Via Wirecutter.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — Metro Police have arrested a man accused in a road rage and separate armed robbery, both crimes involving a pistol stolen during a vehicle burglary.
According to Metro Police, 19-year-old Tyler Al-Shemari is currently being held in lieu of $145,000 bond on charges of aggravated robbery, vehicle burglary and three counts of aggravated assault

Al-Shemari cut off a pickup truck in a Toyota Yaris causing them to slam on brakes. In the truck was a 36-year-old Portland man, his 35-year-old wife, and their 17-year-old son.
Al-Shemari pulled into the parking lot of the Walmart on Nolensville Pike and the family followed to confront him. They told Metro Police that Al-Shemari pointed a pistol in their direction, causing them to drive out of the lot.

About an hour later, a 42-year-old resident on Legate Court in South Nashville saw a suspicious person, later identified as Al-Shemari, trying to break into his neighbor’s car. Al-Shemari approached the 42-year-old victim; pointed a pistol at him and demanded his money, phone, and wallet. Al-Shemari then fired a shot into the air.

Officers found the Glock .40-caliber pistol that Al-Shemari was carrying showed that it was stolen during a February 19 vehicle burglary on Benzing Road.

Man arrested in road rage and armed robbery involving stolen pistol in South Nashville

Once again:  You are not practicing Gun Safety by leaving a firearm in the car without some sort of protection against burglars.

This last weekend put me and the Missus to the test in this sense. If the truck was carrying the long guns, it was never left unattended. The same applied to the hotel room and even making a pit stop somewhere: Guns were always under the eye of one of us. Only “exception” was at the range, but we figure somebody strange and stupid would not reach very far before being used for moving backstop.

The second lesson is one again of Ego unchecked. I am going to seriously speculate that Portland man wanted to confront Mr. Al-Shemari because he felt insulted by his uncouth driving behavior and wanted satisfaction. The only thing he got was a family member slightly wounded and the need to explain to his insurance company why the car is full of holes. It was not worth it.

OK, carry on. I got guns to clean still.

PS: Yes, I know. I have to take the Missus out for a nice meal to make up for her turns standing guard.  

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.