Month: October 2019

When you Virtual Signal yourself into International Stupidity.

The Miami Dolphins face a new hazard in the team’s bid to bring Formula One racing to Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens. Neighbors of the proposed track are pushing Miami-Dade County to step in and possibly block the planned yearly event, which would debut in 2021.

“Formula One racing would never be allowed in a rich neighborhood,” Lynette Hickenbottom told commissioners Thursday.

Formula One auto race at Hard Rock Stadium could be blocked by Miami-Dade County

I have no idea who this Lynette Hickenbottom person is, but I have to say she makes the top dumb ass in the Interwebs for today.  Formula One is not raced in rich neighborhoods? Did she ever even open Google once to do some research or was she put up to be a stand up moron?  Has she ever head of the Monte Carlo circuit in Monaco?

That is part of the street racetrack in Monaco, the oldest and most revered race in Formula One. And those things floating in the water? They are called Super Yachts in the multi-million dollar price range and they are tied to possibly one of the most expensive pieces of real state in Europe: The Principality of Monaco.  Its area is less than a square mile and yet the little country boasts a $6.4 billion GDP and it is home to some of the oldest banks in the world and renowned casinos doing it Old School and the staple of James Bond movies. It is Old World Rich and it has had a Grand Prix/Formula One race in it every year since 1929.

I checked other F1 street races and all happen in some very expensive real state locations: Marina Bay Street Circuit in Singapore is in the Marina and Business district, the core of the wealth building.  And if Miss Hickenbottom wanted to be really woke, she could have learned about the Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit which is raced in the Albert Park area which once was abandoned landscape and now is one of the most popular and used natural attractions in Melbourne.

And what is more imbecilic in all this is the amount of Money the City of Miami Gardens will miss to generate from the race. Nothing around Formula One is done on the cheap, just the opposite. The average viewership of every F1 race is over 100 million people which will be probably 1,000 times more people that will watch the Miami Dolphins games (specially this year), games that also happen in Miami Lakes. Maybe the People of Miami Lakes should call their Representative in DC, ask about Formula One and the benefits for the community rather than allow petty Social Justice Idiots keep condemning the area to eternal poverty.

Miami Gardens’s Rep Frederica Wilson

Never mind, forget what I said.



When you do not plug the hole, the force you to do it.

STAMFORD — After reporting that his gun had been stolen out of his open car on Monday night, a city man was arrested on a reckless endangerment charge.

Sgt. Jennifer Pinto said police were called to Reynolds Avenue at about 8:30 a.m. Tuesday on a report of a car burglary that involved a stolen gun. The owner of the car, Christopher Jerome, 26, parked his car at about 8:20 p.m. Monday and, thinking that he was going to get back into the car a short time later, did not lock the doors.
Under a new law that went into effect Oct. 1, Jerome was charged with a misdemeanor count of unsafe storage of a gun in a motor vehicle in addition to the reckless endangerment charge. The new law makes it a crime to store a gun in a locked car if it is not also put into a safe, locked in the glove box or stored in the car’s trunk.

Stolen pistol leads to reckless endangerment charge for Stamford man

And it gets worse. Te police confiscated all the weapons he owned plus if found guilty in either charge, he will lose his gun permits.

My post about cars being broke in and the necessity and responsibility we as gun owners  have to make sure our weapons are secured did not fare well. I even got accused of victim blaming!

I really don’t get the cavalier attitude when it comes to guns in cars. Simple methods for securing a gun inside a vehicle are available and are inexpensive, but suggesting we do so offends the sensibilities of some apparently. The problem of people breaking into cars is not going to go away anytime soon. It behooves us that we do our part and even should start a campaign so other gun owners join the simple idea of locking guns in cars or simply locking the cars to begin with.

If we do not do it ourselves, government as no problem coming up with a law to force-you-or-else. Ask Jerome how is he feeling about it.

Video evidence of how much they hate you

This is Democratic Representative Haley Stevens, from Michigan’s 11th district.

She attended a local town hall to talk about gun control.

This is how it turned out.

It should be noted that the Twitter account that posted this, Michigan Rising Action, is a Liberal/Progressive activist group and they posted this in support of Haley.

This is nuts.  This is a sitting member of Congress going into a full-throated yelling, spittle flying rage saying a civil rights organization “has got to go.”

And what exactly does she mean by “has got to go?”

This is not a person who can rationally discuss policy, this is a person consumed with hatred of another group of people.

I think the most important thing that Hillary did was her “basket of deplorables” statement.  From that moment on, the Left hasn’t shied away from making it clear that they don’t see political disagreements as matters of applying policy.

For them it is personal.  You are an irredeemably bad and immoral person for trying to stand in the way of their utopian vision.

They are right and you are an untermensch who is stopping them from creating peace and prosperity, and because of that, you have got to go.

It was captured on video and they are proud of it.

Side note: when I looked up Haley, she is a month older than me.  Ilhan Omar is a little less than two years older than me.  AOC is 6 years younger than me.

I am the chief scientist of a $500 Million per year defense contractor.

I look at myself in the mirror and think “I can’t believe that a company put me in charge of what they did.”

I’ve considered that I might run for Congress if Mo Brooks ever vacates his seat, but right now, I don’t think I am as knowledgeable or experienced as I need to be to do that job.

Then I look at these members of Congress and am agog.

Politics, especially Democrat politics is 100% the Dunning-Kruger effect, and almost all of them are at the low competence/high self-estimation side of the curve.

More reasons why I carry in Synagogue

Monday was Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year.

In New York City, several youths celebrated the holiday by throwing a brick through a Synagogue window.

Like the many physical assaults on Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn nobody in the national media cares to report this and there are not hundreds and thousands of retweets by celebrities and social media influencers condemning this.

They are too busy spreading a hoax about a girl having her hair cut by bullies at school as a way of attacking Karen Pence (who teaches at the school), to attack Mike Pence, to ultimately blame Trump for an incident that never happened.

Fortunately – as fortunately as these things can be – it was only a window that was smashed with a brick and not a skull.

And people wonder why I have a 45 under my prayer shawl on Friday nights.


Concealed Carry failed to stop the last mass shooting so it should be eliminated

Julian Castro, the Obama HUD Secretary, not to be confused with his brother who doxxed Trump donors in San Antonio has decided that concealed carry has failed.

Since the shooter was not stopped or deterred by a Texan with CCW, concealed carry needs to be done away with.

This is part of the Leftist/Progressive mentality that anything short of absolute perfection is terrible and must be done away with.

Concealed carry has saved thousands of lives.  The CDC has determined that the number of defensive gun uses in the US is between 500,000 and three million per year.

But it didn’t stop this shooting, therefore it’s useless, and so the government should ban it and ban guns.  Not that a gun ban would do anything to reduce crime as places like Chicago have shown us.

Because some random Texan CCW didn’t stop this mass shooting we all have to lose our gun rights.