Amnesty International has a campaign for Valentines that is amazingly contradictory.

First they demand that Congress passes the Violence Against Women Act:
And then demand that the NRA stop attacking the Arms Trade Treaty because it helps rapists:
The Gun Control Morons are desperate. They are doing their best to separate women from the notion that they can defend themselves and only a government figure is allowed to protect them. It is a sad thing to see from Amnesty International babbling the same line when their own records show that unarmed women are sold as slaves, raped and killed by members of unrestrained governments all around the world. So basically Amnesty International supports the rights of Abusive Regimes to plunder female genitalia at their will.

To that American Women simply say “No.”

Photo by Oleg Volk.
Photo by Oleg Volk.
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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Amnesty International for Valentines: Keep Women Disarmed for Fun and Profit.”
  1. 1: Never argue with a woman.
    2: Never argue with a woman that carries a USP even if the front sight is installed backwards. (it won’t matter within johnson range)

  2. Amnesty International: “Let’s stop violence against women by keeping them unarmed and defenseless and locking them in golden cages. Get me a sandwich, woman!”

    I never did get this. The gun community is in favor of giving women options to defend themselves that don’t involve crying and several weeks of rape victim therapy, and somehow WE’RE the bad guys?

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