Around 6:30 p.m. Monday, Phil Reagan says he came home to discover two strangers inside his house. He says they were stealing his guns, and then they used those weapons to try to shoot him.

“I was only able to fire off one round and then they opened up on me, both of them, with pistols from their car,” Reagan said.

Reagan says he didn’t shy away when he returned home to find his back door bashed in and thieves stealing his things.

“Well, I shot at them. I told them to drop the guns and then I shot at their car, but neither one of them were in it yet and then my gun jammed.” he said.

When Reagan’s gun jammed, the thieves took their chance to fire back. Reagan says they fired about a dozen bullets at him. He took cover in his truck, where evidence is apparent.

via Knoxville man says thieves broke into this home, used his guns t.

But wait, that is not all:

He says this isn’t the first time he’s been robbed, someone stole guns from his home back in April, too.

“I was broke into while I was in the hospital for 31 days for my leg,” Reagan said.

Reagan says he’s an avid shooter. He thinks he may have been targeted because people know he has guns.

The prior incident is what the experts call “A frigging clue.”

So let’s summarize:  His house was broken into on a previous occasion when guns were stolen. He probably got more guns instead of buying something to keep them secured while he was out. He arrived home, saw that his house was broken into again, did not call the cops, gave the burglars a warning, his firearm malfunctioned, did not manage to clear the malfunction (so much for the “avid shooter part) and almost got hit by return fire?  He is alive indeed by sheer divine intervention.

Now, did he get the hint and plans to purchase a gun safe? Apparently  not:

While the robbers may have stolen some of his weapons, he says he’ll get more, and invites the thieves back anytime.

“I want them to come back. I’ll be better prepared for them next time,” Reagan said

You can’t fix stupid.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Alive by the grace of God, not because he did anything right.”
  1. i’ve heard the rule of thumb is spend on the scope what you paid for the rifle underneath it. Not always true but not bad advice.

    I have another corollary.

    Spend on your safe at least what you paid for your most expensive gun. If you have lots of guns, pay what you spent on your three most expensive put together.

    If all you have is a cheap Wal-mart .30-06, a cheap home improvement big box store safe is fine.

    If you have tens of thousands of dollars in expensive toys, get a heavy duty Ft. Knox.

  2. A few more things:
    -never carry a gun you have not proved. 200 rounds minimum, and at least one box of carry ammo.
    -One does need to practise for jams and malfuctions, no matter the gun.
    -Stick to premium hollow point ammo for carry. Cheap stuff won’t have the same QC.

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