Month: March 2021

In the utopia medicine will administered based on allegiance to the party line

See, a virus is a partisan actor.  When a state decides it’s had enough of destroying people’s businesses and livelihoods, driving people to depression, addiction, and suicide, and attempt to go back to normalcy, that’s being on the side of the virus.

Being against the virus means being under the totalitarian Jack-boot of the nanny-state.

Except that the nanny-states of New York and California have done remarkably worse than Florida and Texas.

I’d go further and say that the whole point of the vaccine is to allow a return to normalcy, so a state that wants to reopen should get priority on vaccinations.  Get people vaccinated and get them back to work chugging the economy forward.

But that is not how it works on the Left.

It’s not about the virus, it’s about control.

People who want to go back to work, parents who want to send their kids back to school, people who want to do something other than stay locked in their homes on unemployment or telework are going against the party line.

They should be punished.

The vaccine must be withheld from them to increase their chance of death.

Vaccinate the people who want to stay locked indoors wearing a mask in their own homes is totally backwards from what we should be doing but it’s the reward to the people who have fully swallowed the party line.

This is a medical Holodomor.

This is the future the Left wants.  Your ability to get healthcare, to work, to feed yourself will be totally dependent on your allegiance to the party line.

They are making that crystal clear.

More proof that lockdown hysterics have nothing to do with slowing the spread

#COVIDIOT is trending on Twitter because Texas and Mississippi have announced that they are ending the lockdowns and lifting the mask mandates.  Private businesses can require masks as company policy.

Leftist Twitter is screaming bloody murder how Texas, Mississippi, and Republicans, in general, are stupid and going to get us all killed.

Two weeks ago at his town hall, President Biden said we would return to normalcy by “Christmas next year,” as in Christmas 2022, almost two years from now.

So imagine my surprise when I saw this bit of breaking news:



See, you as an American citizen can’t freely travel in this country.  You must be masked at all times.  You are soon going to require proof of vaccination to fly.  They are going to swab your nose daily until you ask to have your butthole swabbed just to give your sinuses a rest.

But a caravan of illegals proven to have COVID can enter this country and go wherever they please with no agency having the authority to stop them.

If the issue really was about preventing the spread of COVID, then stopping illegals with COVID from entering the country would be a priority.  But it’s not.  So clearly the issue must be something else.

Florida Legislature 2021: Quick update.

We are in March and things are getting heated. An enormous amount of bills of all kinds, probably between Senate and hose, well over 2,000 for consideration which can be good news and bad news.

The good news is that even though I see the occasional Gun Control Bill being sent to committee, so far nothing has been scheduled for a hearing so far.  The bad news is that other than Church Carry, nothing else is moving for a hearing on Pro-Gun bills yet.

The legislature is gonna start working hard (stop laughing) and I’ll try to keep an eye on them. I’ll scream if needed.