Now it’s time for Congressman Jake Auchincloss to use his status as a Marine Captain to tell you why you can’t own the weapons that you want.

This script is getting really tiresome.

Being in the military doesn’t make a person a gun guy, and to be quite honest, it probably makes an officer an anti-gun guy.

The military inherently does not trust its troops with the guns it issues them.

All the National Guard on patrol in DC, how many live rounds do they have?  I’ve seen not one magazine carried in any of the photos.

Same for nearly every National Guard deployment I’ve seen for riots and civil unrest.

I would bet that for a Captain, his experience with guns is keeping the E-1s in his company from doing something stupid and having an AD.

His experience has no bearing whatsoever on civilian gun laws, gun culture, or gun rights.

The military is quite famously “not a democracy.”

This is nothing but an appeal to authority, and the worst sort of authority, a junta.

It’s time for the gun community to become very honest with these people.

When some Leftist stands up and says “I carried one of these in [military/war zone] so I know that civilians shouldn’t own them.”

Our response needs to be in unison “fuck you and fuck your service if you think your service gives you the right to deny people their civil liberties.”


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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “Another Democrat veteran uses his service to trample on your gun rights”
  1. My first response is increasingly “fuck you” to leftists. Thankfully, in Alabama, “fuck you” is a valid argument and often recognized as a debate winner.

  2. Hit idiots like our Captain of Marines with the logical conclusion of “Of The People, for The People, by The People,” that in a democratic republic if HE was carrying an assault rifle is was no different than anyone else doing it.

    His authority derives from our authority.

    If we’ve no authority to carry an assault rifle we cannot, therefore, delegate or assign any authority to others to do so.

    The tricky part, for them, is to remember that delegation or assignation is NOT abdication (they’re even different, non-synonymous, words).

    As a rule, the police also have this problem remembering that they’re just the professionals being paid to do it, not that we’ve surrendered our rights and powers to them.

  3. He’s a f***ing communist who pisses all over the Constitution that he has sworn, several times, to defend and protect.
    This tweet is not the worst he has perpetrated. In his campaign materials he also pushed for the elimination of concealed carry. And no, it does not appear that he wanted open carry in its place.
    Don’t call him a veteran — call him a traitor.

  4. “ This script is getting really tiresome.”

    True, but it doesn’t need to change. They own it all.

    As for this asshat clown..
    Yeah, i’d love to talk to soldiers under his command.
    A Marine, hahahahahaha. Yeah

  5. I once lived next to an Air Force base. That makes me as much a pilot as he is a gun expert.

  6. SSSSSOOOOO “get them off the street” just leave mine th fuk alone…. funny how these morons cant see the problem. Go after the CRIMINALS. Stop making Americans into criminals

  7. As a Marine officer, I patrolled with an assault weapon for four years.

    This, as we know, is a factual lie.

    “Assault weapon” has a very specific legal definition. Part of that definition is that it is a semi-automatic rifle. If it were full-auto — like, say, a M-4E1 — it would legally be classified as a “machine gun”.

    He did not patrol with an “assault weapon”. The USMC does not issue semi-auto-only rifles, nor does any other military on the planet.

    And when one of these Leftist military brats comes out in favor of restrictions on our freedoms, that’s a good response, but it needs a little extra: “F@#k you and f@#k your service if you think your service gives you the right to deny people their civil liberties which you swore an oath to support and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

  8. People who use the term “assault weapon” to describe a semi-automatic rifle have already designated themselves as unreliable narrators.

    People speak in euphemisms when their inadequate vocabulary doesn’t allow them to use accuracy in language, and/or when their intent is to manipulate the listener.

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