“Gun owners are required to report the theft of guns to the police,” Barrett said. “If an assault weapon that has been registered ends up in the wrong hands and is used in a crime, the police will know who is legally responsible – the gun owner.”

via Despite deadline, protesters ‘will not comply’ with SAFE Act – City & Region – The Buffalo News.

I understand now why Bloomberg was elected and re-elected. He ran under the Idiocy platform and there is a glut of followers of that trend of the in NYC.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “A sound argument in favor of Gun Registration.”
  1. Leah Gunn Barrett, executive director of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence. “No guns are being taken away unless you fail to register your military-style assault weapon, if you happen to own one. If you register it, you can keep it.”

    Just the irony of her name…
    Yeah, until they decide to ban them altogether. Then they will have a list of owners so they can pick them up.

    Remember, if you like your gun, you can keep your gun. And bayonet mounts? really? Have a lot of drive by bayonettings do you? I have 3 rifles with bayonet mounts and I have never bayoneted anyone. Is there something wrong with me?

  2. “Vehicle owners are required to report the theft of cars to the police. If a vehicle ends up in the wrong hands and is used in a crime, the police will know who is legally responsible – the vehicle owner.”

    It sounds just as stupid using ‘vehicles’ instead of ‘guns’.

  3. “If an assault weapon that has been registered ends up in the wrong hands and is used in a crime, the police will know who is legally responsible – the gun owner.”

    Also known as “Blaming the victim.”

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