Month: June 2022

Secure Your Firearms

Two sources with knowledge of the situation expressed concern to Rolling Stone that it is an unsafe environment for children, alleging there are unattended guns strewn around the home on Miller’s 96-acre property. One source, who, like the other, requested anonymity for fear of retribution, recalled an instance where one of the children — a one-year-old — allegedly picked up a loose bullet and put it in her mouth.
— RollingStone: Guns, Bullets, and Weed: Ezra Miller Housing Three Young Children and Their Mother at Vermont Farm

Don’t bother to give them the click. I don’t know anything about the person involved, I gave them the click so you wouldn’t have to.

Securing your firearms means different things to different people. There is a scene in Coolhand Luke where we see a convict sent to get a rifle from the truck. The guards were not concerned because that rifle was secured. It was secured because the “boss” had the bolt for the rifle. Without the bolt the rifle would not work.

One of my very first firearms was a Remington 700. At the time I didn’t have a rifle safe, I did have a pistol safe. I had children. I put the bolt in the pistol safe. That rifle would not function without a replacement bolt so it was secure from my children.

It would be nice to spend as much on my safes as I spend on my firearms. I’d have a couple of Fort Knox style safes. A top of the line 24 rifle gun safe can run over $8000. A low end 24 rifle safe will run near enough to $1000.

A locking gun cabinet can be had for less.

The goal is to secure your firearm(s) in a way that protects them from the threats they may encounter.

Many years ago I had to take a psych evaluation in regards to a custody case, so did my ex-wife. One of the questions is designed to discover if you are narcissistic. It read something like “Do you believe that people are trying to steal your work?”. To which I answered “yes”. The automated scoring used this to claim I was narcissistic but they psychologist said “nope, he’s not.” Why? Because I worked in a place where I had to attend briefings every year where important people got up and said “The work we are doing is very important. The work YOU are doing is very important. There are people with lots of resources trying to steal your work.”

Nobody is trying to “steal” my work today. Maybe they want to cheat me out of my labor, but they aren’t trying to steal my work.

When I lived in certain places in Maryland, I expected to have somebody breakin and steal things. It was a bad neighborhood. Even when I lived in better neighborhood I was always concerned about somebody breaking in. Same when I lived in Michigan.

I needed to secure my firearms from thieves. I had to secure them when the thieves would have two or more hours to steal things.

More importantly to me, I had to secure my firearms from my young children.

So there are multiple different “danger” curves you must deal with.


There is a very very short period of time after a child is born before your security of your firearm must be better than “out of reach.”

When my wife was younger she was on very strict diets. Even so, her mother kept cookies in the house. The cookies were stored on top of the refrigerator. My wife can recall using drawers as a step ladder to get up onto the counter and then using other things to reach the top of the refrigerator to reach the cookies. She thinks she was 3 or 4 years old.

My friend didn’t like her pistol because she could not work the slide. It was too heavy. We’ve all seen the videos of a young child cocking a 1911 style pistol by hitching the slide to the edge of a table and using their entire body weight to slide it back.

Children can do more than you expect, so don’t think that an unsecured firearm is “safe” Secure it!

While my grandchild was here, all firearms were secured. That meant “under lock and key.” For the ready weapon in my bedroom that happened to be a cable lock through the magazine well and out the ejection port. Without the key, my grandchild would not be able to operate that firearm.

Would that cable lock slow down a thief taking off with my rifle? No. It would not. House security is a different issue for us. Child security was paramount.

To repeat, every single firearm in the house was kept under lock and key.

How good were most of those locks? They were pure shit. I practice lock picking from time to time. I can pick every single one of the gun locks I have in less than a minute. They are not that secure. Every one of the padlock/cable lock style can be cut with a simple set of bolt cutters.

They were good enough to secure that one weapon from my grandchild.

As my children grew older, security had to increase. All of my firearms were secured in a gun cabinet or a gun safe. In my opinion, the biggest security for my firearms was a policy of access. If my children wanted to see or handle a firearm all they had to do is ask. I would stop what I was doing and pull out the firearm. Go over the safety rules, clear the weapon. Hand it to them and make sure they cleared the weapon.

Security came by them knowing that they firearms were not magic scary things. It came with training and knowledge and a refusal on my part to make them a hidden goal.

Remember how good you were at finding your Christmas presents as a child. Apply that to your children finding your secret gun.

Today I have firearms that are in the safes, some that are in the gun cabinet and some in gun display cases. All of which are secure enough for my children.

The secondary issue is when my children have friends over. When they were younger, that was not an issue as all firearms were always secured. Today it is one of room access. Guests are not allowed in certain areas of the house which means they don’t get access to firearms.

Having said all of this, I’m relaxed about this part of my firearm security.

