Month: October 2019

Seattle to destroy math as much as it has destroyed the rest of the city

I caught this going around the internet.  It is the K-12 Math Ethnic Studies Framework for the Seattle Public School System.

This is the most egregious assault on mathematics I have ever seen.

Seattle Public Schools have no interest in teaching kids how to do math.  They want the kids to understand how math is an oppressive system of power.

So does this mean that Euclidean geometry is in or out?

Euclidean geometry is out, so is calculus and statistics.

The entire world uses “Western” mathematics.  Math, as we know it today, came out of Europe during the Renaissance.  It is true that many ancient civilizations developed complex math.  However, it was the development of the scientific method through the Renaissance and Age of Enlightenment that formalized math.

Math was a tool used to explain what was being observed by the natural sciences.  Isaac Newton had to develop calculus to explain the physics he was studying.

The Chinese and ancient Mesoamerican cultures created complex math, but it was often used for things such as astrology and predicting the zodiac.

Since the scientific revolution occurred in Europe, it was Europe that formalized mathematics in the scientific process we use today.

Creating a prejudice against Western mathematics and delegitimizing it because of its origins doesn’t make students competent in math.  It gives them a built-in excuse to hate it and do poorly in it, hindering them for life.

These are some of the “learning targets” of the program:

Sure, all these kids will know just how math is racist and oppressive and used to “disenfranchize people of color,” but not one of them will know how to do any actual math.

The politics of self-identification play a role in this too.

I thought a mathematician was someone who could do math and actually solve math problems.  Under this system, you just have to identify as a mathematician.  Being unable to do math notwithstanding.

Being right means getting the mathematically correct answer.  Being wrong means a bridge collapses, a plane falls out of the sky, a dosage is off and people die.

This is evil.  This teaches kids to fear and hate math.  This makes math the enemy and people who are skilled in math oppressors.

Nowhere in any of the skills this framework puts forward is math actually taught.  This isn’t about increasing math proficiency, this is about destroying math and making it a hated subject.  This framework increases mathematic ignorance.

And it has to.

Math explains why spending $200 Million in taxpayer dollars to remove urinals from municipal bathrooms to virtue signals to the trans and gender-neutral community, which makes up about 0.4% of the population is a stupid idea.

But if you learned Seattle’s ethnic math than you would know how making such a claim is bigoted systematic oppression.

This is the targeted destruction of math and the minds of children so that they are unable to question or challenge the most ridiculous machinations of the radical Left.

This needs to be destroyed with fire.  Both the program itself and the bureaucrats and educators who came up with it.

This is a crime against humanity and God willing, one day, we will deal with the people who have done this to America’s educational system the way we dealt with the Nazis at Nuremberg.

Yes, if you teach my son that math is racial oppression instead of teaching him how to do math, you should swing by the neck until dead and be buried in shame in an unmarked grave.

Thinking about this for the last hour, I truly believe that every engineer with Boeing in Seattle should go to the school board with torches, pitchforks, and rifles and deal with.

It’s ALWAYS the places where you need a gun the most that you can’t have one – NYC 71st Precinct edition

From the Twitter feed of the 71st Precinct of the NYPD.

A choir boy on his way to church after turning his life around found it necessary to punch a 71-year-old woman in the face for no reason.

The woman was left with a broken jaw and needed several stitches.

I know that we in Red State flyover country are just a bunch of knuckle-dragging, inbred bumpkins, without the highfalutin’ sophistication of our betters in New York.

But if a strapping young man attempted to punch a 71-year-old woman unconscious in a parking lot in Huntsville, it’s the last thing he will ever do on this plane of existence.  Some CCW permit holder will shove him off his mortal coil.


These types of things always seem to happen in the places where the good people are unable to defend themselves.

When everything is racist, so are gun rights

Ally Henny is a writer on the topics of race, faith, & the internet.

She is Woke, oh so very Woke.

She decided to voice her opinion on the gun debate, and is the wont for the Woke, her thesis had everything to do with why white people are racist.

She has no evidence, but she has bellyfeel that because white people believe in something, it must be rooted in wanting to murder brown people.

She doubled down.

She feels.  She still lacks evidence, but when it’s better to be morally correct than factually correct, her feelings are what really matter.

And, I figured it was an ethos that came from a nation born of revolution against tyranny.

Also, it’s good to know that everything white people have is stolen.

Yep, white people want guns because they are terrified of and want to kill everyone darker than them.  Where have I heard this before?  Oh yeah, that was the thesis of Michael Moore in Bowling for Columbine.

As you can imagine, there was pushback against this.

How did she respond?

