Month: June 2023

The South Dakota farm wars are coming


I spent six years if my life in beautiful South Dakota.  I still have friends there.

Going onto a man’s property without permission, especially into his home or shop, while armed, is a good way to get shot.

Farmers and ranchers protect their land fiercely, since it is the basis of their livelihood.

Anyone who attempts to seize their land by eminent domain is their enemy.  To do it so some company can get subsidies for carbon capture is even worse.  That not even a public good, that a grift.

I can guarantee that in a trial by his peers, any farmer that shoots an eminent domain surveyor won’t get convicted.

This situation has all the ingredients for an actual violent conflict.

Politicians fund carbon capture subsidies.  Carbon capture company funds politicians. Politicians allow carbon capture company to seize land from farmers to build carbon capture facility that gets more in subsidy money.  Carbon capture company donates more to politicians.  Farmers get kicked off their own land.

There have been rebellions in this country for less.

Ideologically, most people will come down on the side of the farmers.

South Dakotans might just prove how important the Second Amendment is as a bulwark against tyranny.


Language Matters, liers got to lie

My great-grandfather was a railroad man and a union organizer. He and his family were always moving because the railroad didn’t like him organizing, but didn’t want to let go of him because he was good at his job. I know this history because my grandfather wrote his autobiography.

My great-great-grandfather, his son, and his son’s son (my grandfather) were all railroad men who either belonged to the union or were organizing for the union.

I’ve worked in “right to work states” and in states where joining the union was a requirement for being employed.

The unions did remarkable things when they started. I agree with many of those actions. The child labor laws, why created to protect jobs, were good things. Safety regulations which were about safety were a good thing. Even some of the wage work was good.

Today, I find that most Unions are greedy sinkholes. What they are there to do is protect the income of the higher ups in the union. They do not seem to act in balanced ways.

My wife is a teacher, when the local union rep was recruiting, in a mandatory staff meeting called for the union to recruit, my wife asked the question I gave her “Who was the last Republican the union endorsed?” The rep could not give an answer.

According to my wife, there was a bit of quiet sniggering.

Because I follow the Supreme Court, I’ve noticed some good opinions coming out of the court recently.

Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, 142 S. Ct. 2228 (2022) was the case that returned the question of abortion back to the state. —New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn., Inc. V. Bruen, 142 S.Ct. 2111 (U.S. 2022) told the state that the Second Amendment wasn’t a second class amendment that could be balanced away. —West Virginia v. EPA, 142 S. Ct. 2587 (2022) told the state that the executive branch had to actually have congress create laws, not just make a rule.

These were three powerful opinions. They returned power to the state and the people. Of course, those that want government control were very upset.

All of this brings us to a leftist meltdown: Americans want to join unions. The supreme court doesn’t like thatMoira Donegan, Americans want to join unions. The supreme court doesn’t like that, The Guardian (Jun. 2023) I’m not sure where she got that the Supreme Court doesn’t like people joining unions. Maybe there is something else going on?
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Here 4 The Kids or a Gun Control Joke under “Do It For The Children!”

Thousands of women, many who are moms, gathered at the Colorado State Capital for an anti-gun event on Monday.

The group, “Here 4 The Kids,” wants Gov. Jared Polis to sign an executive order banning guns altogether, including law enforcement and the national guard, even though they know it violates United States and Colorado constitutions.

Colorado mothers hold sit-in to demand ban on all guns in violation of constitutions – CBS Colorado (


As we predicted many years ago, the issue of the Constitution being in the way of Gun Control was going to be solved by simply ignoring and/or destroying the rest of the amendments. We are seeing this now live and in color on how they are redefining Free Speech not to include “Hate Speech” and they dictating what is hateful.

But I digress. I want to share the absolute idiocy that is the executive order they want Governor Polis to sign. Here is the full text for you to read (and laugh) but I will go ahead and comment on some sections:

I, Jared Polis, Governor of the State of Colorado, hereby issue this Executive Order declaring
a state of disaster emergency due to the gun violence risk in Colorado, enabling State
agencies to coordinate for response and mitigation efforts. This includes a total ban on all
guns and a comprehensive, mandatory buyback program.

Nothing new here, right? Trust me, it gets stupidly funny soon enough. After this paragraph, we are regaled with the usual twisted and incomplete stats showing why guns must be banned and that the poor little babies up to 19 years of age are being massacred by roaming guns or some such babbling idiocy.

Here is the begining of the “good stuff”:

A. Gun violence in Colorado is a disaster of human origin and constitutes a disaster under
C.R.S. § 24-33.5-701, et seq.
B. In response to the disaster emergency, I hereby ban the use, loading, possession or
carrying of all firearms in Colorado, including but not limited to firearms for personal
protection, hunting, law enforcement or any otherwise lawful purpose for as long as this
Executive Order shall remain in effect. I hereby also suspend C.R.S. § 18-12-105(2).

