Month: July 2023

Ballistic Therapy: 12 gauge edition

Tokarev TX3 12HDM A1, Turkish clone to the Remington 870 and sporting a gorgeous Carry Strap/CW Sling/2-Point Sling from Andy’s Leather wich matches the Turkish walnut. I am not particularly a fan of wood for fireams, but I have to say I do like the furniture on this shotgun.

I needed to pattern it, so we went over the SisInLaw’s place and let a few different rounds fly at different distances till I found the one that performed better IMHO.

And if somebody is thinking “that could make for a nice looking trench gun,” you ain’t wrong. I have the bayonet mount kit on my bench and trying to find and M7 Bayonet at a cheap price which apparently are hard to find.

Baltimore leaders criticize police (Damned if you show up, damned if you don’t)

BALTIMORE – Nearly three hours before a mass shooting turned a south Baltimore neighborhood block party into a scene of terror and bloodshed, the city’s police department received a call about hundreds of partygoers armed with guns and knives – but on-duty officers decided no police services were required.

The decision contributed to a “catastrophic breakdown” in police communication and response during the hours leading up to the July 2 shooting, top city officials said at a city council hearing Thursday evening.

Two people died and 28 others were wounded when gunshots tore through a large crowd filling the courtyard of the Brooklyn Homes public housing complex as the annual summertime celebration continued after nightfall. Most victims were teenagers and young adults. Officials said there were multiple shooters but haven’t provided an exact number. Police arrested one teenager accused of bringing a gun to the event, but he hasn’t been charged with shooting anyone.


Baltimore leaders criticize police


Why cops did not respond earlier or simply gave a damn till SHTF?

Part one:

Baltimore’s troubled history with policing was thrust into the national spotlight years ago following the 2015 death of Freddie Gray in police custody. Since then, city leaders have focused on reforming the Baltimore Police Department and repairing public trust, especially within the Black community. Critics say this latest failure threatens to jeopardize recent progress.


Part two:

The Baltimore Police Department has been under a federal consent decree since 2017 because a U.S. Department of Justice investigation found a pattern of unconstitutional policing practices. Worley said the consent decree monitoring team, which helps oversee the court-ordered reform process, will be heavily involved in reviewing the shooting response.


I believe the answer lies not on systemic racism as the articles goes in great lengths to imply, but that cops simply are not going to risk going to prison getting involved in a community that wants them behind bars or six under. Doing nothing does not cover them from criticism, but it beats wearing orange rompers or a nap on cold morgue table, plus they are covered under No Duty to Protect.

They voted for “reform” and they are getting paid with the bullets of those enjoying the castration of the police department.


Well fuck him then


At 7.5%, if I bought a house right now, I’d be paying $2,500 more per month in interest alone than I did when I last moved and bought a house in 2021.

That makes it absolutely unaffordable to make a mortgage payment.

This is the killer of inflation.

That should be any presidential candidate’s top priority, curbing inflation.

After that, energy prices.

I just paid $670 to fill of my oil tank after two months.  Heating oil also heats my water heater, so even in the summer I burn heating oil.  I just burn it at about half the rate in the summer than winter, so in January or February I’ll go through that much oil in one month instead of two.

But no, the big concern is Ukraine not having enough military support.

Fuck Pence and Fuck Ukraine.

Two college educated professionals working good jobs should be able to afford a house in America, but we can’t.

Fix that first.

Ocean State Tactical, LLC v. State of Rhode Island Reply Brief

B.L.U.F.We took a look at the bad guy’s arguments via Everytown earlier this week. Today we look at the reply brief submitted by the appellants/plaintiffs (good guys).

There is a huge issue that the good guys have to overcome in these cases, getting the Court to do their job. If you look at the plain text of the Second Amendment, is the proposed conduct implicated? If so, the conduct is presumptively protected under the Second Amendment.

The state is doing all in their power to make this first step as difficult as possible. As we observed in the Everytown brief, they don’t have any historical regulations to support their infringements. Because they don’t have the history nor the tradition, they desperately want to stop cases from getting to that point.

There is an old legal aphorism, “If you have the facts on your side, pound the facts. If you have the law on your side, pound the law. If you have neither on your side, pound the table.”

When I write about “emotional blackmail”, I’m discussing how the state is pounding the table. They don’t have facts on their side, they don’t have the law on their side. They pound the table in frustration, begging the court to give them just a little inch.

What this means, at a tactical level, is that the lawsuit almost all say “It is a regulation of conduct that is protected under the Second Amendment. Grant us an injunction stopping it.” The state then gets to do the song and dance “welllllll, it isn’t actually an arm. It doesn’t go boom boom.”. Or they try and say that as long as they allow you this arm, they don’t have to allow you that arm. All of this is just bonkers when the plain text is used.


