Month: March 2019

8,000 gun owners rally for rights in Springfield

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WICS/WRSP) — A total of 8,000 gun owners marched on the Statehouse Wednesday.
They do this every year for Illinois Gun Owner Lobby Day, but they said this year is more important.
Gun owners said they feel like their Second Amendment rights are under attack more than ever.
Since the 1990’s, Illinois Gun Owner Lobby Day has taken over downtown Springfield.
The event all starts with a rally, a massive march and then a meeting with Illinois lawmakers, calling on them to support gun owners.
Those who attended the event believe they’re lobbying for their constitutional rights.

8,000 gun owners rally for rights in Springfield

And in Florida, we can’t get one person to attend a Senate or House Committee to voice support for a gun bill.

Let’s go tactical fishing instead!


I don’t think that’s the law

I was curious what was going on in Brunei when I read Miguel’s post.

Tariq Nasheed is a racist, a Progressive, is aligned with black Islamism (similar to the Nation of Islam but not as organized), and is most famous for writing several books for men about how to scam women into sleeping with them.

This is the guy who claimed that the Pulse Nigh Club shooter was a white supremacist.

Now that I know what is going on in Brueni, that makes this insane hysteria from Tariq Nasheed even more obtuse.


Please, show me where in the law it is legal for a white person to do that.

I really want to see where that is codified, and not in violation of the 14th Amendment, every civil rights act, or every hate crime law.

It really doesn’t matter because the point is, America is awful and radical Islam isn’t.

If this seems extreme, it’s not.  Nasheed is a frequently heard voice in Social Justice circles.

There is no reason or rationality here, just hatred, and he tells young people how to vote.

CS/SB 7030 (2019) — School Safety and Security (Guardian Program) into the Senate Appropriations Committee

School Safety and Security: Requiring a sheriff to establish a school guardian program under a certain condition; requiring school districts to promote a mobile suspicious activity reporting tool through specified mediums; requiring the Commissioner of Education to review recommendations from the School Hardening and Harm Mitigation Workgroup; revising the duties of the commissioner to include oversight of compliance with the safety and security requirements of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act by specified persons and entities, etc.

If you are a bit confused by all this, so am I and at least we agree on something. This is the same bill with a Committee Substitute of the original Senate Bill that does not alter the part of removing the ban on volunteer teachers to be part of the Guardian Program. It is not a perfect bill in that sense, but still a 100 times better than we have now.

Emails for the Senate Appropriations Committee are:

Send them a couple of polite notes telling them you approve this bill. They were scheduled to do so today, but the meeting was cancelled. No idea for when now, but don’t waste time.

And again, thanks everybody who is doing this bit of effort.


Cut the nose to spite the face: the LGBTQ version.

Not too long ago, we saw this headline bouncing around:

So what happens when you openly reject the help of the Leader of the Free Country to help your kind? Well, your real enemies take notice and proceed to kill.

Brunei has announced that the punishment for gay sex and adultery from April 3 onwards will include death by stoning, as the country moves forward with its implementation of Sharia law.

Other harsh punishments, like amputation of a hand or foot for theft, will also be put in place, according to the Guardian.

“To legalise such cruel and inhuman penalties is appalling of itself,” Rachel Chhoa-Howard, Brunei researcher at Amnesty International, said in a statement to the Guardian.

Gay Sex Is About to Become Punishable With Death by Stoning in Brunei

And still Mike Pence has not electrocuted a single gay person to date as we were promised.

Booker is scaring people with lies

Cory Booker answered a question about guns at his CNN Town Hall.

First of all, good job CNN and the mainstream media.  A woman being scared of sending her daughter to school because of a potential mass shooting is exactly the kind of unhealthy paranoia fueled by a 24/7 news cycle that causes people to have a skewed view of reality.

Put it this way, since Columbine in 1999, 223 people have been killed in school shootings.  Between 2010 and 2014, 2,885 children have been killed in car accidents.  That’s more than ten times as many dead in one-fourth the time span.

A mother should be far more terrified of driving her child to school than her child being shot while at school, but that fact doesn’t bolster CNN’s ratings or get people to turn our for Democrats threatening to “do something.”

Second, Democrats can’t stop demonstrating that they don’t understand the idea of freedom.

