I was trying to find some old documents in an old drive, I came across this EBay auction I had saved.

1911 holster
Click to Enlarge

Here is the story as per the seller:
WORN BY BILLY THE KID. Two years ago at this
time I was privileged to offer at auction a magnificent antique
holster previously carried by Union Army Major General
Ardell “Butch” Bucheimer. This year I am pleased to be able
to offer an equally magnificent specimen of museum
quality. The story of my acquisition of this rare historical
artifact begins in 1999. I was touring Europe with friends
during September of that year, and happened to stay for the
night at a remote French village by the name of Bonne, on the
way to Geneva, Switzerland. At the Hotel bar, I struck up a
conversation with an odd looking buck-toothed local, and
though I had some difficulty understanding everything that
was said, an answer to my query regarding the origin of the
name of the place astounded me. I was told that the village
was named after “Zee American outleau, Billy zee Kid” and
that the village was actually founded by Billy’s wife in the
early 1880’s.
The remainder of the story I heard that night was even
more incredible, but over time and extensive historical
research, I have come to believe it is true. It seems that
contrary to popular belief, Billy Bonney was not a single man
at the time of his death by the gun of Pat Garrett on July 14,
1881. He had, in fact, married a woman by the name of
Maria Magdalena, in Santa Fe, NM, in March of 1881. The
marriage ceremony was said to have been secretly performed
by New Mexico territorial Governor Lew Wallace. I was told
that Billy’s (now pregnant) wife fled to France in the months
following Billy’s death at Fort Sumner, and eventually found
her way to this area of France to gave birth to a son. It seems
that to this day many of the residents of the village are direct
descendents of William H. Bonney, although over time the
name was Francofiled to drop the “y”.
I struck up several friendships that night and
continued to correspond with residents of the town over the
years, eventually obtaining from one of them this fine holster
reputed to be one of the last remaining possessions of Billy
belonging to the actual descendents of William H. Bonney. I
despair to tell you what I had to give for this remarkable find,
but suffice to say, I paid dearly. Although this holster is not
Mexican carved or tooled in any way, it is beautifully
embossed with the unmistakable “US” in oval (meaning
“Union States”), as opposed to “CS” (meaning “Confederate
States”) It is also marked on the back with the historical name
of Catney Enterprises. Louden Jacinto “Cat” Catney, whom I
am given to understand was a noted saddle maker in Lincoln,
New Mexico territory from 1852-1879, was rumored to have
been awarded a contract by the US Government to produce
holsters prior to and during the Civil War. Apparently this
was an over-run or possibly a prototype that was given to
Billy by Catney, to carry the prized, pearl handled 1911 Colt
Auto Pistol that Billy wielded so effectively during the
Lincoln County Wars. Catney soon after tragically lost his
life in a mule shoeing accident.
Had he lived, would “Cat” Catney have achieved the
fame and high reputation of noted leatherworkers like H.H.
Heiser, Frazier, Gallup, F.A. Meanea, S.D. Myres or George
Lawrence? We will never know. Does the fact that New
Mexico finally became a state in 1912 lend further credence
to the provenance of this wonderful example of 19th century
leather-craft? You decide. This important historical holster
is in remarkable condition for its age and would be a worthy
addition to any collection. Up here on the Turquoise Trail,
we believe in truth, justice and the American way. Please email
any questions you may have before bidding.

This was the best offer IMHO:

Q: Dear Sir- I am desperately interested in this most unique opportunity to actually acquire a piece of our Southwest History- I was born and raised in Texas and have been an avid Western artifact collector for some 35 years- Unfortunately, at this time, I am rather,how should I say, financially under the weather- However, I would be willing to trade- One bird dog pup, a little gunshy but I can almost guarantee that she will outgrow it- One Jack mule, standing 17 hands, partially mooneyed but has sound teeth and keen ears- 2 mostly grown children and a 3 legged Rhode Island Red rooster- I know you will probably require a little Boot in order to make this trade fair- Please let me know what you allow on this offer- Kind Regards- Robt.
A: Robt. – By Golly, this sounds like the best trade offer I have received yet. Just give me a few days to check with ebay to see if I can cancel this listing prior to the end date of this auction and you may have a deal!

The comment section was a hoot on its own right. I don’t recall if he sold it but it gave many people plenty of laughs.


PS: This is the official 3,000th post.. yay me!
Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “A bit of funny: RARE VINTAGE CIVIL WAR ERA HOLSTER FOR 1911 COLT AUTO”
  1. It appears to be some kind of hack of a seller’s ID [testedxx] since that seller does sell holsters but has a feedback number of 1083 not 283 and the real guys positive feedback is 99.7% not the unrealistic 100% of the hacker.

    Nice catch.

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