Sorry that I am a fragile white man.  I just generally don’t like being told I am guilty of something I am not guilty of.  Be it racism, or if I am ever nominated to the Supreme Court, leading a high school gang rape club.

This bullshit argument again.

“My [family member] owns a gun so I can voice a blanket opinion that disparages millions of law-abiding people I don’ t know and have never met.”

It seems to me that making assumptions about why millions of people own guns based on the color of their skin, and making the assumption that their main motivation is bigoted and malicious is…. what’s the word?


But she feels this is true so it must be and if you object, it’s because you are a fragile white man who has yet to internalize just how awful you are and seek redemption from the Church of Woke.

The scariest thing about this whole thread is that this woman is about to complete the seminary.

This is why we will never be able to reach an understanding with the other side on guns.


Who are you going to believe, a bunch of partisan hack Jews, our your lying eyes?

In case you missed it, the Woman’s March added a woman named Zarah Billoo to their board.  She was kicked off the board after only a couple of days after it was revealed that she is a raging, Jew-hating anti-Zionist, who also hates America and has compared the US Army to ISIS, and is just generally a terrible person.  One of the people who rushed to her defense was Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, going so far as to call her ‘sis.’

Between Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tliab, the Woman’s March, and a bunch of other things, it’s clear that antisemitism is alive and well in the Democrat ranks.  So what are the Democrats to do about this?

If you know the Left, the answer is clearly “lie, bullshit, and project.”

Enter The New York Times.  This is an opinion written by two of the dumbest smart Jews in academia.

American Jews and American Muslims Have a Common Antagonist

Oh really?  Who is that exactly?  Let me guess… the Bad Orange Man?

President Trump seeks to drive a wedge between American Jews and the Democratic Party. He claims that the Republican Party is more concerned with protecting Jewish people at home and abroad. He also wants to stoke tensions between American Jews and American Muslims. He loves to attack the Democratic Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, among others, as anti-Semitic because of their positions on United States policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

It’s amazing just how often flagrant anti-Semitism.  Even endorsing people who advocate for terrorism, the destruction of Israel, and the genocide of the Jewish people is considered “positions on United States policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict” when the individual in question is a Democrat.

Our survey research, however, indicates that the biggest threat to the rights of the Jewish people comes from homegrown American nativists. These people dislike all manner of groups they view as foreign to this country and our research shows that they are even more vehemently opposed to Muslims than they are to Jews.American Jews and American Muslims thus have a common adversary who are to be found, for the most part, among Mr. Trump’s most committed supporters.

I’ll give these guys that the last two violent attacks on Jews in the US were from white nationalists, but neither of those guys were Trump supporters.  The Tree of Life shooter said that Trump was a sellout to Jewish interests.

But I didn’t forget about the Seattle Jewish Federation shooting, the Ohio mass stabbing at a Nazareth Israeli Restaurant, the firebombing of a Synagogue in Riverdale, the Temple Beth El arson, beatings of Jews in New York, etc.

It seems that Jews are getting it bad from both radical Islam and white supremacism, but we’re supposed to ignore the violence from radical Islam because Orange Man Bad.

To find out, we ran a statistical analysis predicting respondents’ views on the importance of protecting Jewish rights as a function of being a Republican or a Democrat. We then added a number of other factors including age, financial worry, religious identity and education level.

The results are the precise opposite of Mr. Trump’s implied prediction. The more strongly respondents identify with the Republican Party, the more negatively inclined they were toward the rights of Jews, both at home and abroad. Non-Jewish, strongly committed Republicans rated the importance of the rights of American Jews 12 percent lower than non-Jewish, strongly-committed Democrats. They also rated the importance of the rights of overseas Jews 16 percent lower.

Really?  Because the Democrats have totally ignored and the attacks on Jews in New York City, by predominately young black men.  The Democrats also booed Israel and the Left has banned Israeli flags from the Dyke March and Woman’s March.  So I find this poll hard to believe.

Second, despite understandable tensions between American Jews and American Muslims over Middle East policy, both communities face the same domestic detractors.

Like should the Jews even have the right to live or should they be driven into the sea?  Why do they always ignore that “policy” for Palestinians usually takes the form of wiping out the Jews?

American nativists dislike them both and believe that Jewish and Muslim rights are relatively unimportant.

As the debate over Ms. Omar, Ms. Tlaib, the Jewish community and President Trump percolates, keep in mind that Jews and Muslims have a common antagonist: Trump-supporting nativists. It would be better for American Jews and American Muslims to work together against this shared local threat than to snipe at one another over policy disagreements about the Middle East.