Quick Snatch and Grab

In my opinion, this is the biggest threat to most of us. This is the thief that notices you disarming before walking across the street to mail a package at the post office. He sees and knows it is a quick smash and group to walk away with a valuable item.

A pistol is worth a few hundred dollars at the least. When I lived near Baltimore we knew that you didn’t leave anything of value in your car if it was parked down there. People had their cars broken because of the coins visible in the center console.

Any car lock box is a good start. Remember what you are securing and what you are protecting from. Yes, a pair of bolt cutters will cut the cable lock easily. The thief doing a smash and grab is unlikely to have bolt cutters with him.

Secure your firearm if you must leave it in your vehicle

When considering your lock box, consider how you are going to access it while in the vehicle. What do you think others see when you have to get out of your vehicle, pull the lock box from under the seat, take your firearm from its holster, put it in the box. Lock the box and put it back in the vehicle?

You need to be able to secure your firearm while sitting in your seat without it looking like the dance of the seven veils.

Also, be very very aware of what is considered a firearm where you are. In MA, a fired shell is a reloading component and requires a license to possess. In Maryland, a magazine with a round in it is considered a loaded gun.

You think you are being a good subject and disarming before entering the local post office? Did you do it in the parking lot? That’s a sensitive location and you aren’t allowed to carry there.

In your home, you have the same consideration in the smash and grab. So the display case above my Lady’s bed is firmly anchored to the wall. Not a J.Kb. levels, but secure enough. The clasps holding closed are locked. The “glass” is actually plexiglass and pretty hard to break.

It would take a little bit of time to rip it off the wall and it would require tools to do so. It is enough to secure a firearm from a child or curious person and enough to slow down a thief for a bit. Call it 5 to 10 minutes.

The gun cabinet is more than enough to secure my firearms from a quick smash and grab.

The cable look for the display case that secures all the rifles is enough.

All of this is designed to stop the smash and grab. That person is not going to have access to anything quickly.

The Burglary

This is where the thieves have time. Enough time without the owner that they can do what they want. In this case your goal is to get that sweet spot where the amount of time it takes them to access or remove your safe is longer than the response time to the monitored alarm.

If the response time to a house alarm in your area is 20 minutes, your safes have to be secure for at least 30 minutes.

So what does secure mean? It means both access and removal. While you might be concerned about having 24 guns rattling around in the bed of your pickup truck, a thief isn’t going to care. If those 24 guns are rattling around in the back of a pickup truck inside a safe, the thieves don’t care either.

Limiting access to a safe means keeping them from getting inside while the safe is in place. So the safe rated at 2 hours with a biometric electronic lock with a key override sounds really good. Until you figure out that it is pretty simple to drill the key override and just unlock it that way.

Get a safe that is actually rated for the time period listed. When I had to break into my own gun cabinet. The key had gone missing. It took 5 minutes with a drill to drill out the cylinder lock. I replaced that lock with a better lock but I was surprised at how easy it was.

There is the physical access as well. The safe that our friend asked us to open took 20 minutes. I was able to use 3 cut off wheels on my angle iron to cut three sides of the back and a crow bar to access the concrete interior. A sledge hammer and a cold chisel made short work of the concrete interior to gain access to the inside of the safe. Total time was about 35 minutes.

Unfortunately the safe didn’t have anything valuable inside.

A person that has physical access to a security container can open it. It is only a question of time and the amount of destruction.

Make sure the safe you purchase has a security rating that will give the cops time to respond to your alarm.

And now to J.Kb.’s point. Make sure they don’t just walk off with that safe!

Just look up YouTube videos of people hooking a truck up to an ATM and just yanking it out of the wall and driving away.

This is the issue. It might take a thief longer to access the safe than it takes to steal the safe.

Your method of securing your safe is dependent on weight and anchors.

Weight is NOT security.

I have machines that weight in excess of two tons in my shop. I move them by myself. The magic is levers, toe jacks and rolling bars. All you have to do is get it up high enough to get a bar under and then you can roll the heavy item where ever you need to go. A goo lever/pry bar will let you turn things AND steel on steel slides darn well.

This means you have to anchor your safe in location.

Leverage is important in this and you have to make sure your anchors are strong enough to not pull out. You also have to consider static vs dynamic load.

I watch a demonstration where a guy carefully hung about 500 pounds off a chain attached to a forged eye bolt that was through a 2 by 8 beam. Absolutely no problem.

This 180 lbs guy then proceeded to rip that eyebolt right through the beam. He took all the hanging weight off the chain and then proceeded to use a whip like motion to impart a huge shock on the system. Much more than the 500lbs he demonstrated with. It was enough to strip the threads and yank the bolt right out of the beam.

