J. Kb

I’m convinced this is Russian disinformation

First was Colbert:

Now it’s Bette Midler:


Is there not one PR person on Hollywood calling up celebrities saying: “Look, I know you want to look like you are caring but the American people are really struggling with the economy.  Telling them to pay more in gas is a bad image and you shouldn’t do it.”

I’m starting to believe that this us Russian disinformation.

I can’t think of something that will turn the American people against Ukraine faster than doubling their gas and food bills and telling them it’s a sacrifice for Ukraine.

Answer: Being 100% honest


That’s not a typo, it’s a Freudian slip.

The Woke Left in campus hates Jews and has significantly increased anti-Semitism on campus unger the guise of anti-Zionism and pro-Palestinian rights.

I think we have angered the Old Gods



I do not want to go back to normal, I want vengeance




I don’t know why the Left is hastening the breakdown of society.

I don’t think they understand what is waiting for them at the end of that road.

I am getting so much millage out of this meme because it’s exactly how I feel.

I hope and pray this is a parody

This is giving me a severe case of Poe’s Law dissonance:


There is an actual Metro UK article on this company.

Feminist organisation seeks support for state-of-the-art Vulva Spaceship design

Jasmin Mittag, Founder of Wer braucht Feminismus? and campaign manager of WBF Aeronautics, said: ‘Space is for everyone. With our mission, we prove to the world that gender equality even has a place in space.

‘We are not only inspiring space travel, but we’re also rewriting the gender narrative.’

There is also a Change.org petition to launch it.

Help us strive for gender equality in space with a revolutionary spaceship

So if it is a parody, it’s brilliant that got people to buy it as legitimate.

If it’s legitimate then STEM and space exploration is dead, and our societal rot us now terminally gangrenous.

I hope it’s a parody but I’m terrified that it’s not.