Month: October 2020

And the Dumb Gun Owner of the week…

When it comes to holsters, we are always playing the compromise game. We fight between the level of retention versus the speed of access and we make choices in lifestyle accordingly.

But if you know damn well and in advance you are going to a spot that will more than likely end up in a physical confrontation, the lest you can do is make sure your weapon is securely holstered or that it won’t run away from you and land in the hands of others.

And all of the sudden, lanyards are no longer stupid.

Dead People being registered to vote in Broward County. CNN unclear of the motive.

They are not even bother to hide it anymore.

Hmmm what could be the motive with elections so close? Is there anything else missing from this incredible piece of informative depiction?

From the Orlando Sentinel:

Fraudster attempts to register dozens of dead Democrats as voters in Broward

Authorities have uncovered an attempt to register dozens of dead people as Democratic voters in Broward County.
Though officials said no mail-in ballots were requested or cast under the falsified voter IDs, the scheme exposes weaknesses in Florida’s voter registration process, which relies partially on the honor system.
An unknown person in Columbia, S.C., submitted at least 54 new voter applications in July in the same neat handwriting to the Broward elections office, several in each of 19 envelopes. Many of the voters were elderly, and had recently died in the Northeast.
Almost all of them were flagged by Broward elections office staff as suspicious, and turned over to the Broward State Attorney’s Office. Prosecutors have been watching since August, in a sting operation to catch the culprit, internal correspondence shows.

Dear CNN, maybe it is clearer now?

Hat tip to all the readers who sent me this story.

WaPo can go f**k itself with a red hot poker

Trump accidentally admits he’s abandoned working women

At a rally Tuesday, President Trump made his closing argument to the suburban women unpersuaded by his dog whistles and kidnapped migrant children: Hey, at least I’m helping your hubbies find jobs.

“And you know what else? I’m also getting your husbands — they want to get back to work, right?” he said. “They want to get back to work. We’re getting your husbands back to work, and everybody wants it.”

Fuck the Washington Post, the bitch that wrote this OpEd, and everyone who approved it.

The Lockdown hit working class men harder as they had jobs often declared non-essential and unable to be done by teleworking.  Mechanics, electricians, construction workers, all were suspended during the beginning of the Lockdown.  The economic slowdown has continued to harm these traditionally male jobs.

For a woman to see her husband suffering from unemployment and the emotional problems that come from that is painful to watch.

Helping these men get back to work and be the breadwinner that is part of their identity is a winning position and laudable.

WaPo turns it into sexism.

These people contribute nothing to society with their oppression Olympics.

These fuckers really need to be taken on a nice helicopter ride to gain a new perspective.

Called it: Miami Herald worries about a weak Biden win in Dade.

If the barrage of Democrat’s advertising in TV is an indicator, the numbers may not be encouraging for the Biden campaign. Again I will remind readers that Trump lost by 30 points against Hillary in Miami-Dade county and still went on to win in Florida by 1.2%.

Bide would have to get better numbers than Hillary to win Florida and barring Walking Dead requesting absentee ballots for the county, I have the feeling Florida will go crimson red.