Month: January 2018

Tactical Teacup Grip by the Army.

J. Kb. posted this picture and made the comment about the officer watching too many old movies.

Chris G. a buddy and fellow IDPA shooter contacted me in Facebook and let me know that the Tea-Cup Grip was army doctrine. It was called the Palm-Supported Grip.

That capture is extracted from the Army manual titled FM3-23-35 COMBAT TRAINING WITH PISTOLS M9 AND M11.

Click to enlarge

Do notice that the manual was issued in 203 with updates in 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2008. According to Chris, the new update no longer carries the Tactical Teacup Grip in its content, but it took them all the way to 2017 to excise it from the pages.

Chris also made the comment that he got in somewhat of a hot water with an NCO because he chided the use of that grip when he saw it being taught.  The NCO came down on him because it was in the manual and that meant it is right. I guess there is the right way and then there is the Army “right” way.