The Gun Control activists do get to say stupid stuff when riled up.

MDA Starbucks“Really, Starbucks? Second hand smoke is more dangerous than a loaded gun?”
Yes. Homicides/Manslaughter/Accidental deaths by firearms are down to some 12,000 a year and according to the CDC, deaths related to second-hand smoking are in the 44,000 neighborhood. And no, I am not including suicides because those are self-inflicted and that would mean I have to add the CDC’s estimates for death linked directly to first hand smoking and the number would jump to 440,000.

Some comments on this thread are downright hilarious:

Anthony V. Thompson Combine caffeine and people with loaded guns, and you’re one grumpy customer away from a shoot-out. Especially if he can’t have a cigarette out front. And yet apparently eating their 500 calorie apple fritters everyday is healthy?

Imelda Decker I don’t waste my money on overpriced coffee but I don’t want to go into any business that allows customers to carry guns.

Barbara Kelly OK, now to publicize this all over the country. Bet most people don not even know this. I think you should start a national boycott.

I have the feeling that Moms Demand Action (A subsidiary of MAIG & Bloomberg Investments) is gonna become one of my favorite Gun Control groups.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “And the Shrill gets Louder & Stupider.”
  1. Barbara Kelly OK, now to publicize this all over the country. Bet most people don not even know this. I think you should start a national boycott.

    Another group boycotted Starbucks. Starbucks didn’t notice that they lost 3 customers.

  2. I don’t think Starbuck’s doesn’t ban the presence of cigarettes, just using them. Same as guns. You can carry in there, but not use (shoot) your gun there (unless it’s in self-defense)

    Oh, wait… That’s logic. That does not compute here. Back to “Why U keep poking the DTOM Rattlesnake?”

  3. I TRY to make it a point to stay out of GUN FREE ZONES, they are the most dangerous places I know and when I DO find myself in one, I make sure I’m unarmed and helpless because after all, I’m a law abiding, zombi, drone, brain washed citizen.

  4. Boycott?
    Yeah!! IIRC, they set record sales for the week last time an anti group tried to organize against them…

  5. Dammit, Barbara Kelly owes me a new keyboard. I just spit my coffee (from Speedway*) all over this one. I remember the last anti-gun boycott of Starbucks… I don’t think I slept that week.

    * They allow loaded guns around GASOLINE and coffee! OMG! Oh noes!!!!11one…

  6. I left a comment questioning their devotion to promoting “stronger laws and policies to save lives” when obesity kills far more people than guns and Starbucks sells high capacity muffins.

  7. See, now I’m torn. On the one hand, I thought Starbucks was a Lefty socialist company, which is why I don’t buy coffee from them.(that, and I don’t drink coffee.)

    But now they also support gun ownership, by virtue of not condemning it(in this day and age, lack of punishment is almost a reward in itself), so I should want to support that, right?

  8. I hope you start a national boycott. One of two things will happen. It will either be ignored and you’ll realize how far out of touch you are, or anti-gun crazies will boycott and the lines will be shorter and those of us who cherish our right to self defense will get our mocha latte’s faster!

  9. I wonder how starbucks thinks they are going to control what happens off of their property. seeing as in denver 90% of them are small shops and don’t control/rent/own the area 25′ away from their doors ( at most 5′-10′)

    If a starbucks employee came out and told me to stop smoking where I stood and I was “off property” I’d laugh and probably blow smoke in their face ( yeah I know I need to quit shit is bad for me )

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