The same is true of our safes. If you can get it to rock even a little bit, that motion can be enough to rip bolts out of the floor or from the wall. Make sure you anchor things so they can’t get your safe moving at all.

If you have an air gap between your safe and the wall, consider putting something there and anchoring through that filler into the wall. This doesn’t keep them from getting a pry bar in there or a strap to yank things. It is just to slow them down a little bit more and to keep that safe from moving at all.


Secure your firearms. Secure them for the time and place you are at. Secure your firearms in such a way they are protected from the threats you anticipate. Secure them well enough that a response can arrive before you loose your firearms.

And remember, the lock picking lawyer isn’t what you are protecting from. Your thief is much more likely to be an animal with a crowbar and more muscles than brains.

Things gonna get dicey…

As seen on the internet:


Hang on to your butts…


The War Continues: Senate Advances Gun Rights Infringement Bill S.2938

So first it is important to note that the Democrats always cheat. They are mean and nasty about it to.

Senator Marco Rubio introduced a bill back in October,2021 to change the name of a courthouse and federal building in Tallahassee, Florida to “Joseph Woodrow Hatchett United States Courthouse and Federal Building”.

That bill was sent to the house where it passed on May 18th, 2022. It had not made it back to the floor of the Senate for a vote.

So an amendment was offered and accepted. This amendment gutted the entire bill and replaced it with the monstrosity that is the “Bipartisan Safer Communities Act”.

I expect that shortly after Joe signs this we will see court cases filed. I’m hoping that those filing go for nation wide injunctions. This is likely the next battle in our rights as guaranteed under the second amendment.

You have called your Representative and let them know your opinion on the matter? It might not feel like it makes any difference but if you don’t try it will fail.

The list of Senators voted are All Democrats (including those that claim to be “independents”) plus

  • Murkowski, R-AK
  • Cotten, R-AR (Not Voting)
  • Young, R-IN
  • McConnell, R-KY
  • Cassidy,R-LA
  • Collins, R-ME
  • Blunt, R-MO
  • Burr, R-NC
  • Tillis, R-NC
  • Cramer, R-ND (Not Voting)
  • Portman, R-OH
  • Toomey, R-PA
  • Graham, R-SC
  • Cornyn, R-TX
  • Romney, R-UT
  • Capito, R-WV

Securing a gun safe

Readers of this blog know that I am as much of a gun safe aficionado as a gun aficionado.

Over father’s day weekend, my father’s day present to myself was a new gun safe.

I found on Craigslist a used Cannon 24 gun safe for $300.  Usual MSRP is $850.

I immediately bought it, brought it home, and with some help and a heavy duty hand truck from Costco, got it into my master bedroom closet.  It only weights, according to the factory spec, 485 lbs.

Now, if I can get it in that way, other men can get it out that way, so I had to secure it to the floor.

In terms of load bearing, it was in perfect position directly over an engineered trust floor joist.  In terms of security, it was in a bad position as the holes in the bottom to mount the safe were sitting above hardwood and OSB subfloor.

The safe came with four 1-1/2×3/8 in lag screws.  I drilled pilot holes and screwed them into the floor.

I didn’t feel confident about that and looked up the pullout strength for lag bolts.  That information is available, especially if you work for a company that does forensic engineering.

A little math later and a 3/8 in lag screw has about 300 lbs pullout strength in 23/32 in OSB.

That’s not enough.

I didn’t want to cut the trim so the safe has about 1/2 in gap between the back and side and the drywall in the corner of the closet. Enough for some burly guys to get their fingers or a strap behind it and pull it forward.

With the leverage of 59 inches of safe body, that would be enough to pull the lag screws out of the OSB.

I wasn’t going to worry about the front screws, since tipping the safe backwards against the wall would accomplish nothing.  I just needed to increase the pullout strength on the back screws.

I drilled two 3/8 in holes through the hardwood and OSB.  I shoved dowels through the holes to locate them in them in the basement.

Once I did, I hammered 2-1/2×3/8 in lag bolts through the holes, set a 1/2×2 in fender washer, then a 1-1/2×3/8 in fender washer, then a 3/8 in nut with red Loctite, and torqued it down with an impact driver while my beautiful wife held the bolt head with a ratchet in the safe upstairs.

The 2 in fender washer was against the OSB, so to pull it out, someone would have to apply enough force to pull a 2 in steel disk through the subfloor.  I calculated that at about two tons.  It might actually rip the bold head and washer through the bottom of the safe first.

I then tucked the insulation back and replaced the drop ceiling panels in the basement camouflaged the nuts.

Yes, nuts are vulnerable from attack from underneath, but a thief would have to know that’s how I anchored the safe, and know where in the basement to look, and pull down the drop ceiling and insulation to expose the bolts and get a ladder to attack them.

