Month: March 2021

Rob Pincus once again making gun news the wrong way.

Rob co-wrote the piece with Dan Gross, former president of The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence — AKA: Handgun Control, Inc. — AKA: the Brady Bunch.

“He reached out to me,” Rob told me Sunday. “We met through a third party, and then he offered me some insight into why he’s no longer president of Brady.”

When I read their column, I first thought it was a joke. After all, April Fools’ Day is right around the corner, but it’s definitely not a joke. There’s nothing funny about it.

In my humble opinion, it’s treasonous.

Huh? Rob Pincus calls for expanded background checks, gun control and then says he didn’t

As usual, go read the whole thing. Lee Williams makes excellent points and confirms to me that Rob is betting on possibly making good business if the Democrats win by being the official Gun Instructor who developed “common sense.”

In case you don’t remember or did not catch the first time around, the Second Amendment community was ambushed by Rob and some of the other alleged Gun Rights “fighters” by bringing Dan Gross unannounced to the Second Amendment rally in D.C. a couple of years ago.  And somehow they were “surprised” and hurt that their move was rejected by way too many people, me included.

You know we are fucked up when even Jeff Knox, the Head Chest Thumper & No Compromise Guru becomes a Dairy Queen sundae for 5 seconds of Social Media attention.


Wedding Pictures in the era of the Pandemic of Stupid.

I saw a meme posted in Facebook by my friend John S. and I thought it was photoshopped pictures to show the insanity of the times we live, so I looked online.

Nope. They are real.


For the love of Eros and Cupid! Who the flock are you trying to fool with your wokeness? We figure you will be exchanging bodily fluids a bit later using different appendages and cavities of your bodies, so why you are trying to project you are being edgy and responsible? Was this an accurate representation of the honeymoon?

Stop being pretentious woke assholes (but I repeat myself) and take normal wedding pictures.  Ten years down the road, you will ask yourself if it is time to shred the wedding album or leave it for future generations as example of the stupidity of fashion politics.

Wokeness destroys the Hippocratic Oath, undermines the gravitas of medical professionals some more, and brings us closer to a race war

This is from Boston Review:

An Antiracist Agenda for Medicine
Colorblind solutions have failed to achieve racial equity in health care. We need both federal reparations and real institutional accountability.

We are experienced physicians. But in the early days of the pandemic, when we felt like fresh interns nervously awaiting a flood of disease presentations we had never seen before, we had a nagging sense of déjà vu: it seemed that a disproportionate number of COVID-19 patients admitted to our Boston hospital were people of color. We asked around; our colleagues corroborated. The trend was confirmed by data coming out of Milwaukee first, then sporadically elsewhere. Now it is a well-known and tragic fact of the pandemic.

The experience was doubly jarring, however, because we had noted an analogous pattern in hospital admissions six years ago. In 2015 some of us wondered why Black and Latinx patients with heart failure—our hospital’s most common diagnosis—seemed more likely than white patients to end up on our general medicine service rather than on our cardiology service, where patients have better outcomes (along with a more comfortable experience, including private rooms and better amenities). Our effort to understand and correct this disparity has led us to rethink the nature of the fight for racial justice in medicine.

After analyzing ten years of hospital data, we concluded that the trend we observed was painfully robust: white patients at Brigham and Women’s Hospital—a prominent, predominantly white Harvard teaching hospital—were indeed more likely to be admitted to the cardiology service. We also found that the discrepancy, like many other racial health inequities, wasn’t fully accounted for by insurance status, established links to care, other medical conditions, or an index reflecting the socioeconomic status of a patient’s neighborhood. In a follow-up study we found that patient self-advocacy may play a role in these disparities: white patients were perceived to advocate for cardiology admission more often and more intensely, and providers acknowledged such behavior impacted their decision making.

Recognizing this problem, public health scholars Chandra Ford and Collins Airhihenbuwa brought CRT’s legal approach to the public health realm in 2010 with their landmark proposal of a Public Health Critical Race Framework. Following their lead, we have sought to implement that framework in our own advocacy and clinical work on equitable heart failure admissions. Together with a coalition of fellow practitioners and hospital leaders, we have developed what we hope will be a replicable pilot program for direct redress of many racial health care inequities—one that takes seriously the limitations of colorblind solutions and empowers institutions in variety of contexts to take decisive action to achieve racial equity.

Sensitive to these injustices, we have taken redress in our particular initiative to mean providing precisely what was denied for at least a decade: a preferential admission option for Black and Latinx heart failure patients to our specialty cardiology service. 

Offering preferential care based on race or ethnicity may elicit legal challenges from our system of colorblind law. But given the ample current evidence that our health, judicial, and other systems already unfairly preference people who are white, we believe—following the ethical framework of Zack and others—that our approach is corrective and therefore mandated. We encourage other institutions to proceed confidently on behalf of equity and racial justice, with backing provided by recent White House executive orders.

This is zero-sum thinking.  It always ends with the unfavored group having their access limited.

So under this plan, presumably, a white man with chest pains and shortness of breath is going to have to take a back seat waiting for the hospital cardiologist or be given a Tums and told to do home.

Never in the history of this sort of action has the outcome been to improve people.  The Soviet peasants weren’t able to grow more food, the Kulaks who did grow the food had their land taken away and everyone starved.  The Chinese repeated that half a century later.  Then the Cubans, Zimbabweans, and Cambodians after that.

They never build up, they only tear down.  These people cannot achieve equity by reducing the mortality rate for black patients, they will just increase the mortality rate for white patients until parity is achieved.

Dancing doctors and nurses on TikTok will be a drop in the bucket of animosity directed to the medical community if they embark on a plan to make white people feel like they can’t trust that if they go to the hospital they will be given the best care because of the color of their skin.

