
His parents were found guilty of felony murder for being the getaway drivers in an armored car robbery that killed two police officers and a security guard.  Boudin’s father was driving the U-Haul that was stopped at a police roadblock when his fellow conspirators got into a shootout with police.

Two police officers and a security guard died that day but we should feel bad for Boudin because he had to visit his parents behind bars.

And how has Boudin taken this experience to heart?

By handing San Francisco over to criminals.

This is how the Stanford Review describes him:

You see, Chesa Boudin is a Pro-Crime Prosecutor. If you think this is a contradiction in terms, you haven’t met Chesa. His policies embolden criminals, demoralize the police, inflict violence on citizens, and promote the theft and destruction of as much property as possible.

The San Francisco Chronicle asks this question:

Is public safety a priority for D.A. Chesa Boudin? S.F. crime survivors say survey suggests it isn’t

The Pacific Research Institute says this about him:

Chesa Boudin Invites Crime To San Francisco. So It’s No Surprise When Crime Rises

The California Globe ran this headline about him:

Lawlessness in San Francisco Blamed on District Attorney Chesa Boudin
Meth-addicted burglar released by Boudin traumatizes young girl

The San Fransisco Business Times interviewed business owners hit by recidivists that Boudin has refused to prosecute, who said this:

“Everyone’s blaming Boudin, or the police, or the judges. As merchants, we don’t really care. All we know is we’re not getting what we need,” one owner said.

Boudin is the son of criminals who prefers criminals to law and order and has accelerated San Francisco turning into a third-world shit-hole of crime and violence where no property is safe and repeat offenders are free to offend “prolifically.”

But 60 Minutes says you should have sympathy for Boudin.

This reaches new heights of bullshit and is downright evil.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “60 Minutes achieves record high level of media bullsh*t”
  1. 60 minutes for a long time has been “60 lies”. I havent watched any of the big 3 for 12-15 years. Nothing but lies and stupidity.

  2. “60 Minutes achieves record level of media bullshit”

    Well, since they, historically, have set the curve, *that* is saying something.

    Kinda the urinalist equivalent of “Hold my beer, and watch this!”

  3. Just what I’d want as a DA. Someone who’s parents were communist terrorists, imprisoned as accessories to multiple murders, including two cops, raised by another family of communists terrorists, and who thinks the “system” was responsible for his “unarmed” parents “unfair” incarceration. But San Francisco voted for him, presumably knowing what they were getting, so they shouldn’t be surprised at what they got.

  4. Leftist Soros-backed AGs and DAs like Boudin, PDX’s Schmidt, STL’s Gardner, CHI’s Foxx are bomb throwing Bolsheviks intent on ruining the West. They are why Antifa and BLM skate.

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