Month: September 2018

#MeToo: Not a question if they screw up.

If you follow the Hollywood scene, you should remember that not too long ago, Rose McGowan accused Actres and Director Asia Argento of sending naked pictures and then have sex with then 12-year-old actor Jimmy Bennett. The #MeToo movement trying to prove they are equal-opportunity haters, pushed in the cattle car and denounced her evil (if unproven) ways.

Rose McGowan and Asia Argento

Fast Forward about a month and oops! #MyBad comes to play.

Rose McGowan has apologized to Asia Argento.
McGowan issued her mea culpa on Thursday, following a demand from Argento that the actress retract an earlier statement that she knew Argento slept with actor Jimmy Bennett when he was a teen.
“On 27 August I released a statement about Asia Argento, which I now realized contained a number of facts that were not correct,” McGowan’s statement read. “The most serious of these was that I said that the unsolicited nude text messages Asia received from Jimmy Bennett had been sent since Jimmy was 12 years old.”

Damn, after she was raked over coals, tar and feathered, it turns out that maybe she was not a rapist of 12-year-old but may barely be accused of texting a titty pic to a 17-year-old.

.Don’t you love lynching mobs?


Dead poets society

The People for Bernie have sent a Tweet that is both hilarious and pathetic.

You’d think for a bunch of useless art majors, they’d be able to write better poetry.

What is interesting about this is that it doesn’t specifically reference Senators or politicians.  It simply says “them.”

That might be politicians.  It may be their supporters or just people to the right of Bernie.

If you can’t get to DC and harass an elected official, you can always assault a kid with a MAGA hat and send the same message.

Achieving political goals through intimidation is a slippery slope.  There will always be someone who calls your bluff, and to keep moving forward you have to get violent.  An empty threat is useless.

We all know this, that’s why we are telling you now, knock this shit off.  We know where it leads and we don’t want to go there.

Since you may not listen to reason, I might be able to get you to listen to my shitty poetry.

Confront if you insist
I will punch you with my fist.
I may hit you with a bat
or shoot you with my gat.
If you scare my wife,
I will stab you with a knife.
We don’t want to be harassed,
At the backlash, you’ll be aghast.
We’ll knock the teeth out of your mouth,
If you do this in the South.
Do not waste your breath,
we will beat you all to death.
Consider yourselves warned.  

Are we clear now?

Women’s March and the law of unintended consiquences

This was Tweeted by the notoriously anti-Semitic, racist, terrorist supporting Women’s March.  

The statement:

If you vote to put an alleged rapist on the court, if you argue that he has still earned his place in the halls of power after abusing women, you are a rape apologist.

Lets break this down shall we?

If you vote to put an alleged rapist on the court

Alleged rapist.  Alleged.  Not proven.  Not convicted.  Alleged.  The standard for the Women’s March is alleged.  Anybody can allege anything at any time.

if you argue that he has still earned his place in the halls of power after abusing women,

The abuse has not been proven.  The argument is that the allegations have not corroboration or evidence behind them.  The Women’s March has pivoted from “alleged” to “he did it” in the length of a comma.

you are a rape apologist.

Absolutely nobody is saying “it’s okay that he raped a girl, we should let him on the court anyway.”  It would be suicidal for the GOP to do that.  They are saying “we have no evidence or corroboration, so under our system of goverment, he has be benefit of the doubt at the presumption of innocence as the accused.”

The standard for the Women’s March is saying “hold on a minute, can we get some evidence that a man did was he is being accused of before we destroy his life” is now being a rape apologist.

They are now trying to shame every GOP senator on the Judiciary Committee this way, for example, Ted Cruz:

This is beyond unreasonable.

“If a woman accuses a man of something horrible, with no evidence or corroboration, we should believe her and destroy him.  Any man that wants evidence or corroboration of the accusation should also be destroyed for being a ‘rape apologist.'”

How is this message supposed to resonate with any woman with a husband, brother, or son who is not a totally radical SJW?

The lesson that I learned is never believe the woman.  She better bring a mountain of evidence and eye witnesses, and have no history of supporting Democrats.

I’m taking the “Boondocks, Trial of R Kelly” standard.

I don’t think I’m going be alone in this.

When a baseless allegation can be used to destroy, not just the person alleged, but anybody who doubts the allegation, that’s going to far and there will be push back.

Newton’s Third Law is usually summarized as “for every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction.”

This applies to politics as well.

For every hard push in one direction, there is an equal but opposite push in another.

Obama gave us Trump.  The rise of the SJW led to a resurgence of the White Supremacist.

The Women’s March is pushing hard Stalin.  What will the push back be?



What will happen to Kavanaugh in a week?

Miguel was right, Kavanaugh was treated as a kiddie fondler.

