Month: March 2021

9mm Ammo available via 305Guns

You have seen the link to who is my FFL and he just sent me this email. Sharing with you guys in case you are interested.

Hey Miguel –

Long time no Talk.

Thought I would ping you as I know people are dying for ammo and I managed to get a lead on some decent, albeit expensive 9mm. Its steel cased but nickel plated so it appears it won’t suffer from the same issues that steel cased ammo normally does.

Cost is <$40/box (mostly depends on whether we qualify for free shipping) – considering I saw ammo for $50/box at the range this past weekend, it almost seems like a bargain.

Anyhow, let me know if you or anyone wants some. They will let me order what I want – they have over 200,000 rounds in stock.

I plan to order in a couple of hours at most to make sure its not gone.



Contact him ASAP at

Salem P.D. supporting Antifa thugs

Antifa attacks senior citizen. He responds to threat with a display of his firearm, he gets arrested by Salem Police Department who was present seeing all the events but did nothing to avoid it.


Maybe defunding the police is not such a bad idea. If they are going to be Antifa’s bitches. they should get their funding from them and stop milking the taxpayer.


Washington DC is a sh*thole run by a garbage person

This is the headline:

‘His death is immeasurable’ | Family of a Pakistani immigrant mourns his death after he was killed in a Navy Yard carjacking

The family of a Virginia man who was allegedly carjacked Tuesday in Southeast D.C. calls his loss immeasurable.

The Metropolitan Police Department (D.C. Police) says Muhammad Anwar, 66, of Springfield, Virginia, died after two teenagers assaulted him with a Taser while trying to carjack him, and he was killed due to a crash that followed.

A 13-year-old from Southeast D.C. and a 15-year-old from Fort Washington, Maryland have been charged with felony murder and armed carjacking in connection to the crime.

Here is video of the incident:


Every single soldier in our military gets some form of combat first aid training.  Any of these Guardsmen who have been deployed to combat has received combat first aid.

Not one thought to try to help a dying man.  They just let him lay there face down like a piece of shit.

Every single one of them should be NJP until they are shitting blood.

Second, notice how one of the girls’ biggest concern wasn’t that she tazed a man, crashed his car, and killed him, but that she left her phone in the car she murdered a man while trying to steal.

Here is how Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser reacted to the incident:

Two black girls targeting an elderly man from Central Asia for robbery turned into felony murder is inconvenient to the narrative so it’s just an issue of car theft safety.

We are living in a failed state where the only rule is das narrative uber alles.

Colorado Congressman Ranger Fudd wants to take your guns away

Another one of O’Sullivan’s officers turned politicians outs himself.

I’m going to come right out and say it:

If a Democrat says that they served in the military, I will not assume that they are a patriot.  In fact, I will assume the opposite.  That they joined the military so that they could lead troops against American Citizens during a gun-grab or some other political purge.  That fighting in the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan was just how they gained battlefield experience for fighting their true enemy, the American people.

Far, far too many of these officers chose to use their military experience as evidence for why you John Q. Public Citizen need to have your Constitutional rights restricted by them.

People who swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution in their military service using their military service to undermine the Constitution.

When Jason Crow was going though CQB training at ShughartGordon, I don’t believe in his mind he was thinking about raiding Bin Laden’s compound.  I believe in his mind he was thinking about raiding your house because you own an AR-15.



Badass Jews before victim culture was a thing

This is some badass history from this week 76 years ago.



“About 300 American soldiers made the ancient Jewish holiday a doubly important occasion Friday by joining in the festival in the home of one of Naziland’s most rabid Jewish persecutors.

They topped off the festival by cooking potato pancakes on Gobels’ front porch – with a corporal from Brooklyn in charge of this detail.”




Somebody is calling a divorce attorney when he checks social media

This was posted online by a Leftist wine mom:


That seems like a very nice kitchen, in what is presumably a very nice house.  She is wearing very nice clothes, with a very big diamond on her finger.

What does she do with it?

Takes a picture that shits all over her husband and his ability to raise good sons with all the nice stuff that he presumably paid for as part of the background.


Look at the looks on the faces of her two sons that are old enough to stand on their own.

Clearly, they don’t like being in that picture.

Upper-middle-class wine most not realize just how much she is tormenting her sons for likes and thumbs up, or she doesn’t care.

This is political Munchausen by proxy.

Also, her sons won’t grow up to treat other girls right.  They will grow up hating women because mom was passive-agressively mean to them and made them feel awful for being boys.

Dad needs to cut and run and take his sons with him.

Got your butt shot for the trouble.

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. – A man trying to break into a Motel 6 room Saturday was shot in the rear end by the room’s occupant, according to the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office.

Volusia County Sheriff’s Office public information office Andrew Grant said a man and a woman attempted to break into an occupied Motel 6 room in Daytona Beach on West International Speedway Boulevard around 3 a.m. The pair were trying to enter the room through a window and woke up the occupant who responded by firing a gun at them.

The man trying to get into the room was shot in the buttocks, deputies said.

Volusia deputies searching for man shot in backside during attempted motel break in

I love happy endings. and kudos to the author for the many uses of synonyms of ass.

One of the issues of traveling is the possibility of being targeted by the criminal element. The fact that you are not local, do not know the make up of the land and might be with your guard down makes for a very tempting target.  In our last two excursions, we stayed in budget motels that for the most part were nice, but there is always that shady looking guy roaming around who got my undivided attention till he realized we were not going to be partake of his criminal offerings and left for other locations. And it was a good decision since, specially the last one, since it was the SW Florida Blog Shot trip and there might have been a weapon or two in the room.

I have written about people  going to hotels and just relaxing their security mindset for no other reason that they are not home when the opposite was supposed to be the baseline. I still don’t understand why, but I hope the readers of this blog don’t fall for that trap. When you are on te road, stay twice as alert and wary as if you were home.

Hat Tip MarkC