That’s right Jews, be useful idiots for the Muslims.  As soon as Bad Orange Man is defeated, the Muslims will wipe you out.  But at least Bad Orange Man is gone.

Yesterday I saw this written by Daniel Greenfield.

They Won’t Stand Up to Rep. Omar, But They’ll Call Trump an Anti-Semite
The pathetic dishonesty of Jewish Democrats.

Yep, that’s 100% true.

After Rep. Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitic comments, her fellow House Democrats refused to put forward a resolution condemning her hateful views. Instead they voted on a generic resolution against hate.

It was a pathetic show.

Now there’s a new disgusting low after the Jewish Democratic Council of America released what it calls an “interactive timeline of anti-Semitism since the 2016 election” which it tries to attribute to Trump.

Included on that timeline is an item which reads, “23 Republicans voted against a resolution denouncing anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry.”

The illustration, misleadingly, features Neo-Nazis marching in Charlottesville, rather than Rep. Omar.

I would have voted against it too.  The Left is very experienced at turning the sins of one of their members into a generic bit of pablum.  Justin Trudeau got caught in blackface, rather than engage in a mia culpa, he decided that all of Canada needed a learning experience.  No, it was his racist act.

Rather than condemn Omar, the Democrats watered the resolution down like homeopathic medicine.  Diluted into uselessness.

The JDCA’s “interactive timeline” claims that “card-carrying Nazis, Holocaust deniers, a proud white supremacists (sic) ran for Congress as Republicans, many of whom were ardent supporters of Donald Trump.” The JDCA doesn’t go to the trouble of actually listing any such people or incidents.

The timeline features a photo of Arthur Jones, a Neo-Nazi who ran for Congress in Illinois. And lost.

Jones also called President Trump a “Jew-loving fool” who “surrounded himself with hordes of Jews.”

That’s the JDCA’s idea of “ardent” support.

I covered Jones before.  He received no support and much condemnation from the Illinois or National Republican Party.  The most support he got was from the Chicago Democrat Machine so they could use him as a brickbat to beat the GOP.

Unlike Omar, Jones was condemned across the Republican spectrum. Republicans had previously attempted to keep him off the ballot. There was no question of any Republican support for Jones.

Like, I said.

The JDCA urges Jews to fight anti-Semitism by supporting a variety of action items from illegal migration to gun control to Muslim immigration to supporting ObamaCare to fighting global warming to impeaching Trump. These are Democrat priorities that have nothing to do with fighting anti-Semitism.

It’s amazing that no matter what the issue is, the solution the Democrats put forward is always the same?  More gun control, more taxes, more government in your life.

After assembling its list of lies and smears, the JDCA can’t come up with one single action item for fighting anti-Semitism. Not one. Never mind anything about Israel or anything involving Jews.

The JDCA can’t stand up for Jews. It won’t fight Rep. Omar’s anti-Semitism. But it will bash Republicans.

That’s not fighting anti-Semitism. That’s being a useful idiot for anti-Semites.

The Left and the Democrats do not like Jews, especially proud Zionist Jews.  They have made the abundantly clear.  But they still need the Jewish vote and Jewish donations, so they are willing to like and obfuscate to make it seems like Trump is an anti-Semite and Omar, Tlaib, and the rest of the squad are just having disagreements over minor policy details.

Honestly, I do not believe that Trump is an anti-Semite.  Not the guy with the favored Jewish daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren.  Not the President who has been a better supporter of Israel than almost any other President since Israel’s founding.

He may put his foot in his mouth and say something that could be a borderline dog-whistle, but he does that a lot on a wide range of topics.  He is an inelegant president tries for populist appeal and that sometimes gets his mouth (and Twitter feed) in trouble.  But fundamentally, I do not think he is an anti-Semite.

Tlaib and Omar are dyed in the wool Jew-haters who always seem to be joined at the hip to radicals who advocate for terrorism and the mass murder of Jews.

If I have to choose, I’m choosing Trump.

Partisan Democrat Jews want the rest of the Jewish community to not believe their eyes and ears and instead believe that Tlaib and Omar are better compatriots than Trump.

They must be scared that more Jews are starting to Walk Away the Democrat’s anti-Semitism gets bolder.

Californians are willing to tolerate crime up to $950

I have used this quote several times before because it is so spot-on in describing how civil societies function:

Crime will expand according to our willingness to put up with it.  

California, in a typical Progressive act based entirely on idealized intentions with no grounding in reality, decided that the best way to deal with overcrowding in prison was to decrease the number of felons in the state.

