Month: May 2018

Handgun registration? I am not surprised.

A bill to federally encourage handgun licensing at state level.

Sebastian wonders.

I find it odd that Van Hollen would go after handguns. Going after rifles is the latest vogue in the gun control movement post-Heller.

Just So You’re Aware What’s at Stake

Let us remember that the National Firearms Act’s first goal was to ban or highly restrict handguns, but they could not do it at the time.  Gun Control Act of 1968 did target handguns with the “sporting purpose’ idiocy and then the tag from the media about the “Saturday Night Specials” which led to banning the importation of  handguns under certain barrel length.

The problem as the Liberals see it is that a handgun is concealable.  An AR-15? Not so much. Open carry of an AK 47 will attract attention immediately even in full Open Carry states. A concealed pistol? Well, there are an approximately 15 million Americans right now about their business, mingling about legally carrying concealed and nobody knows who they are or what they carry.

And that scares the shit out of Left Wing politicians. The idea that they cannot be as fascist as they can be because there are unregistered weapons about that can be used to curb their thirst for power just is too much for them.

And yes, that means that Concealed Carry must be eliminated.

So no, I am not surprised one bit they are going after handguns.


Starbucks Social Justice-ed itself to death

Kevin Johnson just killed Starbucks.

Starbucks drops Jewish group from anti-bias training session: report.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) will no longer work on Starbucks’ anti-bias training sessions next month after the company faced backlash from activists, the company told Politico on Monday.

Jaime Riley, a spokeswoman for Starbucks, told the news outlet that the ADL, which works to combat anti-Semitism in the U.S., will be a part of the company’s extended anti-discrimination efforts. But the group will not play a role in developing the training on May 29.

Two weeks ago I wrote a post how the Louis Farrakhan supporting co-chair of The Woman’s March came out against Starbucks for working with the ADL among other groups.  It seems that Starbucks capitulated to their demands.


Activists criticized Starbucks for involving the ADL over the organization’s support for Israel and failure to endorse the Black Lives Matter movement. The group announced in 2016 that it would not fully endorse the movement over some leaders’ “anti-Israel — and at times anti-Semitic — positions.”

Tamika Mallory, an organizer of the Women’s March, posted on Twitter that the ADL is “constantly attacking black and brown people,” and criticized Starbucks as “tone deaf” for involving the group.

So the ADL called out BLM for its Antisemitism.  Deservedly so.  BLM has strongly supported the antisemitic and anti-Israel Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign while accusing Israel of genocide.  This is just another example of far Left wing groups supporting radical Islam.

But wait, there’s more!

Black Lives Matter D.C. accused the ADL of being “ultra pro-cop.”

We have reached the terminus of Progressivism.  Cops are anti-Black and Blacks are anti-cop.  To be pro-law and order is racist because… black people can’t obey the law…?

Somehow, every time I try to think about this, it just seems really, really racist.

Nevertheless, if you support the police you must be an anti-black racist.

So Starbucks has officially embraced anti-police, anti-Israel, and antisemitism as training policy in order to be obsequious to the group that attacked Starbucks for using the police to defend their property rights.

I guess there is never any reason to buy from Starbucks again.

This is BEFORE the details of the anti bias training have come out.  I’ve already heard plenty of calls by non-Progressives (both on the Right and non-radical Left) for baristas to secretly record the training and post it online.  Just to see if it is as bad as people suspect it will be.

I would have thought that shutting down every Starbucks in America for a day was going to be a bad financial idea.  Starbucks decided to double down on the dumb by going with a public statement to the effect of “fuck the Jews and police, we’re going to be subservient to the radical demands of a group that 57% of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of.

I guess Starbucks management got bit by the same “we don’t want to make any more money so let’s insult and alienate our major customer base” bug that Yeti management did.  It seems to be going around.

I wonder what former Starbucks CEO, and observant Jew, Howard Schultz has to say about this?

Has David Hogg been tweeting from Colorado?

David Hogg tweeted this banal hoseshit.

Really?  Is he high?