The plaintiffs start their response:

Just last year, the Supreme Court confirmed once and for all that “the Second Amendment protects the possession and use of weapons that are ‘in common use.’” N.Y. State Rifle & Pistol Ass’n, Inc. v. Bruen, 142 S.Ct. 2111, 2128 (2022) (quoting District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570, 627 (2008)). Rather than respect that clear teaching, Rhode Island veered far in the opposite direction, banning all devices that feed ammunition into semiautomatic firearms and are “capable of holding … more than ten (10) rounds,” R.I. Gen. Laws §11-47.1-2(2), -3(b)(1)(i), even though tens of millions of Americans own hundreds of millions of those devices as integral components of the firearms they keep and bear for self-defense. Under a straightforward application of Bruen, HB6614 is profoundly out of step with our nation’s history of firearm regulation and a violation of the Second Amendment.
Ocean State Tactical, LLC v. State of Rhode Island, No. 23-1072, slip op. at 1 (Court of Appeals for the First Circuit)

My lady has a difficult time answering simple questions. “Are you done with your homework?”. Reply: “Sort of, I’ve been working on it for hours. The …(172 words later) so I’m still working on it.” “Thank you, are you done with your homework?” “I just told you.” “No, you didn’t. You said many things in response to a yes, no answer without ever actually answering the question.”

The state is much like that. They don’t actually answer the question presented and instead talk about this or that. The plaintiffs (good guys) can’t force the state to answer. Only the Court can do that. If the state doesn’t answer the court, then the court can treat that none-response as meaningful.

In an effort to salvage HB6614, the state asks this Court to ignore what the Supreme Court has repeatedly identified as “the Second Amendment’s definition of ‘arms,’” Bruen, 142 S.Ct. at 2132, in favor of a definition more to its liking. The state asks this Court to pretend that people do not “use” their firearms when they keep and carry them for self-defense, even though the Supreme Court has explicitly defined the Second Amendment right as a right to “be[] armed and ready for offensive or defensive action,” id. at 2134, not just to fire at would-be attackers. …

Exactly what we have been saying. I’m pleased that this reply has stated it so clearly. I expect to use this in the future.

These guys really hammer the state: “Pretend”, “fiction”, “deny Bruen“, “ignore what the Supreme Court”. This is polite lawyer talk for “the state is a lying sack of flaming dog poo”.

HB6614 Violates The Second Amendment

Read More

“ZOMG! They is banning books! Them dictaters!”

Here is a photo for you. You probably have a copy of the same item.

This book was/is banned in Venezuela.

I bought this many many years ago when I went to college in the US, then I moved back to Venezuela taking it with me. Even prior to the socialist cockroaches running the country now, if you were caught with this or similar books, you were going to have a very nasty time in the hands of internal security and spend some extended time in their dungeons. Or they could just have said you were some sort of danger to the country and shoot you on the spot.

And yet, they could not stop me from owning one.

Banning books is impossible (ask the Soviets about samizdat) and that goes tenfold in the era of electronic publications.

What the stupid Lefties are claiming to be bans, are just the equivalent of movie rating system. Yet they make it sound like Republicans have an army of Guy Montages cruising libraries and schools setting books on fire and arresting teachers for having forbidden publications.

But I wonder what their reactions would be if I showed up at schools demanding to read Unintended Consequences, Enemies Foreign and Domestic, 1984, A Brave New World and even The Turner Diaries.

Or worse: The Bible.

Please, spare me the histrionics.


PS: I accidentally published an earlier version of this post which was unfinished and piss-poor written. My apologies for any confusion)

Friday Feedback

Welcome to Friday! It’s almost the weekend.

I really wish that the climate change gods would decide which way it should be. The last couple of nights I’ve gone to bed, it has been so hot and mucky that I didn’t want to be near my lady. Halfway through the night, I woke up shivering and had to pull up the blankets.

On the good news side, we had about two days of sun. It stopped raining just long enough to get the lawn mowed. Of course, the rain has started back up again before I got the weed wacker out

I’m hoping to do some reloading this weekend. I just have to clear a path to the reloading bench. After two years of not being able to find 30–30 bullets, suddenly everybody has them. I’m going to load a few hundred rounds and do the ballistics on it.

I’m halfway through a reference on ballistics. Not only that, but I actually remember some of my calculus from way back when. My first graphs came close to the correct answer, but not perfect. Likely because I wasn’t using the software correctly.

I picked up a laser range finder today. The range cards show up tomorrow. I intend to have range cards for each of the windows in the house, plus some known locations outside the house.

How many of you have ever used a range card? How many of you have actually used a ballistics chart or table to more accurately put rounds on target at distance?

The squirrel article is in the queue.

I expect to do a product review of the range finder after I’ve had a chance to use it for a bit.

Are you interested in articles about range cards and how to use them? I’ve read a bit and I’m going to put it to use, I am NOT an expert.