Month: July 2023

Pray tell us where them guns come from.

“Mayor Scott, you said this year alone Baltimore pd confiscated 1,300 illegal weapons. Do you have a sense of where guns are coming from, the sort of illegal supply of guns are coming from into the city?” CNN’s Audie Cornish asked.

“These guns come into Maryland – I want to be very clear about this – because Maryland has gun laws that actually have an impact. We have a ghost gun ban, which is why you see those numbers coming down. But these weapons come from Virginia. They come from Texas. They come from Florida. They come from Alabama. They come from everywhere in this country,” Scott replied.

Here’s Who Baltimore’s Mayor Is Blaming for the City’s Weekend Mass Shooting (


So we go to our good friends of the ATF who tell us where the guns used in crimes in Maryland come from:

But since nobody in the Old School Media is going to challenge anything he says regarding gun control, he can get away with lies.

And we knew that long ago.

City Mouse and Country Mouse

You know the story of the City Mouse and the Country Mouse, right? The City Mouse comes to the sticks to visit his Country cousin, and makes a lot of disparaging remarks about the rural nature of Country Mouse’s life. So Country Mouse visits the big city, and discovers that it’s dangerous, dirty, and confusing. Sure, there’s food and entertainment, but he quickly realizes it’s much better in the country.

This story comes to mind every time I start thinking about big cities like NYC or Chicago, Boston or Baltimore.

The problem, as I see it, isn’t so much that the city is dangerous, dirty, and confusing. It’s more that the city has so many people jammed into it, like sardines in a tin, that there have to be Extra Special Rules to keep it all moving. In the country (rural areas, and even suburban areas), there’s more space. That space allows for more home-made “social lubricant” and less rules.

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France is a lesson in not giving up your guns

The “diverse youth” of France are destroying property and attacking people.

The police are entirely overwhelmed.

The French are left to defend themselves with sticks.

This is why you cannot give up your guns.

When the shit hits the fan and social order goes to hell, you cannot rely on the system to protect you.

You are ultimately your only reliable line of defense and you need the tools to to that effectively.


Sounds like a veiled threat.

You have the God-given right to do what you want with your property and your life.

Anything else, especially in Texas, may cause you unnecessary pain and suffering. Or sudden cessation of both and forever.