Month: November 2020

This is why Portland has been under siege for months and what’s going on there can’t be allowed to spread to the rest of America

From KOIN6 News in Portland:

Iannarone’s tweet of ‘violent despots’ stirs Portland mayor’s race

Just a week before the 2020 election, Portland’s mayoral race is scrutinizing a tweet from the 2016 primary campaign.

Last Friday, Mayor Ted Wheeler’s campaign released a statement taking challenger Sarah Iannarone to task for “writing in violent despots like Ho Chi Minh and Joseph Stalin on her 2016 ballot.” The tweet, from May 1, 2016, also includes write-in votes for Mao Zedong, Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Vladimir Lenin, plus others.

Most are figures on the global stage responsible for the deaths of millions of people over multiple decades.

Iannarone campaign manager Gregory McKelvey told KOIN 6 News by email that’s not her ballot. Iannarone, he said, “posted the ballots of many of her supporters who sent them in after voting for her.”

This is the Tweet (screenshot but link here):

And the picture expanded:


Stalin, Lenin, Che, Castro, Mao, killed millions.  Roughly 100 million in the 20th Century, combined.

For this woman, who is running for mayor of an American City to say this is her favorite write-in ballot is horrific.

This isn’t ignorance.  She knows who these people are.  She wants this to happen.  She wants the mass murder of her opponents.

Current polls claim that she is tied with Wheeler but a poll from earlier in October showed that she was 11 points ahead.

The seeming majority of Portland voters want a woman who loves the idea of the worst, genocidal, oppressive dictators in the 20th-century being write-in candidates to be their leader.

This is a voting block that hates America and everyone who doesn’t hate it as much as they do.

They will destroy everything they can to get power and will murder countless people once they have it.


The Choice, MAGA 2020 – Editor’s Edition – The Universal Spectator

Read it from one who was there. 

Tens of thousands of cars — some estimates as low as 55,000 and some as high as 75,000 — participated in this event, organized by local MAGA activists and radio. Flags flying, horns honking, people yelling, we drove through the populous area of western Miami-Dade county, towards the end point of the Miami Freedom Tower, an approximately 16-mile journey.

The ideology of Rousseau and Marx, of Lenin and Stalin, of Hitler and Mussolini, of Antonio Gramsci and Saul Alinksy, has permeated and soiled the fabric of American society in the twentieth century. These are the ideological blood brothers of the modern day Democrats, of the Clintons, the Obamas, and the Bidens. Beginning with the dubious ascension of Lyndon Johnson after the assassination of JFK, the Democrats, sometimes with the help of cowardly Republicans

Damned good reading. Go! 

The Real Multiculturalism alive and well in South Florida (Updated)


The video is 20 minutes of Trump voters gathering for a gigantic caravan across South Florida.
You will see American flags, flags from other countries, people in all skin shades and music from Salsa to Lynard Skynard.
All joined for the Love of Country
That is the Multiculturalism the Opposition cannot tolerate.



“I hope all of your children get raped and killed”

She is an example of the people that will help control your future if the Enemy wins next Tuesday.

Yes, I called them enemies. No American would wish rape and death upon children.

“…. Foreign and Domestic.”

Another fine example of media bias

This is a fact check from the Associated Press:

Biden did not eulogize former KKK “grand wizard”

CLAIM: When former KKK Grand Wizard Robert Byrd died in 2010, he was eulogized by Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: Partly false. Biden did eulogize Sen. Robert C. Byrd when he died, but Byrd was not a “grand wizard” in the Ku Klux Klan. He was a member of the KKK in the early 1940s but later renounced his affiliation with the hate group.

THE FACTS: Byrd died in 2010 at the age of 92, and was the longest serving senator in American history.

A widely shared post on Facebook claims, “When he died in 2010, former KKK Grand Wizard Robert Byrd was eulogized by Joe Biden. Go ahead Facebook fact-checkers. Verify this. I DARE YOU!”

But the post is misleading. Byrd never held the post of “grand wizard” in the Ku Klux Klan — a top leadership role — though he was a member of the organization in the early 1940s.

As a young man in West Virginia, Byrd recruited members to a local KKK chapter and was elected to the post of “exalted cyclops” according to his 2005 autobiography. Later, in 1964, when Byrd had become a Democratic U.S. senator, he stalled and opposed major civil rights legislation.

