J. Kb

George Takei can go f*ck himself with his patriotism

He’s worth $14 million.

Five dollars for a gallon of gas and a pound of chicken might not affect him but I don’t collect royalties and appearance fees from a TV show 53 years ago to feed my kids so no, this isn’t patriotic to me, it’s a kick in the dick.

I changed my mind, there is one group of Americans I do want to send to Ukraine

The Clinton family.

With reports that the Russians are bombing civilian targets, I’m reminded that it was Bill Clinton in 1994 who convinced the Ukrainians to give up their nuclear weapons.

I think therefore it’s fair that the Clintons be shipped to Ukraine to be human shields for Ukrainian civilians.

Either Putin will avoid dropping bombs on the Clintons or the Clintons will have the same fate as the people they disarmed.

This seems fair to me.

Nikki Fried continues to run on T&A


“I’m running against Ron DeSantis on a platform that is unpopular with everyone but the most radical Leftists, but before you decide who to vote for, have you seen my tits?”

Their attempts at gaslighting me is really starting to piss me off

For a few days I have watched as media personalities and politicians have called DeSantis a “Karen” and a “bully” who berated and abused innocent children for wearing masks.

These are the same media personalities and politicians who forced children to wear masks all day in school and when outside playing sports.  Who made kids sit outside in freezing weather to take off their masks to eat.  Who punished, suspended, and expelled kids from school because the kids didn’t want to wear masks.

All of a sudden these people are the defenders of children from a bully who said they could wear masks if they wanted but they (the masks) are useless COVID theater.


I don’t accept that.

I refuse.

The more they try the angrier I get.

“I made your toddler wear a mask for two years so now he has a speech impediment but how dare you bully kids telling them to take off their masks.”

I’m going to keep posting this meme because it’s exactly how I feel about this.


Both the laws of self defense and gravity are racist


Anyone, everyone, who understands the basics of self defense laws knows that warning shots are illegal.

You have the right to defend yourself.

Even Black people.

You do not have the right to fire off a gun into the air.

I blame the media and politicians like President Biden who portray warning shots as a good and/or legal action.

Bullets that go up come down, sometimes hitting innocent people far away.

But trust race baiting dumbasses like Tariq Nasheed not to understand that so state that self defense is denied to Black people because of racism and for one of his supporters to then not understand how gravity and ballistics work so claim that a very dangerous act is only illegal because of racism.


I want to see this Ukrainian tactic in the United States

Ukrainians ‘taping looters to lamp posts as they try to capitalise on Russian invasion’

Ukrainians have resorted to taping looters to lamp posts and telephone poles after local media services reported spikes in looting during the Russian invasion, it has been reported.

Taking matters into their own hands, Ukrainian locals have banded together to start taping looters up to telephone poles and lamp posts in the hopes of stopping them from capitalising on the Russian invasion.

“Locals are trying to stop the looters and bandits by themselves.”


People like order and when government fails to enforce order the people will do it themselves, and generally harsher than government.

In this case I don’t blame the Ukrainian government because it has bigger fish to fry.

So the people are dealing with the problem directly.

In California, the government has failed to enforce the law because of political ideology.

I’d love nothing more than to see an uprising where when customers see some piece-of-shit stuffing a trash bag full of stuff at a store, they gang rush the piece-of-shit and duct tape him to a light pole.

In some cases the Ukrainians are stripping the looters naked before taping them up.  A bare ass exposed in the Ukrainian winter.

I’m thinking a bare ass exposed to a southern California sun in summer will be extra incentive not to reoffend.

In such cases the slow response time of the police is a benefit.

“Hello, 9-1-1, there is a looters taped to a telephone poll outside the CVS.”

“We will have an officer respond sometime tomorrow.”

This is frontier justice I can get behind.