Non violence is effective ONLY when your opposition is very, very civil.  That is because you are asking those oppressing you to stop, trying to appeal to their better nature or to defeat them with shame.

Gandhi accomplished what he did, only because the time was ripe for it.  Empires were no longer fashionable after WWII and too expensive to maintain.  The Germans and French were giving up their colonies in Africa.  France and Britain were pulling out of the Middle East.  Britain couldn’t rebuild itself after WWII and control nearly a billion people in India, so gave up India.

The British also knew that cracking down hard in India just after defeating the Nazis would not be a good image.

The American South was the same.  Yes, southern (Democrat) governors and sheriffs fought civil rights protesters with fire hoses and police dogs.  In the grand scale of history, that is pretty mild and civil.  In other countries, soldiers would have been mobilized to  open fire on the protesters with rifles.  Then how far would the civil rights movement have gotten?

History tells us the answer.  It looks like the treatment of the Armenians by the Turks, the Jews by the Nazis, the Ukrainians by the Soviets, the Great Leap Forward, the Killing Fields of Cambodia, Tutsis in Rwanda, the chopping off of hands in Sierra Leone, and the mass murder of white Farmers in Zimbabwe and South Africa.

That is what happens when the oppressor decided to be savage instead of civil.  All the pickets and protests mean fuck-all diddly-squat when the oppressor has a rifle or a machete and has no compunction against using it.

I am reminded of the quote from Starship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlein:

“I was heaping scorn on an inexcusably silly idea — a practice I shall always follow. Anyone who clings to the historically untrue and thoroughly immoral doctrine that violence never settles anything I would advise to conjure up the ghosts of Napoleon Bonaparte and the Duke of Wellington and let them debate it. The ghost of Hitler could referee and the jury might well be the Dodo, the Great Auk, and the Passenger Pigeon. Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms.”

I just find Hogg’s platitude to be ironic and self serving.

He had called for violence to be used against law abiding gun owners.  So I guess what he really wants is for us his side to be non-violent so we will be non-violent, at which point he can pull a rope-a-dope by becoming violent (or having violence done on his behalf by people tougher than he is).

One Year Later!

A year ago I installed a new statistics plug-in for the site. I did not know it would dispose of the old stats and rather than do the usual end-of-year recap, I would be forced to do a May First/For The Motherland! recap.

To keep it short, here is where we stand one year later:

1,453,035  Visitors and 5,226,006 Visits.

So my jaw has been dragging the floor since I checked.

I want to thank J. Kb. who has been a great part of the blog and good friend.

And I do have to specially thank our readers who keep coming back and hopefully having a bit of fun and getting  a bit of information while at it.




The international roots of Civil War 2.0

The caravan of “refugees” made it to the US border.  Because these people are “refugees,” rather than claim asylum at a checkpoint, they hopped the fence.

“[T]he asylum seekers had travelled in school buses under police escort to a beachfront rally in Tijuana, where a steel fence juts out into the Pacific Ocean. They sang the Honduran national anthem, and supporters on the San Diego side of the fence waved a Honduran flag.”

This is what that looks like:

That looks like an invasion to me.  I know that sounds played out, but when people forcibly enter your country, singing their anthem, and waiving their flag, that is very different than asking a host nation for the mercy of sanctuary.

George Ramos of Univision said on Tucker Carlson that America needs to do this because American drug addicts are are responsible for the problems in South and Central America.

That is bullshit.  The history of much of South and Central America is that of juntas and revolutions.  The term Banana Republic dated back to 1901, long before the drug epidemic.  These nations got into drug production as a way for revolutionary forces to generate funding.  The factions decided that selling drugs was better and more lucrative than fighting a revolution and a narco state stalemate occurred.  MS-13 started as a El Salvadorian revolutionary force that became a drug cartel.  But why let history get in your way.

So people on the Left are fighting to welcome in people who hop the fence to waive the flag and sing the anthem of their homeland on US soil.

This is a cultural gulf that cannot be bridged.

I’m not sure what is going to break us first.  An attempt at gun confiscation or the welcoming in of a wave of “refugees” so large that it collapses the infrastructure of a US state.