“How can we be free unless we take away people’s Constitutional civil liberties because CNN has scared me to death.”

This is Orwell’s Newspeak definition of free.

The word free still existed in Newspeak, but it could only be used in such statements as ‘This dog is free from lice’ or ‘This field is free from weeds’. It could not be used in its old sense of ‘ politically free’ or ‘intellectually free’ since political and intellectual freedom no longer existed even as concepts, and were therefore of necessity nameless.

For this woman, free means not having to fear a low probability event because other people’s rights were infringed upon.

So what was Senator Booker’s answer to this woman?

Well, it needs to be said, Booker is the most overdone ham I’m political theater today.  Truly Calculon level performance.

He dives right into the “gun owners want universal background checks” bullshit.

This is as transparently fake a talking point as the “scientific consensus around global warming.”

From there he goes to the NRA/gun industry blood libel.

“The NRA doesn’t want regulations because they want to make money instead of preventing people from getting killed.”

Talk about othering people.  I thought Democrats were against that.  Because Booker’s position is that the NRA executive management is the enemy of the safety and security of the American people, which is a hell of a statement to make.  That’s why he as to “take on” the NRA.  There is nothing the Left loves than a minority enemy it can scapegoat and promise to destroy.

The NRA doesn’t represent gun makers and I’m pretty sure most NRA members don’t want to have go to an FFL to shoot a buddy’s new gun a couple of times.

What he says next is honestly the biggest bullshit of the night.

It is amazing that a US Senator doesn’t know what the Lautenberg Amendment is.  But why should he, it seems that elected officials are the most ignorant people when it comes to the topic of actual laws on the books.

There is no loophole that allows a person convicted of domestic violence to get a gun, unless you count felony violation of the law a loophole.  Knowingly breaking the law is not a loophole.

Booker also supports No Fly, No Buy.  So I guess he’s not just going to take on the NRA but the ACLU as well.

It’s great than an American politician wants to be able to strip Americans of their civil rights by putting their name on a secret list without a trial or conviction.

Then he brings up Newark, New Jersey.  Virtually all of the gun violence there is gang related.  He talks about the homicide rate of young black men and wants to bring a fight to the NRA because of that.

I wasn’t aware that the NRA was responsible for the rate of young black men raised without a father, or who drop out of school, or any of the other social problems that have been proven to be the cause this death rate in Newark, Chicago, LA, and other cities in America.

Booker has no idea how to deal with gun violence.

He has no idea how to deal with young black men being killed in gang shootings or how to prevent school shootings.

I can tell you that taking on the NRA and stripping the civil liberties of law abiding Americans won’t stop the violence, but Booker doesn’t care about that.

Personally, if I were going to totally obliterate a Constitutional right in the pursuit of reducing gun violence, I’d take out the 10th Amendment and institute a ban on single mothers raising boys.  Trust me that it would be far more effective than an AWB.

He hates the NRA, gun owners, and guns, and that’s it and he is going to try and getting elected by declaring war on us.

I just wish Democrats could muster as much anger toward Islamic terrorists or cartel smugglers or other people doing real harm to our country as they do for law abiding gun owners.


Florida: Appearing at Legislature Committees is not that scary

I get the feeling that at least some people are afraid to speak in a public committee meeting, but you really do not have to do that and may only have to say three words from the chairs.

Again, not an expert, but this is what I have seen.  If you check the video in this link and go to 1:20:40, you will see the chair of the committee reading a form from somebody present in chambers and recording their position. The person not even seen in the video says three words: Waive in Opposition.

The form can be found online so you  can fill it and print it comfortably at home and take it to you to the committee meeting. I am guessing the forms will be collected prior to the meeting and then you only have to sit till your bill comes for discussing and your name is called.

This is the bottom of the form online. You can pick what you want to do.

Click to enlarge

When you are done, you will get a PDF document you get to print and take with you:

You are not suppose, not expected to give a speech. But if five or six Gun people show up with the forms, we would not look as if we did not give a crap about gun bills to out Legislators.

Anybody wants to be bold and speak to a committee, but needs help with what he/she wants to say, email me and we can come up with something succinct and to the point. If I can’t be there, I won’t mind have some of my words do the work.