Month: January 2023

And the morning coffee spewed out of my nose.

For the hell of it, I downloaded ATF Form 1 to see how complicated/annoying is registering an SBR. Other than confirming once again that the process is the punishment, I bumped into something that almost made me choke laughing.

How about NO? May I remind you the notoriously and well publicized way ATF keeps records?

And authorizing ATF for anything other than mass ritual seppuku? Keep dreaming.

Hard pass.


Happy Happy Joy Joy Dance — Alex Baldwin Version

This could not have happened to a more deserving man. Unfortunately, the armorer is also being charged.

They are up for 2 counts of involuntary manslaughter at 18 months for each count and an special circumstances of it involving a gun for 5 years. This means that they could each be facing up to 13 years in prison.

Pitbull attack caught on video – Update

Miguel sent me this:


That is a large grown man the dog has taken down.  Imagine how much worse it would be if that was a child.

Look how the dog has latched on and is thrashing around.  That is why pitbull attacks often result in the loss of limbs.  That shreds tissue beyond the ability of a surgeon to fix it.

This is why I say if I see a lose pitbull around my kids, I’m going to shoot it.

Now for some additional hot takes addressing the rest of the video.

Now let’s evaluate how fucking useless his fellow officers are.

The male officer uses pepper spray, which obviously did nothing to the dog.  But worse, probably blinded the officer being bitten.

That guy has a dog chewing the muscle off his arm and now has a face full of Mace.  Good job, dumb-ass.

But giving credit where it’s due, at least he was trying to help.

The female officer was back, in her mask, yelling “hit him.”  What utter useless incompetence.

Good to know when a fellow officer was under attack she turns into a fat cheerleader.

This whole situation was just a cluster fuck of dipshittery.

What useless fucks.


I found the story in the news and it’s a doozy.

Library security guard is viciously attacked by pit bull after approaching passed-out owner to administer Narcan as overdoses and crimes surge out of control in San Francisco

A library security guard was attacked by a dog while trying to administer Narcan to its unresponsive owner in San Francisco Sunday – as crime and fatal overdoses in the city continue to surge.

Security guards at the city’s Main Library noticed the man slumped over a computer kiosk around 5.40 pm with his dog repeatedly barking beside him. Kate Patterson, a spokesperson for the library, said the dog ‘was not on a leash and was exhibiting aggressive behavior.’

As the dog viciously shakes his arm, the guard yells in pain and tries to punch the animal with his free hand. Another guard shoots pepper spray at the dog’s face and beats it with his night stick. A third security guard appears to rush over to help.

‘Hit him, hit him,’ one guard can be heard screaming.

The dog’s owner was unresponsive during the attack, until another witness woke him.

Currently, the security guard is hospitalized with serious injuries, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

The dog was taken by Animal Control, and its owner was issued a citation from the sheriff’s department. The nine-year-old neutered pitbull named Dorje was a service animal, according to KTVU, and therefore allowed inside.

This is the most San Francisco of stories.

Guy OD-ing in a public place? Check.

Useless law enforcement? Check.

Abuse of the service animal system (making anything into a service animal)? Check.

I looked.  Even the ADA guidelines on service dogs don’t recommend pitbulls.  The dog wasn’t wearing a vest, so in all likelihood wasn’t a properly trained and registered service dog.  This seems shady as fuck.

The rest of my hot takes still stand.

Fuck San Francisco and every living thing there.

Friday Feedback

From last week, I am looking at 2A cases happening in the second circuit court. I’m likely to pony up for a PACER account and hope I don’t burn down my bank account in the first few days of access.

The great news is that the wheels of justice turned and Alec Baldwin has been charged.

We have the great bitbull debate going on. My two bits? Keep your dog away from my kids.

We had one neighbor who let his dog get free and it attacked and killed one of our chickens. He apologized, offered to pay for the chicken. He called the cops and self reported.

Two days later he was at our house again. He was in tears. He had just put down his dog because it had attacked our chickens again.

The ATF announced their pistol brace ruling. The did a “take back” and screwed millions of firearm owners. I had considered SBRing on of my ARs so that I could have a 14.5 (IIRC) barrel to match the barrel of the M4 Carbine. If I did that, I had planned to pick up a stabilizing brace to have as a “it is just a pistol” until such time as the ATF approved the SBR.

I’m glad I didn’t.

There are a number of cases filed against the ATF over this ruling. There is an opinion out of SCOTUS in 1994, Staples v. United States that I’m researching. Mark Smith mentioned it as a good starting point in battles regarding ATFs new SBR rules. I’m not sure I agree, I have to read this a few times.

What subject would you like Hagar to write about from a left leaning perspective?