Month: August 2023

I keep telling you, it is money they are after.

Bills from Gun Control groups so far has been decimated in the Tennessee legislature and they are just down to scream, interrupt the proceeding for a brief while and get TV time while they are escorted out of chambers.

But give it to the Gun Control Clique to ask monies when the product and delivery fails, why? Because they know their followers will blindly donate.

So, at least they will net $50K on this fundraiser alone. And that won’t stop, I can guarantee it.

And we are the ones accused to take blood money.

Pride and Prejudice

Bringing you news from the Left today.

Who Shot Laura Carleton?

Carleton was a shop owner in California, who hung a rainbow flag out front of her store. Up until a couple of days ago, no one knew who she was. She was just a little shop owner. She liked rainbows, was LGBT positive, and had nine kids of her own. No one seemed to dislike her. Until a few days prior to her shooting, when a douche-canoe named Travis ripped down her flag and said some rather hateful things. When she put up a new one, he came back and shot her.

At this point, there isn’t anymore to the narrative. The official reason for the shooting was “anti-LGBT hate crime.” Near as I can tell from the reading I’ve done, there was no specific beef between Travis and Carleton, beyond her love of everyone. He posted a lot of off-color stuff, rather hateful, on his social media. Beyond the usual Right commentary on abortion being bad, he also talked a lot about how sinful and war-mongering someone was if they were pro-abortion or pro-LGBT.

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Corpus Linguistics

Corpus linguistics is the study of a language as that language is expressed in its text corpus (plural corpora), its body of “real world” text. Corpus linguistics proposes that a reliable analysis of a language is more feasible with corpora collected in the field—the natural context (“realia”) of that language—with minimal experimental interference.

The text-corpus method uses the body of texts written in any natural language to derive the set of abstract rules which govern that language. Those results can be used to explore the relationships between that subject language and other languages which have undergone a similar analysis. The first such corpora were manually derived from source texts, but now that work is automated.
Wikipedia: Corpus linguistics (Jan. 2023)

Why is this of interest in the Second Amendment

It has been litigated at the Supreme Court three times now. The right of The People to keep and bear arms is an individual right. This is shown by dictionary meanings of “to bear” and “to keep”. It makes plain sense.

It is also a plain reading of the text.

The infringers want our right to self-defense to be restricted. Horribly restricted.

The easiest way to do that is to get rid of that nasty old pest, the Second Amendment.

How they do that is to attempt to make things “not arms”. They are failing. They attempt to make it not apply in this particular location. That is being challenged and they expect to lose.

They are also attempting to redefine what “The People” means to exclude most, or at least make the process of becoming a member of “The People” a matter for the state. In other words, the state wants “The People” to mean only law-abiding, responsible citizens, as defined by them.

There is another attack vector they are using. They want the Second Amendment to be a collective right, granted to the organized militia controlled by the state.

The path they are using is corpus linguistics. The gist of which is they take all the written works from that culture, as defined by location and time, and create a “normal” meaning.

Since the term “bear arms” appears primarily in the context of armies and militias, the state, and their amicus, claim that “to keep and bear arms” exists only in the context of the Militia.

Let’s take a modern version of this. The workword “Fuck”.

To fuck has a dictionary meaning of “have sex with someone” or “an act or instance of having sex.”

If we were to collect all the uses of the word “fuck” in the United States for over the last decade (or more) we would find a different “normal” meaning. That would be more of a word of contempt, “fuck you”. Or of annoyance, “Fuck it”. Or, as just a way of adding emphasis, “clean your fucking room.”

The Supreme Court isn’t stupid. They saw through this the last time it was brought forward, and many times before.

That never stops the infringers. When we are all dead and gone, if there is still a protected right to keep and bear arms, you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be infringers out there making the same tired arguments.


Wikipedia: Corpus linguistics (Jan. 2023)

Tennessee Special Legislative Season: And you say that like it is a bad thing.

Other bills, many by Democrats, were killed in multiple committees today by House members. On the Senate side, one committee killed 52 of 55 bills that were on the agenda. The three that survived were priority bills for Speaker Cameron Sexton (R—Crossville).

TN Special Session: Bill allowing more guns in Tennessee schools moves forward (

And also pissing the Gun Control Clique off in this article is the possibility that schools will no longer be 100% Gun Free Zones.

The bill, brought by Rep. Chris Todd (R—Madison County), would allow any law enforcement officer, whether on or off-duty, as well as any member of the armed forces—honorably discharged or not—and anyone with an enhanced handgun carry permit to carry on school grounds or any place used by a school where students would be present.

And of course, they paraded out a mom with a Bloody Shirt while trying to disrupt the session which got everybody kicked out and gave them the obligatory “How could they do that?! They are heartless!” TV moment.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — A mother of a Covenant student and others broke down in tears in the halls of the Tennessee Statehouse after all audience members were kicked out of a Civil Justice subcommittee meeting for clapping and speaking after being told to stop.

“Being here in general is rough. I don’t think these people get what this means. We are here for six people who were killed in our school. We are just trying to do something,” said Sarah Shoop Neumann. “It is hard to be here. It’s overwhelming…to walk past the Proud Boys. I’m sitting with the [Tennessee Firearms Association] in front of me.”

I may be wrong, but I am pretty sure neither of those groups were directly or indirectly involved with the murder of her child. Some sicko chick with gender identity issues did it, but conveniently we still do not know what fully triggered her and how she developed her actions because MNPD and the Democrat Powers That Be in Nashville refuse to release her manifesto.

However, I can tell this to Ms. Neuman: If you are looking for those who politically allowed your daughter to be killed, just look around at the ones that are “supporting” you efforts right now. They are the ones that collect nice monies if kids keep getting killed and will have no problem dumping you after you are no longer of any use to them.

And on the legislative side itself: I have been going over the very long list of bills and two that were Red Flag laws were killed also the “affidavit/mandatory locking” bill  alongside all the “hate Crime” bills were executed. I’ll keep going over the list and see if anything else interesting pops up.

My only wonder is: Will the Governor sign into law the Carry in Schools bill? and if vetoes it, do we have enough votes to override it? Or will he simply let it become law after the required 10 days (Sunday excepted) of wait?

Be prepared

The Algorithm actually hit me with something good.


I have nearly this identical kit, in this same bag, as my range ballistic trauma kit.

The only difference is that I added a Hyfin chest seal in case of a lung hit.  Penetrating chest wounds aren’t as likely with a chainsaw.

It lives in my range bag, but if I’m on my feet, I can attach it to my gun belt.

I don’t know enough to start packing wounds like an EMT, but I can stop major bleeding or a sucking chest wound until EMTs get to the range.