Month: September 2021

LTC Scheller is a hero

We have a tendency to use that word a lot, but in this case it is the truth.

This man threw his career away to stand by a principle of love of country and the men and women under his command.

He could have shut the fuck up, laid low for another three years , and cashed out to a fat salary in the MIC, but he’s out there nuking bridges and telling the truth because it’s the right thing to do.

We need more men like this, which is why the military bureaucracy is going to try and burn him so hard, so public.

God bless this Marine for what he us doing.

Antifa is in your kid’s school and abusing your children

From an article about this undercover interview:

Gipe revealed that he indexes students’ political standings throughout the year, and watches as the class inches further left. “So, they take an ideology quiz and I put [the results] on the [classroom] wall. Every year, they get further and further left … I’m like, ‘These ideologies are considered extreme, right? Extreme times breed extreme ideologies.’ Right? There is a reason why Generation Z, these kids, are becoming further and further left,” said Gipe.

Gipe said that a student had anonymously stated on an end of year questionnaire that the Antifa flag in Gipe’s classroom made him uncomfortable.

“I have an Antifa flag on my [classroom] wall and a student complained about that — he said it made him feel uncomfortable. Well, this [Antifa flag] is meant to make fascists feel uncomfortable, so if you feel uncomfortable, I don’t really know what to tell you. Maybe you shouldn’t be aligning with the values that this [Antifa flag] is antithetical to,” Gipe said. He went on to say that a violent overthrow of the US government is a necessary solution for today’s society.

That’s emotional abuse.  Manipulating a child by implying they are a Nazi if they disagree with you.

This guy got caught but you know there have to be many more like-minded fellow travelers in the school with him.

The prima facie evidence is that nobody in the school confronted him about having an Antifa flag, picture of MAO, or a corkboard of students’ political leanings on the wall.

Another interview with Cecily Myart-Cruz, the head of the L.A. teachers’ union, shows just how high of this rot goes.

[A]fter settling into in a swivel chair and slowly removing her zebra-print face mask, the 47-year-old lightning rod for controversy calmly sets her hands on the table and begins issuing a series of incendiary statements that almost seem aerodynamically designed to grab headlines and infuriate critics. Like this one: “There is no such thing as learning loss,” she responds when asked how her insistence on keeping L.A.’s schools mostly locked down over the last year and a half may have impacted the city’s 600,000 kindergarten through 12th-grade students. “Our kids didn’t lose anything. It’s OK that our babies may not have learned all their times tables. They learned resilience. They learned survival. They learned critical-thinking skills. They know the difference between a riot and a protest. They know the words insurrection and coup.” She even went so far as to suggest darkly that “learning loss” is a fake crisis marketed by shadowy purveyors of clinical and classroom assessments.

She is thrilled that during the pandemic the kids didn’t learn math but were indoctrinated against America, and anyone who complains about that is a Right Wing conspiracy theorist.

Clearly California, and presumably all blue state, public schools are nothing but Leftist indoctrination centers.  As for schools in Red districts, fight to keep these people out.

My fear is that it’s too late and the only way to fix public education now will require a lot of wood chippers and welded bulldozers.

The carrot rather than the stick: Apparently a revolutionary concept.

NASHVILLE, TN (WSMV) – The owner of several well-known Nashville honky tonks is offering an incentive for any of his employees who get vaccinated.

Steve Smith, owner of Tootsie’s, Honky Tonk Central and The Diner, confirmed to News4 on Tuesday he will pay his employees $500 to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

Smith says he wants to make sure his staff is safe and protected while interacting with tourists, and doesn’t want them to have to miss work if they contract the virus.

Tootsie’s owner offering $500 incentive for employee vaccinations | News |

Tootsies Orchid Lounge was the first bar I went to when I moved to Nashville back when the world was in 525 lines and downtown Nashville was not a tourist trap and sometimes not a nice place to be. Back then it was still a place for cheap beer and where the wishful artists and fans come for a chance to meet old school stars taking a break from the Grand Ole Opry.

It is good to see that at least somebody is trying to use positive reinforcement rather than being a petty tyrant about vaccines.


Fantasy Island 2021

In case you haven’t heard, it is back with new people.

I will freely admit I was expecting a train wreck, but to the credit of the producers, they have done a good job not deviating from the main idea of the old show too much or injecting wokeness. The principle of the island providing what you need rather than what you want remains as the backbone of the show’s script.

Roselyn Sanchez play Elena Roarke and she is the grandniece of our esteemed Mr. Roarke played by Ricardo Montalban. The dress code remains the eternal white and while by the time of the old series Mr. Roarke had embraced and accepted fully what the island demands, Ms. Roarke still has some lingering issues she is dealing with about the Island picking her as caretaker.

It is not a life-changing series, but surely a good one for a nice bowl of popcorn and sharing with your significant other.


John Stossel on COVID Vaccines.

I have no doubt that the issues we’ve been having is directly attributable to the government’s contradictory and ever changing doctrine on the Kung-Flu remediation which has led to some to overblow the fears of people on both sides of the vaccine issue.

And don’t forget that there are influencer assholes on the side of “freedom” that are there just for the money and not for a true care of individual rights. There be Dudley Browns everywhere.