Month: December 2021

Please, stop with the Pureblood bullshit.

I have been biting my tongue and trying not to lose my calm about this alleged badge of honor. But this meme was just the last dollop of shit in the manure bucket.

This is pure Wannsee Conference. In case you do not know what that is, it was a gathering of Nazi leadership in 1942 where the extermination of Jews and other undesirables was brought under one umbrella and the basis was set not only to make a more efficient extermination process but who was going to be exterminated. One of the discussions was centered in the percentage of Jewish Blood that a German may have to be classified as a Jew (and thus exterminated) or as Aryan to be spared. Obviously, any Aryan of pure blood uncontaminated by Jewish ancestry was safe from a free train ticket East and a gaseous shower.

So please, with sugar on top: Stop playing with the terms that feel came out straight from Reinhard Heydrich’s lips just because you want to be as stupidly edgy as the assholes on the other side.

I’m working on a new design: Chipper de Torquemada

All I’m saying is that it might be time for another inquisition…

A Tweet of absolute wisdom

“Los americanos no tienen problemas entonces se los inventan.” (Americans don’t have problems so they invent them.)

That is unequivocally true.

Every problem facing America today is either directly caused or exacerbated by bored, neurotic, privileged people, who have never had any serious challenges in their life, and have a deep and compelling need to fill their vacuous existence by meddling in the lives of others.

Everyday I think Robert A. Heinlein was right in Starship Troopers, that the franchise should be restricted to those people who are civic-minded.  Not necessarily or exclusively through military service, but some method of separating those who understand the gravity and responsibility of participating in the civic process and those bored neurotics who should probably have no more authority than being allowed to take care of stray cats.