What most people refer to as “race” is in point of fact, my fellow germs and virii..Tribe. Ergo ‘racism’ is ‘tribalism’. In other words, differences of opinion and fighting between the various tribes of man. There are as many different tribes and kinds of tribes as…well I won’t say as there’s stars in the sky, or fish in the sea because that would be an exaggeration. However there’s a just a whole lot of different tribes and kinds of tribes out there in the world of man.

via A Kind Word and a 2×4: Race? what is race?.

It will make the Intelligentsia cry foul 🙂

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “A Kind Word and a 2×4: Race? what is race?”
  1. I NEVER use the word “race” to differentiate people of different skin color. I was taught there’s only one race, and I think it exacerbates the problem.

    Which, of course, is exactly what *they* want.

  2. ………and some in the “Race” think Debbie W-S is a Goddess and 15 9×19 is better than 9 .45 acp…….Please don`t hit Me with that 2×4 !!!…….. 🙂

  3. Thought you might possibly get a kick out of that one Miguel. It’s one of those things that annoys me to no good end. Hence…the post. Okay okay and of course I wouldn’t mind it causing lib heads to explode either. *evil grin*
    “How would you prefer your brain matter sir? Raw straight out of the skull, or sauteed in a nice white wine sauce?” 😛

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