Month: October 2017

Celebrity Twitter

Apparently the hip thing to do if you are a celebrity with a social media presence is to randomly Tweet opinions worthy of Heinrich Himmler.

Disagree with Lauren Duca’s side and you are hostile to American democracy.  Presumably democracy should defend itself from this hostile action, and engage in violence against Trump supporters.

Nothing says Nazi tolerance like dragging a political dissident’s children out of their homes in the middle of the night.

It is really become apropos of nothing that famous people with blue check marks on Twitter try to whip their followers into a two minutes hate against anybody who has committed the thought crime of supporting the duly elected president of the United States.

These Tweets really reveal the character of these people.  They think they are showing the world just how good they are by hating Trump and his supporters.  I don’t think they realize that “vote for our person next time or we’ll take your children away and kill you” is either a moral or winning message.

San Juan (PR) Mayor: When even Geraldo thinks you are a partisan hack.

If you rewind some, you will catch Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz moving goalpost with the definition of dying when she is confronted by Geraldo.

To give you guys an idea of the corruption in PR: It makes NYC and New Orleans look like temples of purity and truth filled with Vestal virgins. And don’t expect things to improve anytime in the next 30 years or so.  Truthfully, we do not need the Island to be a part of the United States. We should let the Cubans get it, that would be punishment enough for both.

Puerto Rico has averaged 2.1 hurricanes per decade in the last 90 years.  Nobody can be so stupid as to not be prepared for them, yet the local government and people (I am not gonna make excuses for them) have decided not to do crap about it and hope that “Dios proveera” (God will provide) which means they expect mainland US will cough up taxpayers’ money so they can go back to doing and governing the same way as before.

The best investment we can make is to rebuild the grids (power and water) and finance the independence movement.  I do believe it will be cheaper in the long run.

Accidental Honesty

Miriam- Webster defines a gaff as “a social or diplomatic blunder.

Journalist Michael Kinsley once said, “A gaffe is when a politician tells the truth – some obvious truth he isn’t supposed to say.”

The other day Nancy Pelosi was asked a question about gun control.

Her immediate response was “oh god.”

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

That deer in the headlights look is more than just Botox.

Gun control is fine for Democrats to talk about in private.  Out in the open, they KNOW deep in their hearts is a losing proposition at the National level.  Especially in a Trump presidency.

That question could be translated into “dance on the third rail for us for a little bit.”

There was more honesty in her “oh god” than in every deliberate word she has ever spoken in her whole life.

You want to know the state of gun control in America.  It makes Nancy Pelosi nervous to talk about it.

P.S. Paul Ryan, take note.  The only people National Concealed Carry would piss of are people who would never vote for you anyway.  Don’t pander to them.  Grow a dick and balls and push forward National Concealed Carry.