We should know, we have been using the low-key and very personal approach for a while now.

And it is almost smart (not quite) that Moms Demand are trying to make this a States’ Rights issue but I do believe this can be countered with variations on  old questions used when Concealed Carry was trying to pass in each state, specially Florida and those that came immediately after:

Do you think the citizens of your state are stupid to own guns?

Do you trust the citizens of your state to carry a firearm for their defense?

Why don’t you want the citizens of your state to be able to defend themselves outside your state? 

Does the Right to defend oneself stops at the State Line?

If you think defending yourself outside the state is such bad idea, how come we have reciprocity agreements with (x number) of states? How come you have not spoken against this before?

By the way, Representative Jody Rice (pictured above) is registered and elected as a Republican. Last time I saw a member of a legislature getting this chummy with Moms Demand, Florida got screwed out of Open Carry and other good gun bills by the same people who are now (allegedly) in Favor of State Rights.

Season is always open for RINOS.

Hat tip Jeff A.


Protest I support

Some people were in DC protesting Trump in Dinosaur costumes.

I couldn’t see their sign or hear what they were shouting, but the only thing that makes sense to me is that they must be protesting for funding for dinosaur cloning research.   I fully support that and believe Trump should fund that.  I can’t wait to see actual living Tyrannosaurus at the National Zoo.

Does this mean Hunting Season is open? 

Via Clayton Cramer.

Federal authorities have been warning state and local officials since early 2016 that leftist extremists known as “antifa” had become increasingly confrontational and dangerous, so much so that the Department of Homeland Security formally classified their activities as “domestic terrorist violence,” according to interviews and confidential law enforcement documents obtained by POLITICO.

Source: FBI, Homeland Security warn of more ‘antifa’ attacks – POLITICO

I know, I know… We are required to be civilized and stuff. So we can’t shoot them…. yet.

So maybe this info is why all of the sudden the Democrats and the Media are trying to separate themselves from Antifa. I just could not digest that they were unaware for eight frigging months that there was a bunch of black hooded animals attacking people they don’t like for any reason.

And do not believe Antifa will disappear. That kind of deniable tool is too tempting for the Left to simply destroy. They will probably be re-branded into something else, perhaps all red like the Chavistas’ “Colectivos” in Venezuela.

Hospital Crud is still kicking my ass.

Sorry guys and gals for the lack of posting. Instead of improving, whatever the hell I picked up at the hospital decided to increase its asshole level which was no fun since I had to go out into the real world.  I am unable to come u with the words for a couple of posts I had in mind, so I am just gonna take it easy.

I leave you with a comic strip from my childhood: Mafalda. I bumped into this particular one not long ago and I had to laugh because it was one of two strips the author made and they managed to ruin chess for me. This was the time of Bobby Fischer and Gary Kasparov matches so all the kids wanted to play chess.

The original strip was in Spanish so I translated it. The inquisitor is a toddler that goes by the name of Guille. Mafalda is his sister and is seated on the left and on the right Felipito who is a neighbor.


Neither Socialism nor European Elitism can do this.

Only a filthy rich capitalist can open his store and place millions of dollars of his goods so the unfortunate can have dry place to sleep. It is a cloud of volunteers that came over and helped this “Nazi” guy to keep the rescued people clothed fed and cared for.

This is the real America. This is what we are. This is what we will fight to keep.

My contempt about Europe is growing more and more everyday. I am guessing the good ones have already emigrated and those that remain will serve as proud slaves of whatever kingdom ends up swallowing the Old Countries.

And I shan’t miss them much.