Month: May 2024

Writing Is Work

Two years ago, I started writing for GFZ. I had been supporting Miguel and J.Kb. for a while before that. Sunday will be my 950th article.

Hagar is a true author. She has multiple books that have been published. Nothing that’s gone viral and made her boat loads of money, but she writes. It is her job.

She also produces a vlog about writing, another about cooking and reenacting. She does all of these things.

One of the questions she is asked, “What do you do when you have writer’s block?”

The answer is simple, “You write.” It is your job, it is what you do.

I don’t know how much I read in a day, but it is 1000s of words per day. I read technical manuals. I’m 3/4s of the way through Left of Bang, I’m reading documentation and doing research. Plus, I am a programmer who sells my time writing code for people.

This is not a paying gig. It is something I do because I love to write and because I made a promise to myself, I would publish at least one article per day to GFZ.

If I have to travel, I’ll write multiple articles and schedule them. Then I only have to write one or two articles while on travel.

I was looking at writing something case related when I came across:

As I’m listening to William Kirk read parts of the brief on behalf of the state in Grant v. Lamont, 23-1344, (2d Cir.) I was cringing.

There was nothing in this that I had not read in other filings by the state.

Watch his video on just how nasty the state is, then go read the document yourself. I don’t feel like being more depressed.

Brief on Behalf of the State, 23-1344 2d Cir.

LawDog: Meditations on Duty

Do I run to the sound of gunfire and solve the problem? I’ve already been the victim of wrongful prosecution once, do I risk that again? Do I take a chance going up against a protected class, and earning the “mostly peaceful” wrath of the howling mob, and a legacy media that lives for stirring up rioters?

Meditations on Duty | The LawDog Files

It is a damned good reading.

Those of you who have followed me for a long time know that my position changes every other week: Sometimes morally I feel I have to act upon an act that goes beyond the pale and next, I do say it is not worth the consequences I may face.

But it is slowly crawling to the side where I will have to learn to live with shame of not doing the morally right thing.  My life and the lives of mine? Sure, I will fight and kill if necessary. Defending the proverbial School bus full of nuns and children being attacked by murdering perverts? Let me think about it and I will get back to you on that one.