Byrd later renounced his early political views. He called his KKK affiliation “an extraordinarily foolish mistake” in his autobiography.

Yep, he wasn’t the Grand Wizard and voted against civil rights legislation, but never mind that because he called it a mistake after the Democrats decided to court the black vote with affirmative action other forms of soft bigotry of low expectations.

So it’s fine that Biden eulogized him.

Now let’s go back 10 years back to before Biden’s candidacy.

From Slate:

What Does an Exalted Cyclops Do?
He reports to the Dragon and coordinates the Centaurs.

Robert Byrd, the longest-serving senator in U.S. history, died Monday at 92. While he was most famous as a master of the Senate’s obscure rules, Byrd wore many hats during his lifetime, including that of Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan. What are the job responsibilities of an Exalted Cyclops?

He presides over the Council of the Centaurs and writes quarterly reports to the Grand Giant. In the Klan hierarchy, each local chapter, or Klavern, is led by an Exalted Cyclops. This member is typically elected by his fellow Klansmen and serves a one-year term. According to the original 1867 Prescript of the Ku Klux Klan, the Exalted Cyclops reports to a Grand Giant, or provincial leader; a Grand Dragon, or state director; and the Grand Wizard, or national chair. Below the Cyclops on the org chart were the Grand Magi, the Grand Monk, the Grand Exchequer, the Grand Turk, and, finally, the rank-and-file members known as Ghouls or Knights. (Many of these titles have changed over time, and most of the sub-Cyclops ranks have been eliminated.) The Exalted Cyclops’ responsibilities include presiding over Klavern meetings, initiating new members, and appointing Councils of Centaurs—that’s Klan-speak for a jury—to try and punish wayward Ghouls.

So he wasn’t the big cheese of the Klan, just the big cheese of a Klavern.

Given that, what the AP said is equivalent to saying:

While he made Colonel and brigade commander, he wasn’t the Service Chairman of the Army so it’s not really a big deal, and he said that his time in the Army was a foolish mistake.

No, when you are in for decades and become Klavern leader, that’s a big fucking deal.

By today’s progressive standard, anyone associated with Byrd should be unpersoned, but this is about electing Biden, so his association with Exalted Cyclops Byrd is no big deal.

Orwell’s Mintrue has nothing on the current state of the media.  The Minture was a branch of the government.  The media does this out of desire and with alacrity.  That’s worse.


The hateful ignorance of the Left on full display

After the Trump convoy that welcomed the Biden/Harris bus in Texas, this image went around the internet:

Even people who should know better sent it around.

Let’s see…

Isis wants to set up a Caliphate ruled under the strictest version of Sharia Law.

Trump supporters want a government bound by the US Constitution.

ISIS throws gay men off of buildings to their death.

This is the openly gay former Ambassador and Acting Director of National Intelligence appointed by Trump:

The evidence is that he’s right.

ISIS murdered people by setting them on fire:


It’s not Trump supporters but Antifa that are setting people on fire:


ISIS engaged in iconoclasm, destroying anything that didn’t comport to their Islamic ideology.

It’s not Trump supporters but Black Lives Matter and Antifa that are destroying statues.

But I think the biggest difference was made clear by someone who opposed Trump and the convoy.

Back in 2016, it was estimated that 18,000 civilians were killed by ISIS in Iraq in the previous two years.

It’s more difficult to get current numbers because that is a multi-national war, but ISIS’s rise to power cost nearly 18,000 lives.

Trump supporter’s death toll: 0

This is grotesquely inaccurate, but that is the point.  To believe the worst about Trump supporters and convince everyone else that Trump by association is the manifestation of evil.

Then there is this condescension:

That’s right you cheap domestic beer-drinking, camo wearing, pickup truck driving yokel, red-neck, morons.  You should vote for Biden…

The left does nothing but pander to what they assume to be the worst stereotypes about people.

They hate you.  They want you to know that they hate you.  The only way that you can redeem yourself in their eyes is to vote for the person that they want you to vote for.

I don’t think this is the motivator that they believe it is.  Generally, when I’m condescended to, I’m less likely to side with the person talking down to me and more likely reminding myself it’s not worth going to jail for knocking that fucker’s teeth out.

They hate you, remember that on election day.