I have no idea who wrote this and the usual IANAL warning is hereby stated, but the way I am reading this implies that the use of firearms in an unlawful way is approved by Here 4 The Kids. Use your gun to defend your family from violent home invaders is verbotten, but if the same home invaders have guns and use them against you and your family, they are fine.

Oh yes! Cops no longer are armed: Defund the Police? Nay! De-Gun The Police? Yay!

Next they go into the Gun Buy (cough-confiscation-cough) Back program and the full-stop selling and transporting anything firearms related. Here is a section where you can see these are people living in a Trans Disney Princess world and not reality:

Such buy-back program shall be administered at minimum by each sheriff’s office in an unarmed


I further verbally authorize deployment and use of the Colorado National Guard in an
unarmed capacity for the purpose of assisting with planning and logistics related to the
mandatory gun buy-back program. Further, pursuant to C.R.S. § 28-3-104, authorizing
deployment and use of the National Guard in an unarmed capacity for the purpose of
assisting with planning and logistics related to the mandatory gun buyback program in
Colorado is hereby memorialized by this Executive Order and shall have the full force
and effect of law as if it were contained within this Executive Order

Talk about mass desertion and job abandonment the day before this cluster flock gets started. Again, nothing is said about the regular hardcore criminals, and I believe because it would jeopardize their cult belief to separate good people from the bad guys: In their religion, if you have a gun, you are an assassin, scum of the Earth, and deserve no pity.

Although I call it a joke, I am not going to dismiss them. It is not like they are an immediate danger, but they do are an indicator of where we are heading as a nation. Even the Governor of Colorado said the executive order is not possible:

The Governor takes the weighty responsibility of executive action and the trust Coloradans placed in him to govern responsibly seriously and will not issue an unconstitutional order that will be struck down in court simply to make a public relations statement — he will continue to focus on real solutions to help make Colorado one of the ten safest states.”

So, the true work for the Antis will be helping destroy the Constitution so such an executive order is thus viable. This is already being done in different fronts nd eventually will happen if measures are not taken. And none will be easy or cheap and I don’t mean monetarily alone.

And before I forget: Why leave the criminals out of the gun control equation? Because after they forbid the tools of self defense and violent crimes take off, they will need to re-arm police and military and exact extreme measures to “regain peace for the children.”

And we know how that movie ends.


If this is Pride, it can go into the chipper

Miguel send me this because he felt I needed a blood pressure test.



It’s real, not a photo shop.

That is a picture of Desmond Naples, who is a child drag queen who goes by Desmond is Amazing.

He’s been in TV and is notorious for dancing at a gay bar at 11-years-old, while adults threw dollars at him.

He’s now 16, but supposedly started this at age 5.  That picture looks like him at 11 when he first achieved notoriety.

This is where Pride has gone.

They are now calling prepubescent trans children “sexy.”

I consider myself a reasonably tolerant person.

I have no qualms about two men living together and filing their taxes jointly.

This is not that.

This is chipper fodder.



Triumph of the Will Pt. 2

They made a sequel for modern times.


The purpose of this movie is to incite violence against Jews.

Let’s not pretend otherwise.

Their thesis is that for Jews in Israel to feel safe, Palestinians must be unsafe.

I have never heard that in my life, but that’s the lie they are going with.

What is the correction, then, if you are a Palestinian activist or ally?

The easy answer is to reverse it.

Make the Palestinians safe by making Jews unsafe.

Recently, there have been propagandistic attacks on Iron Dome.  Iron Dome is a purely defensive weapon.

The attack is based on the idea that isn’t not fair that the Jews have an air defense system that protects them from Hamas rockets while tye Palestinians don’t have an air defense system to protect them from the Israeli Air Force.

It’s a line of attack that complains that not enough Jews are being killed.

How dare the Jews not die in rocket attacks! 

It also seeks to separate Israel from Judaism and turn Israel into a Jewish ethno-state.  The Jewish Third Reich.

That gives them the Leftist moral authority to call for the destruction of the Jews.

The Jews are racist and must me made unsafe to protect the Palestinians from Zionist oppression. 

Leni Riefenstahl would be proud of the Jew hating mendacity of this film and its desite to incite violence against the Jews.

I absolutely guarantee that this will hit theaters and there will be a spike in antisemitic violence in its wake.  It is a feature not a bug.

I just hope American Jews see this for what it is and understand the absolute depths of antisemitism to which the Left has plumbed.