Month: July 2023

Pure Geek Dump

I feel like I am coming to the end of a long journey. Yesterday I managed to get another part of the puzzle working. I might actually be able to finish (hah!) this personal project.

I do not like WordPress. We call it the security breach. If it hasn’t happened today, it will happen tomorrow. So, I’m going to talk about the process.

The goal

To be able to easily insert citations and bibliographies into WordPress articles.


  1. It has to be Easy
  2. It has to look good in the final results.
  3. It has to be easy to create citations

Item One requires a Graphical User Interface. In other words, I need to be able to get to a citation with just a few clicks. It also means that I can’t be clicking on multiple windows or carefully copying, so I can paste links. It really needs to be simple.
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Useless News

When I moved to Middle TN, I was amazed at how low excruciatingly bland and worthless crime reporting in Nashville was. Here is an example from an incident last night:

This is not the exception but almost 100% of the violent crime-related news.  If you are lucky, you get a generic location and not a thing on details of the crime or, more importantly, the criminals.  I am pretty sure that they are following the mandates of “not perpetuating stereotypes” but political correctness and assorted BS should take a seat way in the basement when it comes to informing people that they have potential killers in their neighborhood.

And the lack of information combined with the ‘snitches get stitches” culture should make for a frustrating job if you are an investigating LEO.

Oh well, they seem to like the politics even if it kills them. Who am I to stop them?



In their own words

When you read court opinions, it is sometimes hard going. I use the term “emotional blackmail” to describe the type of argument which is based on feels instead of facts.

The children will die if you don’t… Women will die in back alley abortions if you… People will solve disagreements in bloody gun fights if you…

It reminds me of the teacher who once told me that she was terrified of people having a gun in the school. If she said something bad about their precious child, the parent might snap and shoot her. If a parent is willing to murder her for her attitude, why aren’t they beating the crap out of her now?

In —Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College, 600 U.S. ____ (2023) all the concurring opinions start with facts. I have only double-checked Roberts’ opinion written for the court. When the liberals start their opinions, it is about goals. They want to reach a particular goal, and they tell you why that goal is good, and you should just do “the right thing” without letting that pesky constitution get in the way.
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It is not too late to take care of yourself.

When Oleg sent me this photo, for a moment I was startled: “Are those my arms? Damn, that ain’t bad!”

One of the things about losing as much weight as I did is that your body “loses” shape. You have skin hanging and even though you do feel better, you are still out of shape and get winded easily or feel weak. About a year and a half ago, I decided to join a gym and see if a bit of exercise would help me “sculpt” my body (Laugh track goes here) into something that did not look like an oversized trench coat hanging in a rack. I go about 4 days a week and do treadmill and some machines. I do not pick up and toss Chevy small blocks as some others do, mostly because my back and my recent hernia surgery would sue me into submission. I have seen fellow bloggers and twitterers deadlifting 300-400+ pounds and I go “God bless them but nopers.” I’ll stay with my lower weights, incrementing slowly and doing repetitions till I get the results I want….or feel pain and cry. I also know one day I will hit the limit of what and going past that will get me injured. I just hope I am smart enough to recognize that point and not allow ego to mess me up.

I am feeling better in my early 60s than I felt in my 40s, that is for sure.  Not a whole lot of skin hanging from my arms, some left in my chest and sides, and the damnable second belly is still driving me insane, but from what I found out, short of cosmetic surgery, there is not much I can do to get rid of it.

So, don’t allow the “I’m too old to get in shape” keep you from improve your health. Plus the “Sexy Buff Grandpa” look makes a girl’s heart flutter. Or so I heard.