Month: July 2023

“If you don’t let me do what I want, you are a Nazi!”

Everybody is an Anarchist till they can’t find a fish (or any food) anywhere, but in the meantime, they don’t care if the fuck it up for everybody else. We let the very short fishes back in the water so they can reach full size and feed more people. You’d think that is an easy-to-understand principle, but apparently it escapes many brains in that thread. OK, lemme translate for the neuron impaired: Do you get more meat out of a 3 month calf or a full-grown cow?

I am pretty sure that the boat has a ruler etched somewhere so you can measure your catch. And if not, you can get a measuring tape for peanuts anywhere or get the fancy fishing stuff in specialized stores like BassPro.

I think the dumbness of the thread gets summarized with this comment:

That is at least a high 5-figure boat with an expensive motor and about 8 high-priced rods and reels. They were not fishing to put some food on their table and feed their starving children but for recreational purposes. Spare me the weeping excuse because they are just dumb poachers.

And the only thing they had to do was catch, measure for the right size and release if it was not.  All of a full minute they could not waste or were unwilling to do.

Across State Lines: Abortion Access

You wanted a Left voice. In this matter, I’m Left, I suppose. I don’t think my health records (or yours) should be available across state lines for prosecution. I don’t think that an AG in Tennessee should be able to prosecute you for something done in another state that is legal in that state. If that makes me a Leftie, well, then I suppose it’s time for me to just go full on blue. Damn it.

Angry rant with links below the cut.

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I empathize for this guy but this was a bad shoot

Man accused of shooting 2 teens and killing one in Aurora is a U.S. Space Force sergeant

A 27-year-old Space Force sergeant remained in the Adams County Jail Tuesday on a $500,000 bond. Sgt. Orest Schur is accused of killing one teen and wounding another he believed had been trying to steal a family car.

An affidavit from the case now details some of what happened the night of July 5 at his Aurora home and a few blocks away where police say two teenagers crashed a stolen car Schur fired at as he pursued them.

The series of events began late on July 5 when there were calls from Schur’s wife saying her husband was out after car thieves. It was the third time, she told the 911 call taker, that someone had tried to steal one of their cars, which was a Hyundai Elantra. They had not succeeded in stealing the car, but made two attempts, explained the witness in the affidavit.

She reported hearing shots and a speeding car. Then there was a call from a man who said he had pursued the thieves who had tried to steal his wife’s car. He said he’d been shot at by the thieves. He said he had chased them down and he had shot at them.

They had crashed in the 19500 block of East 58th Circle. He declined to give his name when asked and said he was going back home.

A short time later on the other side of the home where the car crashed they found the fatally wounded teenager, who had been shot in the back and head. The other teen, 13 years old, later showed up at an urgent care for treatment of a gunshot wound to the back and was transferred to Children’s Hospital Colorado.

I get it, thieves had tried to steal his car twice before.

That would absolutely piss me off to the point where I’d like to kill someone.

But you can’t chase people down and shoot them in the back.

I wish you could.  I sincerely wish you could use lethal force in the defense or recovery of stolen property.  That would bring the current crime wave of theft to a dead stop.

But you can’t.

That is not self defense under the law.

One the thieves run away, you can’t chase them.  You become the pursuer and you are the criminal now.

This sergeant fucked up and murdered someone.

My only hope is that the accomplice who took a bullet to the back is also charged with the murder under the felony homicide rule.

Book Recommendation: The Fallen Republic by James Tarr. (series)

Earlier this year I made myself the promise on just read book for entertainment purposes.  A lot of the previous books were heavy in history and not the nice kind, and my mind was like “Dude! I need a break here!” So I went the old route of Stephen hunter with The Bullet Garden, The first James Reece books by Jack Carr and Michael Critchon’s Prey. Pure unadulterated fiction and fun.

Listening to Michael Bane’s podcast, I found about James Tarr’s The Fallen Republic Book On: Cascade which I already briefly posted about. I finished it in record time and found out there was part two out already: The Snarling Sea and bought it on the spot. I just finished this one about 20 minutes ago and it confirms a thought I had about the story.

It is NOT a zombie book even though the word keeps being “misused” by some of the characters. But it is a “controlled” bioterror attack that goes off the rails because there are egotistic idiots that firmly believe they can control a chaotic event for their benefit because they acquired the reins of power.

The characters are people we may know, including ourselves and will make you re-evaluate your lifestyle and preparations.  And that thought I mentioned earlier is what makes the books so frightening is how plausible is the story. You realize that all the pieces are there in the real world and it will not take much to create a similar crap show.

 And book three is coming. You bet your butt I will be buying it.

Why they don’t pull this in the tropics?

Jose Perez stuck in traffic in a tropical shithole country and finds out the reason he is not moving and will be getting late to work is because some 21st century hippies glued their hands to the pavement.

By the time the police arrive, they will find a bunch of one-handed eco assholes crying in pain on the side of the road and some mangled appendages still attached to asphalt as drivers drive by.

Traffic restoration brought to you by machetes.

It was just a little issue…

It is 2100 and after 6 hours of working with our cloud provider, everything is back.

There was a hardware glitch that caused a node to fail. The website automatically moved to a new node and attempted to restart. Unfortunately, that hardware glitch caused the cluster to believe that the node was still there and still working. Since it was there and working, none of the resources (disk space) used by GFZ was released.

Because the resource did not release, the website on the new node would not start.

Linode took 8 calls from me, 22 ticket updates and worked the entire 6 hours to get things working again.

I’m sorry the site was down for so long. I’m working with Linode management to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Furthermore, I’m also looking at options for shared file systems so that a pod can move from node to node seamlessly.