Month: December 2020

Another protester car ambush – Update

This is why North Dakota, North Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, and Texas have bills on the table to run protesters the fuck over if they attack cars.

This guy is boxed in.

Cars to the left, right, and rear, and protesters to the front.  He can do nothing but sit there with the doors locked praying that the protesters can’t smash through the windows.

IANAL, but in at least a dozen states, I’m pretty sure it would be legal at this point to start shooting protesters.

Especially that double foot jump guy that caved in the windshield.  Any reasonable person would be afraid that the protesters were trying to force their way into the vehicle to do harm to the driver.

They were most definitely trying to break their way into the car to do harm and the people inside were terrified.

I am now as certain as I can be as an internet amateur (IANAL) that the shooting would start and would be legal in a shall issue, stand your ground state.

Especially if my kids were in the back seat and someone was trying to punch their way in through a rear window.

As for the places where you can’t carry a gun, just stay the hell out of them.

Although, given the cost of ammo right now, you might be able to carry there with the argument that it’s not a gun, but a portable ATM dispensing $5 tokens.

Cops had advanced warning of the Nashville bomber.

NASHVILLE — Sixteen months before Anthony Quinn Warner’s RV exploded in downtown Nashville on Christmas morning, officers visited his home in Antioch after his girlfriend reported that he was making bombs in the vehicle, according to documents obtained by The Tennessean.

In the aftermath, The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation said Warner was “not on our radar” prior to the bombing. But a Metro Nashville Police Department report from August 2019 shows that local and federal authorities were aware of alleged threats he had made.

Girlfriend warned Nashville police Anthony Warner was building bomb a year ago, report shows

Say the words “Sear” or “Solvent Trap”  in a post or email and your life will be fully intercepted and investigated going back three generations and you are kept in all kinds of special lists and surveillance.

Plan to go blow a bomb or massacre students in a high school ? You are cool. We will place your file with Hunter Biden’s laptop investigation.



Now that a vaccine is available…

The next round of Collective Guilt is out the door.

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – According to a new report from OceansAsia, a conservation group, 1.56 billion single-use face masks will have entered oceans by the end of 2020. While plastic consumption has steadily risen through the years, researchers said the pandemic significantly increased usage and demand.

Estimated 1.56 billion face masks to enter oceans in 2020, experts say they saw it coming

The experts saw it coming so they either were shut down or they went along with the Medical Fascism because it was convenient to them in the future.

Now, will that billion and a half mask enter the oceans? Unless they levitate in their own, I doubt it pretty much in this side of the World. That it will start showing up in other places where trash is just dumped purposely in the oceans? No doubt, but they do not give a crap about guilt trips and they know it, so they try on the folks in the US and Europe with a First World living standard.

And that also brings an interesting question: If we are living through a deadly pandemic with such a dangerous virus, how come a Biohazard disposal campaign was ever created?

How come we do not see bags like this in business and government locations everywhere so masks and gloves could be collected and incinerated? Either Wuhan V is a deadly disease that forced governments to shut countries because there was no other solution, or we are being bamboozled into believing a respiratory virus is a biological asteroid about to wipe human life on Earth.

Hat Tip MortarGirl

Because she is that dumb.

Oh bless her heart.

I am not going to bother to discuss the sheer imbecility of the comparison, but I will remind you of her previous dealings with her own advice on “masks” and how safe it went.

I believe another symptom of Kung-Flu is grave memory lapses and poor Alyssa seems to have gotten the brunt of it. But sure bet is she is “forgetting on purpose” AKA Lying.

So that makes me bring back Jennifer’s admonition to members of the performing “arts.”

Facebook Artificial Intelligence is as dumb as the Organic ones running the show.

I saw posted that Facebook was Fact Checking this image and I thought to be a bit too far-fetched even for the Zuckbots.

About a minute later, I got this message:


If that was not stupid enough, I clicked on the “See Why” and got this explanation.

And all of the sudden, I feel better knowing Skynet will never happen.  The damned robots will shoot the programmers and then become bird perches and squirrel feeders while singing  “Never Gonna Give You Up” out of key.