Go Woke, go broke is an absolute rule and it will break our hospitals too.  They will doom medical care in this country by going woke.

Antifa sets up an ambush gauntlet in Oregon

Antifa knows that they own the roads in some places in America.

They can set up ambush gauntlets where they can essentially trap drivers for targeted violence.

This Antifa asshole was in the middle of the road, in the absolute certainty that drivers would have to stop or slow down not to hit him because the law protects him.  When the blue truck slowed down it was attacked.

This is an ambush tactic straight out of the Green Zone.  Slow down drivers to speeds where they are easily attacked.

It was successful and done repeatedly.


The police would have arrested any driver who barreled on through the Antifa human roadblock but not the people who nearly killed a passenger with a tree branch.

When one of these Antifa steps out in the road it is to slow you down so his comrades can get a better shot at you.  This is why laws like the one in Tennesse that allow drivers to run over people illegally blocking the roads and threatening them in the streets are vital.

Oregon has no such protections so Antifa knows that they can use this tactic over and over again because the police will come down harder on the driver than runs an Antifa asshole over than the Antifa who try and kill drivers.

I’m going to say it over and over again, it’s time for anyone who is not on the far left to pull chocks and abandon that region of the country.

Just get out.

As long as the government protects Antifa more than the law-abiding, tax-paying citizens, you’re just funding the beast while waiting for it to come and eat you.


Man defending himself from Antifa nearly has his life ruined for doing something dumb

This guy did a really stupid thing.

Yes, Antifa attacked him.  Yes, they damaged his vehicle.  Yes, they pepper-sprayed him and probably would have beaten his ass.

But the second he pulled out that gun, especially because the cops were there, he fucked himself.

He brandished a weapon, which was doubly stupid because he did this is Oregon where the government has all but given Antifa free reign to do whatever they want, destroy whatever they want, attack whomever they want, and just about kill whomever they want.

I have said it time and time again that Antifa needs to be taught a lesson the hard way with bullets, but it’s not going to be John Q. Citizen outside of his F-150 that does it.

The good news is that the cops appeared to have let him go after it was all over.

I don’t know all the details but I’m to assume that they let him go only because of how many cars were attacked previously, by Antifa, on video, and the fact that his car was damaged, he was totally outnumbered, surrounded, and he was repeatedly pepper-sprayed.

Also, this is Salem, not Portland.

I’m about 99.99% sure that in Portland, if Antifa kicked in your door, went up your stairs into your bedroom, and beat you with a bat while raping your wife, and you managed to get a gun out of your nightstand and shoot one, you will be the one going to jail.

Still, I’m going to consider this guy exceptionally lucky that he’s not going to spend the next ten years in prison.

Do not brandish a weapon.

I wish the law was different.  I really do.  But what I wish is irrelevant and brandishing will get cuffs slapped on you in a heartbeat.

Also, note the narration in the last video.  This crazy bitch is mad that the police didn’t kill him, which she assumes is because he is white.  Not that previous videos showed him completely complying with the officer who told him to put his gun down and handcuffed him.

Law-abiding gun-owning citizens should stay as far from Antifa as possible.  Honestly, Just abandon Oregon to Antifa and Leftist politicians and let them sleep in the bed they made together.

I wouldn’t believe me if I told myself

So I was chatting with a buddy and I sent him this meme.


That cascaded into a conversation in which I realized that if you had the ability to go back to 2001 and tell American’s what 2020/2021 was like, they wouldn’t believe you.

Like, at all.


Try it:

“The federal government was temporarily under the control of an 80-year-old bureaucrat you never heard of, who ran a minor department you never heard of, who told people to wear three handkerchiefs over their faces and have a medical swab jammed up their butthole to fight a respiratory virus with a 99.7% survivability rate.”

“We made this 39-year-old gay guy who had no more administrative experience than being the mayor of a rust belt city of 100,000 people, the Secretary of Transporation because he said he ‘likes trains’ and proposed to his husband in an airport terminal.”

“A TV actress with a part-time role on a lousy basic cable drama show conspired with Oprah to destroy the British Monarchy and succeded.”

“A member of the House Intelligence Committee fucked a Chinese spy and Speaker of the House let him stay on the House Intelligence Committee, but the Speaker of the House tried to kick another member of Congress out of office for saying that there were only two genders.”

“A number of state governors declared in a state of emergency what items in a hardware or big box store you could buy and not buy and had different items roped off from customers.  It was against the law to go to a Lowes and buy paint or seeds, or Easter candy in a Wal-Mart, by governor’s orders.  Oh, and that state of emergency was that same respiratory virus with a 99.7% survivability rate.”

“The President made it so that people had to carry a little card issued by the CDC that shows that they were vaccinated against the aforementioned respiratory virus with a 99.7% survivability rate to be allowed to enter a business or travel between states.”

Speaking of that card, I got vaccinated because I’m an essential government contractor, and the very first thing that I noticed after the woman who gave me my injection told me to carry the card around with me all the time was that it’s not a standard wallet credit card size card.  If you want to know exactly the state of our incompetent fucking bureaucratic state, that’s it right there.

“Here’s a fucking card you have to carry around with you always, but it’s not a convenient industry-standard size to carry in your wallet or business card holder or any other standard size accessories that you carry all of your other concealed carry permits, drivers licenses, state-issued IDs, credit cards, business cards, store rewards cards, frequent customer punch cards, etc. in, because fuck you, we’re the Federal government and we do what we want.”

If you went back 20 years and told any of these to yourself, I doubt you would believe even you.

Try it.  Put it in the comments.  Describe something that happened within the last year you 20 years ago wouldn’t believe if you told yourself.