Month: March 2021

Something to consider

Plausible theory.

I will keep an eye out for more on this.

The Democrats propose a bill to kill the military industrial complex

I live in Huntsville, Alabama.

Rocket City, USA.

Half of the Missile Defense Agency is here on Redstone Arsenal.

Every major defense contractor in missiles and aerospace is here in the Huntsville area.

This is MAGA country.

Go ahead and take clearances from Trump supporters.

At least half the cleared  engineers here will lose their jobs overnight, maybe more.

The military industrial complex will die in a week.

They might as well pass a bill surrendering us to China.

Good job guys.

This is among the reasons why I am so against gender transitioning children

This headline:

‘My girl became the youngest trans toddler… at just three years of age’
EXCLUSIVE: Luna was asking to become a girl from a very young age and mum Jeneen made it happen with the help of Mermaids

Now this article from the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry:

Mothers of boys with gender identity disorder: a comparison of matched controls

This pilot study compared mothers of boys with gender identity disorder (GID) with mothers of normal boys to determine whether differences in psychopathology and child-rearing attitudes and practices could be identified. Results of the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines and the Beck Depression Inventory revealed that mothers of boys with GID had more symptoms of depression and more often met the criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder than the controls. Fifty-three percent of the mothers of boys with GID compared with only 6% of controls met the diagnosis for Borderline Personality Disorder on the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines or had symptoms of depression on the Beck Depression Inventory. Results of the Summers and Walsh Symbiosis Scale suggested that mothers of probands had child-rearing attitudes and practices that encouraged symbiosis and discouraged the development of autonomy.

53% of mothers of transboys have borderline personality disorder.

When you read more about borderline personality you discover a lot of celebrities have it.

The constant need to be the center of attention, poor interpersonal relationships, frequent divorces, addiction issues, etc.

We as normal people wonder how people in Hollywood could be so ridiculously out of touch, living in mansions and crying on a Zoom interview on TV during the pandemic about how tough it is.  They are borderline people with mental illness.

So no wonder why so many celebrities have trans children.

Borderline people seeking validation in their empty lives by becoming the “supportive parent to a trans child.”

Now throw in activists with a white savior complex.  Which Lefty activist wouldn’t want to be a cause celeb for identifying and rescuing a trans child from their transphobic parents.

Most of Antifa and BLM allies are upper middle-class white kids who want to feel like they are doing something for civil rights, even though the battle was fought and won in the 1960s.  So they target innocents with vitriol to feel like they are doing good.

I suspect that the vast majority of trans kids are the abused and manipulated victims of borderline parents and identity activists seeking fame and validation.

But because Woke is the new popular religion, we can’t say that out loud so children will endure Mengele-esque medical torture and mutilation for likes, re-Tweets, and media interviews to heap glory on mentally unbalanced adults.

It’s like living in an episode of The Twilight Zone and being the only person who realizes everyone else is crazy.

Obvious points are obvious but all but the fanatical and uninformed

RogerG sent me his thoughts on the Boulder shooting:

Colorado has Red Flag laws.
Colorado has universal BG checks. Colorado has a “passing” gun control grade from gun control groups.
Colorado bans “high cap” magazines. Kroger chains are “gun free zones.” Boulder has carry bans.

And don’t you dare spew your hate by pointing out the asshole shooter Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa was a Trump & Republican Hating, ISIS loving bastard. Hell, he is more acceptable to the Left than your White-(Insert denomination) self!

He killed 10 people, you have killed none, but you are the one deserving to go to “re-education” camps or simply be executed for political heresy.


Boy, I wish this was true.

Can you imagine if this was true?


  • Go to
  • Click on “I want this gun mailed to me.”
  • Confirm address
  • Click on “I am 18 years or older.”
  • Click on “OK”
  • Wait for the gun to arrive in the mail.

Hell. I am even willing to actually PAY for the gun if they deliver it home!

And don’t make me go through the adoption part.

Florida Cop Impersonator.


If you go to YouTube and type “Jeremy DeWitte”, you will be bombarded with videos of this guy doing his act as “funeral escort” and being a total dick.  Here is the funny part: The videos were taken by him on a body worn camera and it shows him on his motorcycle behaving like a Third World jackass LEO. There are videos of him interaction with cops in other states claiming to be a LEO and/or former military super ninja. He is out on bond after charged with a slew of crimes.

This is one of the many videos available. If anything, it shows that Florida people are very nice and don’t just run over assholes even when they realize they are fake cops

PS: One of the charges he is facing is illegal recording of a phone conversation. Florida is a 2 party consent state and either by design or accident, he recorded a speakerphone conversation with his bodycam. I have to admit I never thought about that!

Now you know too, just in case.