Month: November 2018

A parable of siblings

Remember the video of Antfia blocking traffic in Portland.

There was a part early on, in which some Antifa is screaming at a guy with South Carolina plates that he (the guy from SC) is a KKK white supremacist because he is from South Carolina.

So there is a brother and sister.  They grew up together in a moderately Liberal area of Miami.  Most of their friends growing up were not white, for what that’s worth.

The sister moves inside the DC bubble.

The brother moves all over the country in pursuit of a career.  Not beholden to any one area of the country, he takes the opportunities for advancement that seem worthwhile.

This attitude lands him a job in Alabama.  He likes Alabama.  Having moved around a bit, he has learned to like most of the places he’s lived.  Everywhere has its good and its bad.  He has learned to focus on the good and take the bad in stride.

The sister slides hard Left in DC and eventually ends up siding with Antifa.

One day the Sister lashes out at the brother that he is a Klansman.  What evidence does she have for this?  Well the brother Lives and Alabama and Alabama is a Klan state.

Maybe, once upon a time, there was a larger Klan presence here.  For the most part that has gone away and the brother has never seen a Klan rally in Alabama.

That doesn’t matter, the sister assures him that every white person in Alabama is a Klan member.

To compound the issue, the brother doesn’t spend every waking hour in rage and protest against “Orange Hitler.”

The brother is kind of confused by this, unaware of any gas chambers or concentration camps set up by the current administration, the “Orange Hitler” statement seems overblown.

The sister says that is because the brother has been brainwashed by “Faux News” and “Press Secretary Sarah Goebbels.”

The brother is now forced to ignore the sister’s texts.



Gun Control Senator warns Rwanda can happen in the US.

Senator Bill Nelson, currently locked in a tight reelection race with Florida Republican governor Rick Scott, appeared to compare the current political climate in the U.S. to that of pre-genocide Rwanda at a weekend campaign event.
“When a place gets so tribal that the two tribes won’t have anything to do with each other . . . that jealousy turns into hate,” the Florida Democrat said Sunday in a campaign appearance with California senator Kamala Harris at the Covenant Missionary Baptist Church in Florida City. “And we saw what happened to the Hutus and the Tutsis in Rwanda. It turned into a genocide. A million-people hacked to death within a few months. And we have got to watch what’s happening here.”

Bill Nelson Appears to Compare U.S. to Pre-Genocide Rwanda

Elections bring out the worst in demagoguery in politicians.  Here we have Senator Bill Nelson, Democrat from Florida warning that the divisiveness and hate spread by his party can result in a genocide which if nothing else is a well documented example on how Gun Control helps power-grabbing assholes o eliminate big swaths of the population.

Even the “clarification” does nothing to clear the air, basically “he said that but he did not mean that.”

Nelson campaign spokesman Dan McLaughlin denied that the senator was comparing the the two situations in a statement.
“He wasn’t likening the current political climate in America to what was happening right before the Rwandan genocide,” McLaughlin said. “Senator Nelson and his wife, Grace, have spoken about events in Rwanda for years, because of his wife’s personal relationships there and his own trip to the country. He uses Rwanda as an extreme example of what could happen when a nation becomes totally divided.

I swear I’ll be happy when the elections are over. Of course if results do not go their way, we are going to have at ;east another 2 months of shrieking.