Month: August 2023

Tuesday Tunes

My son is on the spectrum. His idea of fun is computer games. On the great side of it, he has decided that he is going into the trades. I couldn’t be prouder of him.

His sibling has given me tunes for Tuesdays, as has his mother. Today I asked for his.

He gave me four. Two are cartoon—like singing. I can’t handle it, and I won’t inflict it on you.

His third choice was:

I happen to prefer the choir version:

His last was labeled “American”. It is a song I happen to like. It depends on whether it was “The War of Northern Aggression” or “The Civil War” or “the war to free the slaves”.

TN First Extraordinary Session of the 113th General Assembly, Still reading.

Legislation – First Extraordinary Session of the 113th General Assembly

I am reading and trying to translate from “Legalise” to English. At first look, it will be a good thing to get in the Mental Health business in the future as there are plenty of bills focusing on that. The best bills for our side (so far) are the ones allowing persons with an enhanced handgun carry permit to carry a handgun on school property. There are two or three flavors of this, from unrestricted to only is schools that provide no security. So far, one of the ones I like is SB 7020 which also addresses the stupid TN law that makes any location into a Gun-Free-Zone if a school trip suddenly visits. Other bills I have seen order schools to develop programs to respond to Active Shooters and to have some sort of armed security in the form RSOs or actual PD on duty.

Then we have crap like SB 7029 which is full-fledged Red Flag bill. Just to give you a taste, here is an extract: “A petition for a temporary mental health order of protection does not
require either party to be represented by an attorney” and “Notwithstanding any other law, attorney fees must not be awarded in
any proceeding under this section.” Basically, fuck your Miranda Rights. It goes downhill from there basically guaranteeing if you are targeted, you have no recourse and will be Red Flagged. And, of course, no penalties if the accusers and those involve in the process lie or do not do due diligence to avoid the violation of your rights.

The other thing I have noticed is that several bills are tagged with “hate crime” in what it looks to be the need to inject racial bias, Gender-Affirming care and Pro-Life advocacy and not really legality. Murder is still the highest crime there is (other than strolling through the DC Capitol) and should be assessed the highest penalty regardless of motive.

Now SB 7043, you to give the Gun Control Clique credit for introducing a roundabout mandatory locking of firearms. You sign an affidavit when you buy a gun or get a carry permit saying that other than the gun you carry with you, all other guns must be locked away or inaccessible or immovable.  Seriously? If I am in bed asleep, the only way I can have an unlocked gun is carrying it on me? That is going to make for shitty sleeping. And legally opens a clusterfuck of problems: Is an affidavit legally binding? Probably not, but till that is decided in court, schmucks that sign it can find themselves in legal and monetary hell.

Ok, that is it for now. I’ll keep reading later. Down are some of the bills that piqued my attention, but not all of the so far.

SB 7003

SB 7004

SB 7011

SB 7018

SB 7019

SB 7020





A Massachusetts judge set precedent for 50 state CCW reciprocity

This is the biggest gun news since Bruen.

This is Justice John Coffey’s opinion in Commonwealth of Massachusetts v. Dean F. Donnell.


This is absolutely beautiful.

This is a justification for concealed carry reciprocity that ignores full faith and credit.

It goes director Bruen and states that a stare must recognize an adjoining state’s permit if that state’s standard for issuing a permit is objective.

It further recognizes that the safe passage provision of FOPA is contradicted by Bruen, since having an unloaded and locked gun is useless for self-defense.

As a resident of New Hampshire, I love this decision.  I’m familiar with the mall in Nashua he talks about and the property does straddle state lines.  If you get on 495, it crosses into Massachusetts before going back into New Hampshire, so it’s entirely possible to be in violation of the law on the interstate while being legal where you started and ended your trip.

This opinion really sets precedent that all state’s must acknowledge other states’ carry permits under Bruen.

I hope this stands up to scrutiny and appeals, because this would be an incredible victory for gun rights.


If you are a Miura bull, the Tennessee Legislature is a place to hang around .

Holy Christ! The Democrats and probably a couple of RINOS have Red Flag bills waving all over. Some are bad and some are absolutely a fucking disaster.

