From what i could gather, the following happened in a not-so-quaint country town in Nicaragua. Ex Common Law wife was at the police station complaining that former mate was threatening her because of “dumpage” and shacking up with another guy. The video does not show what triggered nutjob, but he pulls a big knife and goes on a rampage against local cops with least one police officer dead, more wounded and the confirmation that Tueller was more than frigging right.

Things really go bad at minute 4:05 and SHTF at 7:25

Lessons learned:

1) This was a triumph and failure of mindset. The Crazy Ex won because his mind was already decided in fighting with deadly consequences. His intent was to inflict deadly force and take out as many people as he could. It was not a righteous use of mindset, but illustrative nonetheless.

2) The cops’ failure of mindset was that they behaved like typical Latin American Cops. Do not make the mistake of blaming the failure to lack of training, poor weaponry or lack of valor. Your middle of the road Latin Cop is used to have his orders followed just because he has been issued a badge, uniform and a gun by the powers that be in order to represent and enforce legally or extra-legally whatever laws or desires those Power have. In 99.99999% of the times, the subjects/serfs will submit at just the presence of a cop knowing damn well that the weight of crap that might befall upon them and the total lack of advocacy for them makes any defiance to the system a fool’s errand with a quick end at a local abandoned well. And yes, I know you know Officer Pepe from the Republic of Santa Peepee and he is a cool guy and you will lay your hands on a stack of Bibles and swear he ain’t like that; well, he is and disabuse yourself of any other notion.

The cops in the video were basically overwhelmed by a decisive action from somebody that was poorly armed but was aggressive enough to short circuit whatever scenario they were used to and expecting to happen. I mean, who would be crazy enough to confront a bunch of cops right at the police station in a place were you have no rights? One guy did and they got reamed.

Also illustrative in the video is the ease and speed that a man just armed with a knife was able to to inflict serious damage and death against multiple opponents. Internet Gun Experts are already bashing the cops’ lack of training and saying how they would have taken care of the nutjob in a Call Of Duty enhanced Bullshit enhanced self-delusion trip. The fact is that someone mildly efficient with a knife will shred you to fajitas before you have the chance of retrieve your uber tactical HK USP with nuclear tipped .45 caliber rounds out off your titanium reinforced BlackHawk Tactical Kydex Thigh Holster as used by the Seal Teams according to what you read in the interwebs last week. And bear in mind that weapons were already drawn and aimed at the guy, but they were not able to deliver accurate shots to stop the threat.

One last thing and aimed at the Anti Gun Crowd: You know how you bitch about laws expanding the Castle Doctrine and the right of defending oneself outside the home? You know how you keep insisting that we should just withdraw, turn around and leave when attacked? Fat fucking good it did to the cops, right?

Now, if you feel that you might need a bit of mind training for Mindset, I would recommend you start with a quaint little book: Principles of Personal Defense by Jeff Cooper. It is only 56 pages and you could probably read it in one sitting (location determined by you) but it is the best primer for mindset out there.

And my apologies for the language used in the post. I should have known better than reading the comments of the Keyboard Kommandos and AirSoft SWAT Warriors and their “tactical” grandstanding which never fails to set me off.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “And then everything failed (NSFW, VERY VIOLENT & GRAPHIC)”
  1. Wow. In the US, display of the knife gets you a close personal view of the business end of whatever gun the cop is carrying. Then they negotiate with you while looking throught the sights. I couldn’t believe that the cop just stood there with his AK at port arms after the guy had displayed his aggressive intent during the first encounter.

    You may be right about their mindset. I’ve never been able to summon the arrogance to believe that no one would dare hurt me. Maybe that’s why I carry a gun.

    It also goes to show you how valuable the trappings of first world democracy are. When we have a bunch of wounded people like that, we get immediate ambulance response with highly trained medics capable of stabilizing the wounded and transporting them to the well appointed hospital in relative comfort. In this video we see a cop that appeared to have a sucking chest wound carried to a taxi, and then transferred to a pickup truck bed.

  2. As Robert’s Rule holds: Mindset matters most.

    Unbelievable — and unbelievably sad. That the LEO would turn their backs. That they would approach him with batons in hand and pistols holstered. That there was a cop there with a long gun, but they all got close. That they let HIM pick the battlefield. That they did not drop him after his first attack.

    What’s interesting, to,is you see the bad guy put down. then a minute or so later, as the wounded are being gathered up, off camera your hear three closely spaced rifle reports. I guess they wanted to make sure the docs at the ER wouldn’t be distracted by treating the bad guy.

  3. Holy crap Miguel. Thats some video and one that should be shown at every roll call in the country. When I was the department firearms instructor I made every officer watch the video Edged Weapons. It’s as eye opening as this clip. People with knives scare the shit out of me. The closest I ever came to dropping the hammer on someone was a guy with 2 butcher knives in his hand and insanity in his eyes. I kept the 21 foot rule and if he had put so much as a toe over that line I’d have shot him. At one point I was taking up trigger slack and could actually see where my rounds were going to go. Now, as I watch this video, I’m asking myself if I’d have fared any better. I think so but I don’t KNOW so. You have got to think yuourself through an encounter. It’s why training is so important. Your body must be trained to the point where the physical actions are automatic to free your mind for the tactical situation. The most powerful tool at your disposal is your brain. If you think ‘it can’t happen to me’ or ‘I’m bullet proof’ then perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate your mindset.

  4. Way too close. The officer with the rifle had it at port arms. The others did not have their weapons drawn. As you said they expected compliance. LEO or not we can all learn from this.

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