The story I covered yesterday about a pregnant woman dispatching a violent home invader with an AR-15 has gone around the interwebs.

This was a perfect example of how a law-abiding citizen with a legally owned AR-15 can effectively use that weapon for good and lawful purposes to save lives.

The anti-gunners had to retort with “well ackchyually….”

One particularly dumb response was from a young man from New Jersey.

Ah yes, the bill of needs.

First, what does a hipster-looking guy from New Jersey, where AR-15’s are banned, know about shooting anyway.

In the Clint Smith video Miguel posted the other day, Clint points out that most people shot with handguns survive.  With rifles, it’s the opposite.  Also, handguns are “expert” weapons.  It takes far more practice to be accurate, especially under stress, with a handgun than any other weapon.  An AR-15, with its low recoil, especially if it is equipped with a red dot scope it a fantastically easy weapon to make an inexperienced person combat accurate with in a short period of time.

It’s not up to this schmuck to decide what someone else needs to defend themselves with.

Second, home invasions happen anywhere.  Crime isn’t just limited to “the projects.”  Lithia, Florida isn’t the projects, it’s a rural area 20 miles outside of Tampa.  Like most Lefties and Progressives, scratch the surface and you find a racist.

But it gets worse from there.  He gets into a twitter conversation with a woman who has “Alabama grad” in her profile, and lets fly with this bullshit.

That shit never happened.  As a resident of the great state of Alabama, the guys who run gas stations do not pull out guns to chase off people from New Jersey.

This is clearly from the “I need victims status” Progressive mind of someone who has never been to Alabama and thinks it’s still 1962 down here.

When challenged for more details on his horseshit assertion, he feigned ignorance.

According to Google Maps, the fastest routes from New Jersey to Texas don’t even go through Alabama.  He might have gone through northern Alabama along I-59 and I-20 if he was somewhere south of New Jersey, but that puts him through the high traffic routes around Birmingham, which are very nice and well-traveled.

This pile of garbage had no way to defend his ignorant bullshit that a woman who successfully defended herself with a gun he doesn’t like should have been armed with something else – or not at all – so resorts to anti-Southern bigotry.

As they say in New Jersey: “this fucking’ guy” or more properly “this fuggin’ guy.”

This perfectly encapsulates the entire Left Wing anti-gun attitude that gave way to the rise of Beto and Booker.

Some shmuck who knows about guns only from watching TV thinks he knows better than you and is happy to resort to lies, insults, and bigotry to defend his ignorant, bullshit position.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “A whole bunch of stupidity and bigotry about guns and the South from a idiot from New Jersey”
  1. My CCW instructor showed us an interview with two champion-level pistol shooters. The interviewer asked them what gun they wanted it they knew they were going into a firefight. Both answered “a rifle”.

    And, yes, the New Jersey thug would prefer the family were defenseless. Professional courtesy to his fellow looters.

  2. A security system does nothing but make noise… so 2 guys with a shotgun commit assult with a deadly weapon( pointing a gun at someone) and he doesnt call the police??? I believe everyone from jersey, Im a sprinsteen fan( sarcasm!!!).

  3. My one caveat, if he wanted to stop off in New Orleans on the way to Dallas, the trip would partially route him through northern Alabama via I-59, between Chattanooga Tennessee and Birmingham and he could have gotten off the interstate at a small town gas station.

    However, the rest of his bs doesn’t ring true. Most people at a gas station aren’t going to give an s’ what plates you have as long as you are behaving yourself and buying something (gas, food, drinks). The people who do notice your plates are law enforcement.

  4. What is important is that the family is alive and one of the attackers is now ambient temperature, which invalidates all of his asinine arguments.

    I hope the A-hole encounters a lethal threat with nothing but his attitude to protect him.

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