Month: June 2022

Speaking of cars vs protesters…


I hate LA, so fuck everyone who lives there and spent hours in traffic.  The DA will let these people go, so fuck everyone who voted for him and is suffering because of it.

But nevertheless, the issue of protesters blocking traffic and attacking drivers still stands.

The can get away with it in LA.

They brought it to a Red state like Iowa.

They will bring this to every place they can.

Be careful.

Truck vs. Protesters in Iowa

Twitter was trending this morning with a story that a man in Iowa ran over a bunch of abortion rights protesters with intent to kill them.

That comes from a thread from a Blue Check writer:


Lyz Lenz is reporting that the man moved over a lane of traffic to run over women in a crosswalk.

*Side note: In common English, Lyz is not pronounced “Liz” as in short for Elizabeth, but “lies.”  This feels like a villain from a children’s book where the lying reporter’s name is actually “lies.”

The intrepid Andy Ngo also posted longer video from the altercation:


Several things to note:

If the driver’s intention was to murder protesters with his truck, why did he drive slowly through them and only speed up when nobody was in front of him?

If the protesters were really innocent women who feared being run over by a man in a truck, why did they stand in front of his truck pushing on it?  Did they expect to stop a 6,000 lbs, 450 HP truck driven by a man with murder in his heart?

Why were other protesters yelling at the women “get out of the way, stop doing this?”

Now we have video from an interview with one of those women from CBS2 Iowa.


Why did she jump in to try and stop the truck?

Consider the Nice truck attack or the Waukesha Christmas parade attack, there is no video of people jumping out in front of those vehicles to stay and stop them with their bodies.

People did their best to get out of the way and not be run over.

Why is it that whenever we see this situations described as “driver runs over protesters” do we we crowds of protesters surrounding the vehicle, pushing on it, and trying to block it?

We don’t have the full video, but from past incidents, I’m inclined to believe he was mobbed first and decided to drive on through.

I really hope for his sake that he has cell phone video from his perspective.

I think that’s important to consider now.  If you are in an area where you get caught in a protest, start recording video.   If you need to hit the gas to save yourself, make sure you have exonerating video evidence.

To address the philosophical question, I believe that the actions of the protesters demonstrate that they are spoiled children who were never disciplined and understand the violence switch theory and take advantage of it.

It’s clear that these grown up children threw temper tantrums and were not punished for it.  As protesters they expect that they can block traffic and beat on cars and the divers will sit passively and take it.

They assume that a driver of the opposite political side will not fight back.  They assume that we will absorb the low level violence done to us but not flip the switch ourselves and run them over.  They become shocked when we do.

From what I see here, admittedly colored by my prejudice from watching other car vs protester videos from the Summer of Love™, is that the driver ran through a bunch of angry protesters who started shit with him.

The moment I developed respect for Jim Clyburn

Things I never thought would happen but did.


This is actually the proper response.

Look at the poll numbers.

If you actually ask Americans what they want about 78% want some form of legal abortion with restrictions.

The vast majority (that 78%) agree to at least abortion in cases of rape, incest, to protect the health of the mother, and in cases of severe birth defects in the unborn child.  The majority, about 65% of Americans, agree to some form of abortion for convenience (abortion for reasons other than the aforementioned) limited to the first trimester, generally between nine and twelve weeks.  Those same people also do not support third trimester or partial birth abortion.

The “ban all abortions, no exceptions for any reason” and “fully legal, no apology, no restrictions” sides are the loudest but are also the minority.  They are the 22% left over from the 78% who want legal abortion with restrictions.

So a rational federal government could easily come up with a law that says something to the effect of “abortion will be legal unger the conditions of rape, incest, to protect the health of the mother, and in cases of severe birth defects in the unborn child, and for convenience up to nine weeks and states can decide if they want to extend that cutoff to up to 24 weeks.”

That right there would immediately satisfy at least two-thirds of the country.

California, New York, and other Blue states would opt for 24 weeks.  Deep Red states would opt for nine weeks.  Purple states would probably split the difference to between 12 and 15 weeks.

The radical 10% on each side would be angry, but fuck them.  We shouldn’t be held hostage by the fringes on each side.

I don’t know what Jim Clyburn would propose for a law but at least it seems from this statement that he’s willing to do the sober work of trying to figure it out.

That is the correct response from a responsible legislator.

All the Democrat politicians shrieking and saying people need to take to the streets are doing it wrong.

Is never thought I’d have respect for Jim Clyburn, but in this instance I do.  He at least has some inkling of how the legislature is supposed to work.

AOC: SCOTUS removed Abortion rights for men?

Women, birthing people and men. Dear God, I don’t blame her for being stupid, I blame those who voted for her; they were cruel enough to make her stand front and center to show how brain dead she really is. Congress should not be a reality show.

A Night of Rage…where?

The much promised night of violence to protest the taking down of Roe v. Wade happened in selected locations: New York, Los Angeles and Seattle. That the particular states where those cities are located have not prohibited abortion in any way, shape or form makes me believe they were there just for the protest and flexing muscle rather than any true wish to exercise rights.

The exception seems to be Arizona where protesters tried to get “insurrectional” and break into the State’s capitol. That seemed not to go well.

Scattered rather quick, didn’t day?

They really want to f*ck around


We have different definitions of democracy.

Our candidate won because their candidate sucked.

As the victor, ours got to pick the SCOTUS Justices.

Our Justices made a decision based on their interpretation they didn’t like.

That’s our system.

Like any child who is losing, he wants to change the rules then have a tantrum.

Rather than convince his side to work on a moderate law that that will be a point of compromise between the moderate Right and moderate Left (78% of Americans support some sort of legalized abortion with restrictions), he’s gonna burn it all down because he didn’t get his way.

They want to fuck around, I hope they find out hard.