Digging into the USA Today article, it says:

McFadden told USA TODAY Sports’ A.J. Perez on Friday that “adult volunteers with extensive contact with children” go through fingerprinting, criminal background checks and training under what is called the VIRTUS program.

“The person is VIRTUS-trained,” McFadden said of Kavanaugh, “and has gone through a background check, which was clean.”

So Kavanaugh has gone through multiple background checks, training, and in his entire history as a coach has never had a single accusation of misconduct leveled against him by a player or parent, but still that’s not enough.

It will never be enough.

Consider how the left talks about gun control and concealed carry.  At face value they say “we want people to have background checks and training, then we’re fine with owning guns.”  It makes them seem reasonable to moderates.

Then we bring up things like the 4473 and NICS and states that have CCW training and… it’s still not enough.  They want psychological testing, police interviews, training that exceeds the standards of most local law enforcement, etc.  They continue to move the goalposts until it’s clear they want to hurdles to clear to be impossibly high.

Then we say “that’s unreasonable, police and federal LEOs don’t go through that much to have guns issued to them.”  Then they turn around and say “you’re against common sense regulations.”

That is exactly what will happen here.

I guarantee that this is what the FBI investigation of Kavanaugh will be like:

And yes, I think that Diane Feinstein is Dark Helmet.  She’s short, stupid, and evil.

So after this last investigation doesn’t come back with evidence of the allegation against him, you know, you know, that the Democrats are not going to say “well, we asked for the FBI investigation, they didn’t find anything, we’re cool with Kavanaugh now.”

The hard part is figuring out what they will say.

It might be “but Trump interfered with the FBI.”

It might be “but this is the same FBI that sunk the election for Hillary, so we can’t trust them.”

It is hard for many on the Right to really grok the level of immorality that the Left will stoop to for political gain.

We rack our brains to come up with an idea and think “No serious or decent person would stoop so low as to imply or accuse a man of child molestation without evidence.  That’s beyond the pale of human decency.”

Then they do it.

We know that the Left is an ideology that has put 50 million people in death camps.  We know the Left is an ideology that has deliberately starved 50 million people to death.  We know about the gas chambers, firing squads, torture.

We know in the US that the very first Democrat, Andrew Jackson, was responsible for the Trail of Tears.  We know the Democrats ran against the abolition of slavery and created Jim Crow.  We know that the first Progressive Democrat, Woodrow Wilson segregated the military.  We know that the most beloved Progressive Democrat of all time, FDR, interred the Japanese, sent Jewish refugees back to Nazi Germany, and created a plan to disperse the survivors of the Holocaust to the most barren parts of the world.

Still, we have a hard time predicting just how evil they can be.

If I were to say that the Democrats right now are combing through the financials of every woman who might have known Kavanaugh in high school to look for one with bad credit and a history of bankruptcy, who would be willing to corroborate Dr. Ford’s testimony to the FBI in exchange for a fat pile of George Soros money, I couldn’t take myself seriously.  That sounds like the kind of tinfoil hat bullshit that Alex Jones would rant about.

Which probably means they are doing  it.

Assuming they are unable (because I pretty sure they are willing) to fabricate evidence against Kavanaugh, what happens next?

What degree of evil will they stoop to?

How far will they push the goal post while still screaming that the GOP is “not being reasonable?”

Whatever it is, you know it will be horrible, and you know that it is coming.


I called it. Kavanaguh treated as a possible Child Molester?

Three days ago I made a post about possible fake accusations that Kavanaugh would be facing in the near future;

Will the Democrats accuse Kavanaugh of trading Child Porn?
Or maybe even taking secret trips to the far East to engage in sex with minors.
I am just waiting for that to happen any time soon. That would be the political kitchen sink.

Guess what? USA Today goes oh-so-very-gently into “You may want to keep your kids away from the Rapist Judge.”

“It may be impossible for him to coach,” McFadden said. “Imagine being in a public gym where people could come in and be disrupting. I’m not sure he was referring to the claim (of sexual misconduct), but the overall environment. He has no record and has no criminal background. He’s gone through the (training) process. He can coach.”

The nation is deeply divided. Sometimes it feels like we don’t agree on anything anymore. But credibly accused sex offenders should not coach youth basketball, girls or boys, without deeper investigation. Can’t we all agree on that?

Is Brett Kavanaugh right that he can no longer coach girls basketball?

And this is why I cannot wait for the media to finally collapse and see “reporters” and columnist holding cardboard signs begging for food or malt liquor.


RULE 308

Just saw this in Facebook via Michael Blane.

RULE 308 — “Folks who do not know what “sub MOA” means should not instigate civil wars with those who do. Just saying.”
Matthew Bracken.

And that is one of the best pieces of advice the left can receive. The next piece may not be an advice.