One way they did that was to increase the dollar value of stolen goods required to make theft a felony.  Previously, stealing less than $450 in goods was a misdemeanor.  With the passage of Prop 47,  stealing less than $950 in goods is a misdemeanor

As people grounded in reality, we can predict what happened.

Criminals have gotten more brazen.

They know that police will not engage in a high-speed car chase over a non-violent misdemeanor and most companies have policies against (and will often fire) employees who try and stop shoplifting.

So why not steal just about whatever they want and drive away?

According to the Independent Institute:

California Property Crime Surge Is Unintended Consequence of Proposition 47

Across the state, one common characteristic of the smash-and-grab burglaries is particularly striking: the property stolen is frequently valued below the felony threshold established by Prop 47. This means that criminals can expect, at most, a misdemeanor citation if they are caught.

Many believe this light punishment has made criminals more brazen, willing to break into cars in broad daylight even with bystanders present. Because Prop 47 redefined felony thresholds, even stealing a car can bring only a misdemeanor sentence if it is valued at $950 or less. As San Francisco police spokesperson Officer Albie Esparza acknowledged, Prop 47 has reduced penalties to “nothing more than a citation.”

In 2015, the first year of Prop 47’s relaxed rules, the rate of shopliftings spiked by nearly 11 percent over the previous five-year average. That year, about 279 shopliftings were reported per 100,000 residents, roughly 11,000 additional shopliftings throughout the state in the year immediately following the initiative’s enactment. These figures are consistent with FBI crime data, which showed a 12 percent jump in larceny theft.

So the effect of making stealing just shy of a grand worth of property the same as speeding, has caused a more than 10% increase in shopliftings.

Who would have guessed that?  Anybody with an iota of common sense.

The San Francisco Chronicle reports something similar:

Prop. 47 is linked to increase in auto thefts, study says

Thefts from motor vehicles averaged 16,000 to 17,000 a month statewide before Prop. 47 passed in November 2014 and increased to 19,000 to 20,000 a month in the next two years, the Public Policy Institute of California reported Tuesday, citing state data.

“We estimate that Prop. 47 led to a rise in the larceny theft rate of about 135 per 100,000 residents, an increase of close to 9 percent compared to the 2014 rate,” the institute said. It said thefts from motor vehicles accounted for about three-quarters of the increase.

In San Francisco, auto break-ins soared, by 24 percent last year to a total of 31,222, according to police data.

I have covered San Francisco’s epidemic of car break-ins before.  If you have a car parked on a street in Feces City, it will be broken into.

On the other hand, the study also found that Prop. 47 had borne out some of its supporters’ predictions: drops in the prison and jail populations and the costs related to them, and reductions in recidivism, or repeated crimes by people previously convicted of drug and property offenses.

Except… (who wants to guess)

Michele Hanisee, president of the prosecutors’ group, also disputed the conclusion in Tuesday’s report that Prop. 47 had led to lower recidivism rates. She said the reason police were making fewer arrests for crimes such as shoplifting and auto break-ins was that state law prohibits officers from arresting people for misdemeanor crimes that an officer did not personally observe.

“Police can arrest for a felony not in their presence” but not for a theft that is now classified as a misdemeanor, Hanisee said. “For people whose car gets burglarized, the police can do nothing.”

Recidivism is down only on paper because the people let out of prison by Prop 47 are limiting themselves to misdemeanors so are not being re-arrested and sent back to prison.

This is the classic NYPD “crime is down, we know that because we have documented fewer arrests because our cops ignore more petty crimes, so even though it is worse for you on the street, our stats say it’s an improvement.”

If I were a man inclined to believe in conspiracies, I’d suspect that part of this initiative is to reduce the number of felons because people with misdemeanors can vote – overwhelmingly for Democrats.

Policy after policy put in place in California turns that state into a greater dystopia for law-abiding, tax-paying citizens.  Consider that when it comes to national elections.

The power of the AR-15

From YouTube:

This is the description from the guy who posted the video:

I had a couple friends over at my place. While I was out smoking a cigarette I thought I heard some knocking but wasn’t expecting anyone so didn’t think much of it. The knocking turned into a couple bangs, I look out the peep hole and saw a guy with a mask and his lil friend behind him. I locked the door thinking they’ll hear it know someone’s there and leave but they didn’t. So I went and grabbed my rifle. Extremely thankful I got to the door when I did. VERY glad I had it. Never get to comfortable thinking nothing can happen, stay safe out here how ever you see fit.
there was no trigger pull.

One of the features of an AR-15 is that it is easily recognizable and two criminals who just kicked in a door who find themselves staring straight down the barrel of one have little choice but to turn tail and run if they don’t want to die.