I doubt a thief will go through that much trouble for a closet gun safe when there are TVs to steal.  And any thief with the tools to attack the bolts would probably just attack the safe in place.  While the alarm went off and the dogs went nuts.

I don’t keep much in that safe anyway.  Most of my stuff is in my two Fort Knox safes in the basement.  Those are almost a ton each, with 1/4 in bodies, double lined, and are anchored to the slab with 5/8 in Red Head expanding anchors.  Those you could hook a truck to and couldn’t pull them out.

The upstairs safe holds a home defense shotgun, two of my most used CCW pistols, some cash, and jewelry.  Just things that I wanted secured but was tired of having to go into the basement to get every time I needed them.

I tried to maintain a reasonable balance between cost of security (a light duty safe anchored to the OSB) and what I stored in it.

Since proper mounting of a safe is as important as the safe itself, I thought I’d share with you my engineering solution for upstairs above OSB if you can’t place the mounting holes over a joist.


Yes, anyone could rip open a safe with an angle grinder or metal blade on a Sawzall.

Every time I post about safes someone comes along and tells me how they would go all Ocean’s 11 and steal my shit with the tools they have in their garage.

I don’t care and I’m tired of those comments.  Feel free to keep them to yourself.

I keep saying, and clearly some people are not listening, that the vast, vast majority of home burglaries are junkies and/or teenagers looking for stuff to steal that is easily sold for cash, e.g., electronics, guns, jewelry, etc.

They want in and out fast and they don’t want to fuck around while they are in your house.

They will tug on a safe a few times.  If they can’t budge it they will leave it alone and rip your TV off the wall.

My safes are not impenetrable.  No safe is.  The highest rated safes are TL60, which means engineers from UL couldn’t break in within an hour.

I wanted to express a cost effective way of increasing the security of a low cost safe with better mounting hardware.

So if you don’t understand the situation and you don’t understand the threat, your fantasy of cracking open my safe with a carbide tip tool is unwarranted.

What 99.99% of you, you suburban gun owners in middle-class neighborhoods, need to be worried about is two junkies in your house for 10 minutes max, trying to get as much value out if your home as they can.  A simple safe or job box, anchored firmly enough to keep them from putting it on a hand truck, will make them leave your safe alone and take your TVs, computers, and the other shit lying around. They’d rather spend those 10 min filling their car with your electronics than wasting them trying to crack a safe and driving off with nothing.

That and keeping your kids from touching your guns.

Be reasonable, not a dick.

Dear Left: The 14th Amendment wins again

I, like gun owners everywhere in the country, are rejoicing in the Supreme Court’s decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association.

Leftists across the country are beating their chests in lamentation over that decision.

I read the opinion of the Court and it felt familiar.

I had a sense of deja vu to 2012.  Another case known as Obergefell.

At the 50,000 foot level, both cases are not dissimilar.

In Obergefell, the Court decided that the 14th Amendment required that gays be granted equality under the law across state lines, establishing that they do not need to meet any higher standard to have their marriage licenses granted and given full faith and credit.

In NY Rifle & Pistol, the Court decided that the 14th Amendment applied to gun rights and that New York gun owners did not need to meet any higher standard to enjoy their Second Amendment right compared to any other Constitutional right.

In essence, both decisions state that the 14th Amendment means that all rights protected by the Constitution apply equally and a state can’t decide to deny a Constitutional right without due process and that Constitutional rights do not exist on a hierarchy where some rights can only be enjoyed by special privilege.

So how about we all relish in the way they Court has begun applying the 14th Amendment and look for more ways to use it to lift the yoke of government off our backs.

And Leftists, alternatively, attacking the NY Rifle & Pistol decision will pull a thread that unravel Obergefell as well.


NYC By the Numbers

In an article talking about how the SCOTUS decision will affect the people of NYC some numbers came up.

Around 16,000 New Yorkers have permits that allow them to keep handguns in their homes. Yeah, you need a permit to possess a handgun in your home in NYC.
There are another 700 Business owners that have permits to have a handgun in their place of work.
There are another 3,500 people that can carry guns because of their work
And 2,400 security guards that can carry at work but can’t have a gun at home.

That gives us 20,200 people that can carry a firearm for protection outside of security guards.

The population of NYC is 8,380,000 in 2020. That gives us 241/100,000 within NYC.

There are around 18,660,000 CCW holders in the US. This doesn’t count the millions that live in free states.

That averages out to 5.7k/100,000 across these United States.

Florida does a little better with 6.1K/100,000.

Things that make you go “hmmmmm”

New York Post: What does the Supreme Court ruling on guns mean for NYC?