As I figured, they Gun Control Cabal had a last-minute push to get really bad Gun Bills. Tennessee General Assembly Special Session Bill Index (

I saw some of this crap back in Florida, proving that these bills are coming from the usual Gun Control groups and very little with the local legislators. I will try to go with more detail tomorrow, but one of the absolute shitty bills has downgraded who can report/confirm a suspected person with mental issues from a properly trained individual in the mental health field to anybody in the healthcare system. I figure your dental hygienist can now attest you shouldn’t have guns and be a valid report.

A little prepared?

My truck is a mess. I try to keep the front in “ok” but the space behind the driver’s seat is reserved for preparedness.

This is the “always” things:

  • US Military Sleep System.
  • US Military poncho liner.
  • US Military entrenching shovel
  • US MRE’s, not visible, in the door behind the lens
  • Blowout First Aid Kit
  • Boo-Book First Aid Kit (Red)
  • Bottled water.

To this is added the travel bag, a 72-hour pack, when I leave my local AO. That includes my spare boonie hat, a watch cap, another IFAK/blowout+, MRE(1), water filter, 1L canteen, extra ammo, socks, underwear, shirt, US Military poncho, US Military Poncho Liner, misc other stuff.

Fire starting equipment is at every level and in every kit. 440 paracord is at every level, the only thing that changes is the amount. I actually made a belt from paracord. 150 ft of paracord around my waist and it looks like a regular belt.

There are pocket knives everywhere, Gerber multi-tools in most of the EDCs. A nice Cold Steel folding lock blade.

The briefcase is a bit more and besides carrying my laptop it carries a full EDC set. In that one, I have flavored tuna packets. They can be eaten as is or spread on crackers or bread if you have it.

I have Ka-Bar sporks in most gear. The number of times that has been helpful is surprising.

Regardless, start putting together some supplies “just in case”. There are $100s of dollars in my EDC kits, not counting the firearms. I certainly didn’t go out and buy it all at once. It just keeps growing as I find things that work for me/us.

I’m taking suggestions on terms

I have received several comments that my use of the term “MAGA cult” is unappreciated.

My use of that phrase comes from two places.

I’m aware that MAGA is a acronym for “Make America Great Again.”

I acknowledge that is a laudable goal. However, MAGA, pronounced as a word “maga” has transcended the meaning of the words in the acronym to be a neigh on Trump battle cry.

Second, what I see among the most ardent Trump supporters is a slavish devotion to a cult of personality.

These are the people, whom no matter what argument you make to them, respond with the sentiment, and often the meme:



Trump battle cry plus cult of personality equals “Trump cult.”

I have several points of criticism to the point of disgust with these people.

Everything is a Trump loyalty test. Any questioning of Trump is disloyalty to to him, and anyone who is disloyal is RINO or “establishment Republican” or the pejorative du jure.

Trump is an American politician.  I owe him no loyalty.  He’d not a king or an emperor.

The alacrity at which Trump supports celebrate the destruction of everyone else in the Republican party.

If you don’t think 2024 was DeSantis time, make that argument. But he flipped Florida from Bluish-purple to 20 points Red.  That sort of victory would make DeSantis a rising star with a great future.  But because he challenged Trump, he had to be destroyed.  His future in the party might be finished when this race is over.  Trump may have stuffed out a rising star, possibly the next Ronald Reagan, for his own interest, and the fanatic Trump supporters celebrate that rather than understand the enormity of their actions.

Lastly, the fanatic Trump supporters seem to only care about what Trump says and ignore his results, or lack there of.

Yes, the economy was good for a few years, and gas was cheap, but Trump failed to drain the swamp, build the way, and do many of the things he promised.  That is never acknowledged.

These behaviors honestly remind me of the worst behaviors of the radical Left.

Leftist: “Everyone I don’t like is a racist/Nazi/bigot.”

MAGA: “Everyone I don’t like is a RINO.”

I’m willing to entertain a discussion why someone might think Trump is the best candidate to beat Biden.

I won’t entertain fanatic devotion to a personality by people who will ignore or deflect every fact that is inconvenient to them (another radical Leftist trait).

So, if you don’t count yourself in that group of obtuse, fanatical devotees, and you don’t like my use of the term “MAGA cult,” give me something else to call them, because my next set of choices is even more pejorative.