Month: June 2018

When a Mass Shooting does not fit the narrative. #Annapolis (Update)

The shooting of the Capital Gazette newspaper was tagged in Twitter by #Annapolis, the town where the paper resides. It rode hard all day till the name of the shooter and the type of weapon used were confirmed: No Evil AR-15 but a shotgun and no White Pro-Trump redneck but a guy with a Hispanic Surname and a history of lost lawsuits with the Newspaper.

I took this screen capture around 11:30 pm or so last night. not even 12 hours after the shooting. #Annapolis has vanished but Capital Gazette is still up.

This one just now (7:21 am)

Pretty much gone from the public outcry machine and not even 24 hours have elapsed and substituted from the collective cybernetic consciousness by a Rap artist and a song crapping on George Zimmerman.

UPDATE: This scree cap just now (7:46 am)

#Annapolis and the Capitol Gazette are no longer trending.

Publix & Emotional Support Animals

This sign has been see in Publix Supermarkets:

Because there are individuals out there that abuse the privilege and business owners and employees that are ignorant of the law.

Q3. Are emotional support, therapy, comfort, or companion animals considered service animals under the ADA?
A. No. These terms are used to describe animals that provide comfort just by being with a person. Because they have not been trained to perform a specific job or task, they do not qualify as service animals under the ADA. However, some State or local governments have laws that allow people to take emotional support animals into public places. You may check with your State and local government agencies to find out about these laws.

Frequently Asked Questions about Service Animals and the ADA 

So this sucker ain’t covered by the American with Disabilities Act

Or this one:

Good for Publix in this case. And I hope I see this being duplicated in other places. Assholes like the above unduly task business and make the program designed to help people with real problems a joke.

It was over in Sixty Seconds.

“This person was prepared today to come in,” Krampf said. “This person was prepared to shoot people. His intent was to cause harm.”
Police and EMS units arrived within 60 seconds of the shooting, something officials credited with saving lives.
“If they were not there as quickly as they did [get here], it would have been a lot worse,” Annapolis Mayor Gavin Buckley said. “We did not expect some thing like this to happen in our community, but we were ready.”

5 Dead, Others ‘Gravely Injured’ In Mass Shooting At Capital Gazette; Suspect Named.

Sixty seconds is an amazing response time. There are not enough kudos for the responders. and still they ended up with 5 dead. That tells you how fast this thing develop and that you are either ready answer or ready to die.

No, there is a 100% guarantee that there won’t be a body count, but we strive to reduce it.

I am sure we are missing more details. We will see in the next days what happened.


Honest metaphor

The phrase that Chris Matthews is using from the Spanish Civil War is “¡No pasarán!”

It was most famously said by Dolores Ibárruri at the Battle of Madrid.

Ibárruri was a hero and founder of The Communist Party of Spain.

Of all the metaphors that Chris Matthews could use, he had to equate the Democrats to Marxist Communists.

At least he’s honest about where the Democrats stand.


The history of Civility

Ashley Nicole Black is a writer for Samantha “Don’t want my children going to the same school as my maid’s kids” Bee.

She Tweeted this about civility.

There you have it.  Civility is racist.  The Left no longer needs to be civil.

Except this makes no sense.

I, not being a rich Progressive TV writer in NYC, thought it was the KKK that was uncivil when they burned crosses on lawns, bombed churches, and lynched people.

I thought it was the racist police under leadership like Bull Connor who were uncivil when they sprayed peaceful marchers with fire hoses and set police dogs on them.

I thought the assassinations of Medgar Evers and Martin Luther King, Jr. were uncivil.

I thought that the Montgomery bus boycott and peaceful marches were civil.

I guess I was wrong.

I guess that Progressives fighting Republicans with the tactics of the KKK – making people fear for their lives, threatening bombings, shootings, burning stuff on lawns – is civil.

But I guess since civility is racist, I’m a bigot for thinking “maybe threatening to kill a Congressman and his children is a bad idea.”

The new rules are changing fast.

You might think that stopping some Progressives form curb stomping some old man in a MAGA hat makes you a hero.  Unfortunately, that type of civil behavior is going to get you called a “Hitler Nazi white supremacist Klansman” on MSNBC.