Month: July 2021

The university system is dead

Hannah Jones was given tenure by UNC because her friends in the media accused UNC of being racist after not renewing her contract after historians of all political affiliations said her 1619 Project was wrong.

This woman is the living embodiment of narrative over facts and now she has tenure.


Heavily Armed White Supremacist Militia intercepted in Massachusetts

Readers sent me news about this incident, still fresh in the news.

A bizarre incident unfolded Saturday morning in Wakefield, Massachusetts. According to local police: “during a motor vehicle stop, several heavily armed men claiming to be from a group that does not recognize our laws exited their vehicles and fled into the woodline” near Interstate Highway 95.

The incident unfolded around 1:30 a.m. when a state trooper came across a group of 8 to 10 people refueling on the side of the I-95 highway in Wakefield, a suburb of Boston. The group was dressed in military-style uniforms, carried tactical gear like body cameras and helmets and had long guns slung over their shoulders.

They told officials they were on their way to Maine from Rhode Island for “training,” Col. Christopher Mason said.

Massachusetts police responding to group of ‘heavily armed men’ claiming to ‘not recognize our laws’ – ABC News (


Moorish American Indigenous Group is what they call themselves. Mass Troopers probably shat a brick and called everybody but grandma to deal with the “uppity armed Negros.” A bunch of black people travelling armed and doing nothing? “We can’t have that here. Next thing they will want fair elections and respect to the Bill of Rights.”

I am sure more details will be forthcoming, but always remember FOPA is worth shit in places like New Jersey, New York and and Masshole State.

Taking your kids to a big Event/Location?

Just saw this in Facebook and sounds like a good idea.

Springfield Police Department.

Advice From the Springfield Police Department …

If your are taking a young child to a big event, Six Flags, theme park, Fenway Park or any other busy location …
Write your phone number on their wrist and cover it with liquid band aid in case you get separated.
Also, take a photo of them using your cell phone the morning of the event so you have their clothing, hair style and up to date photo. Just in case they get lost.
Stay safe this summer!
The men & women of the SPD are working hard protecting & serving …
#BePrepared #TipofTheDay

Sgt. John Delaney
Springfield Police Department

Looks like we’re about to discover that QAnon is true

And my condolences to the judge’s family on account of his suicide.

California city to collectively punish legal gun owners for gun crime

San Jose to tax gun owners, will confiscate firearms for noncompliance

Gun owners in San Jose, California, will soon face a yearly tax and be required to carry additional insurance after their city council voted unanimously Tuesday evening to impose the new measures.

The forthcoming fee for gun ownership in the city has not yet been determined, but officials said that anyone found to be in noncompliance will have their weapons confiscated.

The city council’s aim is to try to recoup the cost of responding to gun incidents such as shootings and deaths. According to the Pacific Council on Research and Evaluation, which studied the issue and sent a representative to testify before the panel, gun-related incidents cost the city roughly $63 million every year in the way of paying for police officers, medics and other expenses, The San Francisco Chronicle reported.

The people who will pay the tax and buy the insurance to remain legal are not the people doing the shootings.

And the people doing the shooting are not going to get licenses and buy insurance.

This will probably survive legal challenge in California.

This has nothing to do with crime and everything to do with tormenting gun owners.